How many games efficiently use more than 4 cores? I'm waiting

How many games efficiently use more than 4 cores? I'm waiting.

Now tell me again why you need more than 8 cores.

You don't

you lost

A lot, my games usually use 8 cores on 16.

Why is the pepe so smug if he's getting tortured?

Why doesn't wojak just stop torturing pepe?


quake champions

why do Sup Forumsirgins even come to this board? do they think their trolling attempts are funny or something? such low iq...

>Sup Forums
You're a fucking braindead retard OP, please neck yourself the next chance you get so we can be spared from future posts written by you

>buy an inferior processor the post

wow your a frickin pervurt m8

It is fetish mate.

Compiling Gentoo


He said game, you inferior dumb 2-digit IQ weeb attention whore tripfag.

Because no matter what happens to him he's already won.

How is competitive Gentoo installing not a game? It's literally a sport

I'm really curious why in the minds of gaymen the only thing you could do with a PC is gaming

What else would we use a PC for? Besides shitposting, of course.
We are all NEETs.

every good game uses at least 8 threads

rekt and burried

>tell me again why you need more than 8 cores
To run machine learning algorithms WHILE playing games.

worst pepe ever

Battlefield 1

First show me where I said I need 8 cores for gaymen.

>85+% of the board is about or related to games, multimedia and other manchild-related garbage but when someone makes a post criticizing the consumertards instead of jerking them off for being able to spend lots of money on their toys they try to deflect and rationalize their sheepishness by attacking "muh games"
keks me every time
go back to your speccy threads kids

I was about to say that, and I can't think of another one right now...

bf1, doom
