I just got a Google Home. What can I do with it?

I just got a Google Home. What can I do with it?

Other urls found in this thread:


light it on fire.

install ubootoo

Alexa? What time is it?

Open the package and give us an unboxing review using photos. I'm waiting.

Do a drop test from an airplane


what you will do with it:
>ask it what the weather is for today/week
>ask what day it is

that's what you paid for

"do a barrel roll"

Get spied on.

Google is so relevantly humorous and hip!

Use your phone google/siri and have them talk to each other


It just plays the song on YouTube.

if their browser and their services weren't enough you now have their botnet on your house, nice

Well, I need to have their botnet if I want to use it. It is pretty cool though. I tried casting my music to it.

Your definition of "pretty cool" must be pretty lame
Also, nice 1970's power strip, if you ever want to burn your house down, burn your family alive, and claim fire insurance just plug that space heater into it and leave it running

throw it in the garbage


I think that's the point

>Okay Google, when does my wife's son's school day end?

I just thought it was cool because I don't usually have or use this stuff. I didn't even buy it. It came free with my purchase of a refrigerator and a stove.

Are you trying to kill a baby by starting a fire?


that was literally the point so you don't look like you have a fucking robot in your living room

You need to read this

Hey OP, say something to your Google Home and then look at this.

Enjoy ads and botnet 24/7

threaten national security in front of it

go back to (((reddit)))

You know you could of just minimised the botnet and searched it instead of yelling out like a faghot "HEY ALEXA WHATS THE TIME" or "HOW MUCH DO 17 INCH GOOGLE DILDOS COST?"
