Does anyone whose native language isn't english ever sit and ponder how much your life has changed since you became...

Does anyone whose native language isn't english ever sit and ponder how much your life has changed since you became fluent in English?

>tfw prior to age 13 my English was babby Tier
>tfw gradually became fluent due to TV shows, Sup Forums etc
>tfw now able to follow music and its lyrics along rather than just yell gibberish that somehow matches the phonetics of the song
>tfw communicating with foreigners from all countries on a Finnish forklifting forum for the better part of 6 years
>tfw I've Gained the ability to talk to close to a billion of people I could not have conversed with before

It's crazy how yet again the Anglo is getting away with imposing his ways on the world

Is that a bad thing?

I wish I had vocal chord parasites so I wouldnt have to speak to anyone

It boggles my mind how many Germans my own age are absolutely horrid at English and willfully limit their access to communication and information this way. I have people in my class that are adults who have graduated school and still don't manage to form a single correct sentence in English, let alone understand any of it.

Not really, no. I don't even remember the time when I couldn't speak English. And all of my friends know it well enough to browse the Anglo web and watch American tv shows undubbed.
It just feels natural, like it's always been that way.


>tfw I've Gained the ability to talk to close to a billion of people I could not have conversed with before

I often think about how unbelievably different our generation is from our parents. My parents think I'm anti-social because I spent all my time in my room on my computer. But in the average week I have online conversations with hundreds of different people from dozens of nationalities, while they're limited to the same handful of people in one town in one country. Every so often it strikes me just how limited their lives are.

just imagine people actually had to travel to meet other cultures instead of sitting on their fat ass all day! what a torture!

Speaking English has allowed me to read the immense collective work of the greatest philosophers Sup Forums and Leddit have to offer.

>I have online conversations with hundreds of different people from dozens of nationalities
And yet most of these conversations revolve around who is whiter, who is cucking who and who >gets shot.

Not at all, it's just mind-boggling. I find myself thinking in English every now and then and when I stub my little toe or some other nuisance my go-to swear word is usually Fuck.
I also hardly consume German media any more, since TV shows here are just knock-offs based on US/UK media. The exception of course is the German Version of The Office, it beats American and Brit versions by a considerable margin

>be English
>only speak English
>assume everyone else speaks English when traveling
>they always do


>Does anyone whose native language isn't english ever sit and ponder how much your life has changed since you became fluent in English?
I've spent way more time here than I'd like to admit.
Not sure if it has really improved anything.

You're welcome.

So much this.
And yet, i think it's worse in france than in Germany;

Yeah, it's really annoying in MMOs particularly. Germans literally can't string together a sentence in English, so whenever I'm in a group with Germans I have to speak my horridly uninflected German to them.

>tfw now able to follow music and its lyrics

that's a bad song desu, it was better when i didn't understand the meanign, now it's cringy

>tfw I've Gained the ability to talk to close to a billion of people I could not have conversed with before

talking if for women

>talking if for women
... he said.

I shitpost

They don't, though.

>he doesn't have a secret club language as backup

that's because you went only to tourist traps

but probably you didn't ever set foot out of your basement

It's convenient, desu. Still learning another language though, because why not?

>>tfw communicating with foreigners from all countries on a Finnish forklifting forum for the better part of 6 years

How German of you.

the nefarious Terrible Secret of English is that anyone and everyone can understand, so long as you SPEAK VERY SLOW-LY AND CLEAR-LY and pantomime your words using your arms and body

'where is the toilet'? - no problem!
'help, i believe that man just robbed me' - easy peasy!
'your ugly wife makes me want to gouge out my eyes and stub cigars in the sockets' - but of course!

I thought British people all smoked pipes.

It's pretty cool to play vidya and not to depend on spanish translations.

Literally all academic journals worldwide are in English, how can anyone get higher education without becoming fluent in English?

in the hypothetical scenario i'm talking to a swarthy foreign man, who has an ugly wife and is smoking a cigar

>Finnish forklifting forum

>this is what Anglos actually believe

It's also a Mongolian knitting forum.

>since you became fluent in English
When did that happen?

>dominant languages are killing unique and interesting languages all over the world, including Europe

It is actually quite amazing. Thanks to English I am able to watch thousands of animes. I can read about stuff without visiting the library, online. I can communicate with people. Without English I'd only be able to watchlike five animes, if even that.

>everyone is complaining about Arabs invading us, but Anglos are the ones killing our languages and our cultures and everyone thinks it's cool

I bet Sweden's youth not only solely responsible for but is actually ecstatic about the inevitable death of their language.

It is.

How's your summer vacation going? Got good grades?

Wow, Sweden really is full of degenerates.


Also i can write, listen, read english very well

but when i have to speak i go full retard when it comes to finding the right words with the accent so i end up babbling intelligible bullshit or sentences full of holes

No worries here m8, in my neck of the woods people maintain their regional accents for eternity. They also tend to not speak English as well, I was raised by MTV and the Internet so I'm the exception to the rule

I don't imagine English will kill German

Dutch and German will kill Frisian
Parisian French will (much more intentionally) kill every Langue d'oïl, Langue d'oc, Breton, and Basque dialect in France if they don’t change their policy
English will stamp out what remains of Manx and Cornish given half a chance and is likely to continue to eat away at Irish, Welsh, and Gaelic speaking areas. Celtic monolingualism is practically dead, the first stage of language death.

how did english spread to poland?

through the pipelines

Well that's a more realistic scenario
We have a meme language of our own, Plattdeutsch which is only spoken up north and a relative of Frisian.

People just don't see a reason to bother anymore. I'm from Bavaria and it's different here. I mean Bavarian is not an actual language, but it can become down right unintelligible to the untrained ear, so we're almost there. No idea why traditions thrive here more than other parts of Germany

Cartoon Network airing in English, untranslated video games in the 90s/early 00s, mandatory school lessons and exams till you're 18-19.
Also it's not that everyone young speaks perfect English, just that most of my long-time friends are computer nerds and/or university students, so English-speakers are a bit overrepresented.

Most German dialects are critically endagered. You used the word accents, meaning the dialects are already extinct as far as you are concerned. Accents are what remains when the dialect is extinct.

It's not only a question of the label of the language surviving. Sure, you may have something that's called "German", but even if there is an unbroken tradition leading up to the new German, will the language have any value? If it's spoken with English grammar and mostly English vocabulary, is the language really worth keeping at all?

I think Manx can survive in its current state indefinitely, for as long as a Manx identity remains and Isle of Man remains relatively wealthy. Same with Cornish. But it isn't really much of a life. Irish will die, but may end up in a state like Manx that can last forever. Welsh will probably shrink a lot, but there may still be young speakers in 50 years, it's in a slightly better state, but in 50 years it will at best be in the state Irish is today, in the long run Welsh will also die.

>find out the other guy is English
>start speaking like a retard
pip pip cheerio lad

>Isle of Man remains relatively wealthy
this is really the crux isn't it

it'll only take a decade or so of poverty or war and whatever revitalisation of Cornish and Manx they've achieved will pretty much go up in smoke

I've grown up with English and it's more of a native language to me than my actual native language