What are the easiest citizenships to get?

What are the easiest citizenships to get?

I want to have dual citizenship or even more

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Nauru and Portugal literally give them away for money, probably more countries like that exist.



Paraguay is apparently the easiest

Fun fact, you can get our citizenship living for 2 years in our southern province...

This explain why Ushuaia is filled by bolivians.


Italian is pretty easy to get too

Are there any easy shitty asian countries like cambodia or something?

I'm embarassed to use a USA passport at the airport

>I'm embarassed to use a USA passport at the airport

It's like a certificate of being a retard

I thought it was for all the parts of Argentina.

También podrán obtener la naturalización cualquiera sea el tiempo de su residencia los extranjeros que acrediten las siguientes circunstancias:

a) haber desempeñado con honradez empleos en la Administración Pública Nacional, Provincial o Municipal o en el Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sud, dentro o fuera de la República.

b) haber servido en las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas o haber asistido a una acción de guerra en defensa de la Nación.

c) haber establecido en el país una nueva industria, introducido una invención útil o realizado cualquier otra acción, que signifique un adelanto moral o material para la República.

d) hallarse formando parte de las colonias establecidas o que se establecieren en cualquier punto del país.

>e) habitar o promover el poblamiento del Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sud.

f) tener cónyuge o hijo argentino nativo.

g) ejercer la docencia en cualquiera de sus ramas.

>tfw missed out on Irish "muh heritage" citizenship by just a few years

How long does it takes to become a resident?

>e) habitar o promover el poblamiento del Territorio Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sud.

So I don't have to live there, I could just promote other people living there and get citizenship?

If you have money? Most of them. Very few countries have banned selling of citizenship - it's just terribly expensive.

A few countries have tried this and have had bad experiences though so they don't want rich peoples' shit.

>tfw want to retire in california but don't have 500k to invest in community centers for citenzship, don't have a phd, don't have a marriage opportunity, don't have anything


Just come here for six months at a time.

No you acting like an American certifies you as a retard

That send you back into:

>c) haber establecido en el país una nueva industria, introducido una invención útil o realizado cualquier otra acción, que signifique un adelanto moral o material para la República.

Illegal immigration exists you know.
I did it, turned out just fine.

Israeli citizenship is pretty easy to get if you're Jewish.

Paco, Jose and Juanita just hop over the border

One can spot Mexicans a mile away but no one can tell if you're Canadian

Pretty easy to get a european one.They pratically hand those for muh heritage fags.I have two native grandmothers ,one black grandfather and one italian grandfather and got my quite fast

Ours. You don't even need to know the language.

>c) haber establecido en el país una nueva industria, introducido una invención útil o realizado cualquier otra acción, que signifique un adelanto moral o material para la República.

So is promotion of population of the TDF Province *sufficient*? (Is it a moral & material contribution to Argentina?)

Or does c) require another moral/material contribution?

Britain doesn't want me back. :-(

For Brazilians, Portugal and Italy is pretty easy to get

Is Spain, France, or Italy easy to get?

nearly all countries do mate, question is how much money

Well you DID throw their tea into the ocean

Taxes are oppression!

Che qué lindo eso

>What are the easiest citizenships to get?
