Last semester 32 people out of 40 were Hispanic in my math course

>Last semester 32 people out of 40 were Hispanic in my math course
>Think maybe it'll be different in a summer course
>30 students, 28 Hispanics
Ayudais me por favor.

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"Hispanic" is a dumb term. Is it Mexican? Is it Black Caribbean? Is it Brazilian? Is it white criollo? Is it European from Iberia? Chicano? pure native South American? Descendants of Germanic dispora in the Southern Cone? Mulatto born in the Amazonas? You often put all of these and more into the "Hispanic" category.

They are surely all Mexican.

Of note: two Asians joined the class in the time since I posted.

>They are surely all Mexican.

Then call them Mexican.

Oy vey

This country is ours now, amigo

Im not Hispanic fuckface we were a country 300 years before Spain even existed

Alberto Barbosa is enojadinho

>Urraca (April 1079 – 8 March 1126) was Queen of León, Castile, and Galicia, and claimed the imperial title as suo jure Empress of All the Spains[1] from 1109 until her death in childbirth, as well as Empress of All Galicia.[2]

>Empress of All the Spains
How many Spains we talking about?

Several Spains

I dont see Spain, the country, there. Just a bunch of kingdoms that would later form a country.


Not my problem.

An unspecified plurality.


>mfw asturians liberated moortuguese from the caliphate

When will moortuguese thank us? Fucking ungrateful bastards.

>Vímara was a vassal of the King of Asturias, Alfonso III, and was sent to reconquer and secure from the Moors (Arabs and Berbers who had invaded Visigothic Hispania), in the west coastal fringe of Gallaecia, the area from the Minho River to the Douro River, including the city of Portus Cale, later Porto and Gaia, from where the name of Portugal emerged.


Don't try to argue with them. Northern Catalonia, down to Barcelona, has been free and Christian for about 1100 years, but those Spanitards still want to believe that we somehow have anything to do with Castille or Craplusia

Last semester
38 students in class, 38 were mexican
Send ayuda

>roleplaying as countries

Who the fuck is roleplaying? Go create some more dumb terms

please tell us how many mexicans passed.

So white people don't take the math course?
Also, did you failed it?

how were their grades?
how many of them are good students and how many are bad?

serves you right for going to a low tier uni

Euros didn't even have zero while Aztecs had. Hispanics have a natural inclination towards maths!! I saw this in a movie where some teacher took a poor class of hispanics and made it math champions or something!

This is some confusing shit. What do you call their race then?

And they were so good white people got jealous and thought they were cheating! Similar things happen with Chinese international students who jealous white people put down by claiming they cheat.



Chinese cheating scandal was a legit thing though at UoT

>expecting an american to care even a little bit about hispanic ethnicity

>whites complaining because we're trying to better ourselves
Would you prefer us out on the streets, chimping out like the niggers?

well, i'd like to say it's gonna be alright, but since there's been a lot of shit happening since Trump, i recommend don't mention that (in case some hate him) and don't make eye contact because they might get angry (don't fully comprehend why it happens, it just happens)

brazilian are lumped together with the "hispanics"? i thought they were barbosas n shiieet

top kek