Your preferred language and framework for web development

I've tried PHP with Slim and Twig, NodeJS with VueJS, JSP.

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C with nginx.

not now, grand pa.

>grand pa.

pajeet, go home

At least use Spring or Java EE or something like someone who isn't pursuing their associate's degree

Also C#/.NET is comfy, I just wish Mono performed anywhere near acceptable on Linux.

True pajeetry is thinking C is a good choice for web development.

NodeJS + React remains to be my favorite after three years of Angular development.

NodeJS is the best fucking thing ever.
Simple code, easy to make and connect anything, no bloat and holy shit I love npm.
>Sup Forums hates it for no fucking reason whatsoever other than to feel superior.

Do you have an expert opinion with regards to React vs VueJS? Why did you choose React over Vue?

I want to learn Vue because I read that over all it's better than React.

I wonder if they could share with us their preferred language and framework to do web development.

Making crud apps? Ruby on Rails. Simple Backend web services? Flask or Sinatra depending on libraries needed and what else might be involved.

I'm learning python in general for a machine learning course, is it worth spending time to learn flask for web development over another framework?

unfortunately Node is the best for apps with very dynamic behaviour despite javascript being one of the most retarded languages. No other solutions can give you the option to cleanly render React/Vue components at the server side like Node

Nginx with its Perl module.

>javascript being of the most retarded languages.
I completely agree.

On a side note, what do you use? React or Vue?

I don't know which front end framework to learn between the two of those. What would you recommend?

For me it's Python. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

JS is one of the best and most powerful languages

What is your preferred web framework on Perl?

None really. I just set my projects up in a certain way that I consider my "framework" and a lot of code can just be copied from project to project.

Python looks like an awesome language, I've bought a book to learn it (mainly for automating stuff) and also to get started with machine learning.

What is the framework and IDE you're using and for web development using python?

pic related, the book I bought.

that's why they've been slapping together features that true OOP languages have had for decades, right? and that's also why typescript and coffeescript exist and are popular choices.

Rails + Postgres+ some JS

made most recently

JS is better than 'true OOP'. prototypes are better. typescript and coffeescript exist because plebs cant fathom its power


btw, coffeescript is dying out, typescript has completely taken its place

and what is typescript? basically javascript with types (and some completely useless bloat). and types are harmful.

I use PyCharm as an IDE, the community edition is free software if that's your thing. For web frameworks there are a few decent ones like Django, Flask and Pyramid. I use Flask because it's lightweight as fuck.

why are types harmful in your opinion?

Node + express, Java + spring, and go + gorilla depending on the requirements


learn flask
it's piss simple and lets you get something up and running in no time
it's not the right choice for larger things, but there's loads of simple things that'd take a bunch of effort for no reason with another framework

Common Lisp and Clack/Woo.

Python is taught in machine learning courses because the instructor was taught it by his instructor, and so on. They will say it has great libraries for data science/ML, but most major languages do either out of the box or 3rd party. Python is slow as shit especially for data heavy applications and it's downright retarded for web use. The only reason they teach Python in these courses is because it's easy to learn and use, but it's just dumb for use in commercial applications.


back: Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Kotlin
front: React, MobX, Typescript

PHP and laravel for big applications / PHP and yii2 for quick small projects. Express js and Ruby on rails are pretty good too.

PHP, and a bespoke framework.

Vue JS if I absolutely have to use cancerscript on the front-end.

Frontend: Vue.js
Backend: Go, as vanilla as possible

This stack is basically sex.

Because they make pajeets tremble

Any Elixir/Phoenix fans?
What are your thoughts?

They're very nice. I love the language and I like some of the things Phoenix does like plugs for example. I'll wait a couple of years for it to get battle-tested by hipsters and mature.

I think one of the more important things is the amount of community support, which React right now has much more of than Vue.

Vue also seems more popular in Eastern countries while React is more popular in Western countries.

Another thing to consider is native mobile support which is becoming much more popular nowdays. Angular and React both have their own native libraries/frameworks. It's great because you don't have to worry about learning the SDK for Android/iOS and you can use the same code base for all platforms.

React Native (although nearly about 2 years old) still needs a lot of work (especially with Navigation libraries) but the development on it is quite rapid. There's been nearly 11,000 commits in 2 years and a release every two weeks since it started. On the other hand I don't see Vue coming up with a native mobile framework any time soon.