Dedicated GPS unit or cellphone/tablet with Google Maps for driving?

Dedicated GPS unit or cellphone/tablet with Google Maps for driving?

Pros/cons and why do you prefer which?

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If you already have a smartphone, then get a fucking mount and use it as your GPS.

You don't need to clutter your life with MORE shit.

Phone. In my experience, Google maps on a phone is more accurate and updates traffic reports way faster than a dedicated GPS unit.

Tablet with built in GPS. You can then download maps for offline use through google maps. I personally have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 running LineageOS for this reason. I get a tablet for Sup Forums and YouTube and a GPS in 1 device.

I don't have unlimited data so I use a 3rd party GPS map on my phone that works offline.

It gets updated every 1~3 months, has radar/laser speed trap warnings and warns where police like to hide. Much better than dedicated GPS units that get dropped when a new model comes out.

Does anybody have any experience with setting up a Raspberry Pi as a car computer with GPS navigation?

If you're not going off the beaten track use your phone.
Anything else you may need something stronger to get signal. But generally a handheld GPS unit that just spits out coordinates, and a roughly accurate physical map will do in that case.

>getting a RasPi to work with with a satellite receiver, let alone have it drive a meaningful interface over a GPS service

Not going to happen, kiddo. Go back to emulating shitty Nintendo games.

Excuse me friend.

>Dedicated GPS unit
+ Good gps antenna/receiver
- Overpriced, shitty interface, hard or impossible to pirate maps, no real-time traffic indicators

>Google Maps
Why would you use non=offline maps and allow google to track your movement?

>his car doesn't have integrated GPS
what are you, poor?

Joke's on you, I don't even have a car.

I actually need a GPS for my work and I use sone old xperia U as GPS

>his car doesn't have integrated GPS
All built-in car nav is shit. Well tesla is the only exception.

Protip: If you're on Android, you can download Google Maps for offline.

If you don't want to use your main phone as a GPS unit for some reason, just go get some shitty old Galaxy S3 off ebay for dirt-cheap, download all the maps over WiFi, and leave it in your car on the charger.

must be an american thing. works fine in Audi.

I prefer dedicated gps because it just werks and a good Garmin can be had for $100 with lifetime updates. Modding a tablet or old cell is not something I wasn't to waste my time screwing around with to get it to work as well.

Google maps doesn't support the special local traffic rules regarding roads that motorcycles can't access here.

Forgot to mention that.

Is there an app that stores the map of the continental US locally?

New cars are shit

...But dedicated GPS units do?

Also, look into Waze and other GPS programs. I can't imagine NOBODY makes a GPS app that doesn't account for whatever fucked-up rules and laws your area has.

Which so do you use? Have you tested other ones? Which model do you have?

I already said I use a 3rd party GPS app in my original post and not a dedicated GPS unit.

The only problem is that unless you have an older car, it already has everything built in already.

>3rd party GPS app
What app is that?