So... this... this is the power of GNU/Linux..!

So... this... this is the power of GNU/Linux..!

Hey look! It's that idiot that accidentally posted this on /biz/
Everyone point and laugh!

Holy shit, is that true?


Actually, that's the power of GNOME - which can run on Windows if you were mental.
I guess you could imply it's the GUI of GNU/Linux as GNOME is a GNU project.

More of that blue haired and less of that old bitch pls.

That's the power of gnome devs

>not using KDE

My daughter Renge is so cute

I think I'm stuck in a timeloop guys, please help.

btw I made it wrong twice


Not even worth the effort to make it once, let alone 3.

Using KDE doesn't help gtk apps

>using gtk programs and calling them 'apps'

People have been using the term "apps" since the 70's, I'm so sick of you children getting annoyed by it, just because you didn't hear it all the time because you didn't work in the industry doesn't mean it didn't exist before your mobile shit. I'm 2 seconds away from launching the "Get off my fucking lawn" app on your ass.

>Implying the term wasn't popularized by tech illiterate fruitfags in the early 00's.
Ok bringer of knowledge.

i don't get it

I'm not implying that at all, I mentioned it explicitly. The fact that it's more popular now doesn't change anything, dingus. Take your L.

>The fact that it's more popular now doesn't change anything
Yeah it does, it changes the fact that you hear it all the time now. How does it feel to be retarded? Has it always been this severe?

Who fucking cares though, why do you? Why should people stop saying "apps" and what should they say instead? I'm not going to call them "progs", I'm not going to call them something new you make up either just because it's no longer hip to call things "apps" because the mainstream does too. I hate you hipsters so fucking much. Dude stop calling them apps, start calling them wizzle-dos, nobody calls them that so it's cool and underground, fuck brevity my man :okay-hand-sign-emoji:.

You're the fucking retard, 'apps' is (or was) the hipster way of saying it, now everybody fucking does it. Call them programs or applications or whatever the fuck they're actually called, don't invent some new bullshit word purely for the sake of sounding cool and trendy and shit.

>Why should people stop using hipster abbreviations instead of correct language?
Wew lad.

Topkek, you got baited this hard? Point and laugh newfags.

>is or was
You don't even know what you're talking about, how can you try and argue when you don't even have confidence in what you say? Why are you using "you're" instead of "you are", shorthand is for hipsters, you wouldn't use a term like "apps", would you?

>abbreviations are not correct
>abbreviations are hipster




>app is not a hipster abbreviation
>abbreviations are perfectly correct
Lad, just stop your embarrassing brain gymnastics already.

>using bloated ass toolkit that is unstable and glitchy
>using pulse audio
>not using just a minimal window manager

do you like screen tearing?

Do you like not having a proper file picker? And what screen tearing? We're not talking about Xfce here.

>screen tearing
Where did this meme come from? I've been using Xfce for years and I've never had screen tearing at all.

Fine, I'll concede for now but only because you're being so stubborn. You should try being less autistic about word choice though, it's bad for your own self. More over you shouldn't assume that you know all of history, you only know what you know from some arbitrary point in time, just because you never heard a word before, doesn't make the word new, it's just new to you. I don't see what's so insane about that, I do see insanity in getting upset over word choice when it makes perfect sense.

>file picker
its a file manager

i prefer to use MC or ranger

gui wise spaceFM is pretty nice with bash customization

>You should try being less autistic about word choice
>I'm so sick of you children
>I hate you hipsters so fucking much
Your autism is showing lad.

>doesn't make the word new
It's not about the word being 'new' dumbass. It's about the word not being a word and used in favor of actual words that exist already. Honestly, how did you get this retarded, has it been like this since birth?

>your own self

Try to be less of an illiterate.

That's not right in a contextual sense nor a lexical one, dingbat. "your self" and "yourself" are not always interchangeable.

>using a word popularized by colonial brits
hipsters please go

so quirky mate

lmao so this... the power of a wincuck

I don't want to be too rude, "mate".

No you want to be quirky and 'different', well done.

Thanks but that's not my intent. I don't know how to convince you otherwise, sorry you're more jaded than I am I guess, dingaling.

>that's not my intent
Yes it is, you're just ashamed of it being called out so bluntly. It's ok sweetheart.

Isn't it a bit ironic that you're mad about someone being different when you were mad about people using a popular term, while you use your clubhouse meme lingo to try and fit in.

>It's ok sweetheart
If it is then what's your problem? What do you want from me? Is it my attention?


I don't think that means what you think it means kiddo.

>what's your problem?
again lolwat? I have no problems mate, you are the one trying to defend your retardation here.

Well whatever, I guess I'm reading you wrong. I just hope you're not being disingenuous with me or yourself.

It's ok sweetheart.

It's never okay.

Drag & drop from you're file manager.

No icons in file picker....may as well bare my ass to the botnet.
Fuck off, Pajeet.

Fuck off pedo