This is Jeff Dean. He's Google's most valuable engineer. He is behind every big invention at Google...

This is Jeff Dean. He's Google's most valuable engineer. He is behind every big invention at Google... from MapReduce to Big Table to Google Brain.

He also uses Macs. But according to Sup Forums, Macs are no good.

What gives?

Other urls found in this thread:

He works for google, the Commercial variant of the NSA.

That retard doesn't even know how to play that game correctly. You have to do that hand gesture below the waist or it doesn't count.

Why doesn't he use a Chromebook pixel, and Nexus devices?

t. p*sscuck

>paying to post on 4cans

>Why doesn't he use a Chromebook pixel, and Nexus devices?
They're garbage. He knows that better than anyone.

He actually uses Ubuntu Linux on his Workstation. Googlers don't really uses Macs, but for checking Facebook and presentations, all the hard work is doing on their Linux boxes.

Sup Forums is wrong as usual. Because Macs are definitely the best laptop option if you're not poor unemployed Sup Forums peasant.

>not using Chromebook
He's not trusting his own company's product.

>Macs are no good.
Macs are some of the best, most durable, long lasting electronics out there outside of Nokia 3310's. They are, however, extraordinarily expensive, easily damaged by liquid, impossible to fix correctly due to lack of OEM replacement parts, made by a shitty company that is just barely ethical, unable to be tinkered with.

No fucking thanks. If you are so inept that you can't perform general maintenance other then wiping down the screen, get a fucking mac. You are everything that human nature is not, you are an evolutionary dead end that was allowed to live. I want something I need to replace the thermal paste on every year. I want something I can upgrade the RAM when I need additional resources. I want something I can add heatsinks\fans to make it perform more efficiently. I want something made for a tinkerer. I NEED SOMETHING WITH AT LEAST ONE FUCKING USB 3.0 PORT GOD DAMN IT.

was Sup Forums ever right about anything? Sup Forums is always right about shit in politics and /k/ is always right about guns but Sup Forums is always wrong about tech. I think this is because most of Sup Forums is a memeber of the Stallman cult of personality so they're devoid of logical and critical thinking.

>literally doing work for Google for free

I have a MacBook and only use it when I have to. The keyboard is meh, the screen is fucking gorgeous, but I haven't been up a fan of OSX since Tiger or Leopard.

I love you

Oh, and to add to this; I would use Windows 7 on it and really like it. But Windows 7 doesn't scale up to 4K super well.

was meant for

>What gives?
Apple gives them away to companies and orgs as package deals/subsidies, just like Dell, Lenovo, and HP do. This is why some people remember the translucent crt + innards Macs and their ivory white counterparts being in their school around '03, and others remember Dell and HP towers. The OP is not old enough to remember those Macs.

Other times, mostly for companies who already have secured Dell/HP/Lenovo computers, there's just a fuckton of hardware budget to blow through and Apple devices are great for this purpose.

If you want or need a Unix(-like) environment, like really polished UIs, don't want to have to tinker with the environment, and get to spend other peoples' money to get it, Macs are a great choice.
Also, at least when I work as a consultant on a Google X project a while back, Macs were the default system you got. My boss had to make a case for a Windows system.

See that sticker, that's TensorFlow. TF was also written on Macs.

Stay mad mac-hating Pajeets!

How much is he worth?

What did he mean by this?

Hold your hand like this.

This is what it's like to be a mactoddler.

> Google engineer
> uses Macs
>Sup Forums hates Google
> also hates Macs
I don't see the problem here.

He at Work

he said he only uses macs to give presentations

isn't that the white power symbol? wtf

>Googlers don't really uses Macs

Are you fucking retarded or just stupid?
Or maybe you just like to make shit up so you don't feel so bad about your OS that has almost zero market share?

Here dipshit, fucking learn something for a change instead of jerking off to Stalman.

>Not use gentoo
What a fagot

Whoa WHOA easy there Timmy! Holy fuck it sounds like we need to up those meds of yours

Eat the meds say the MAC fagots, not realizing Steve Jobs was a raw vegan and knew better.

Jobs was assassinated btw,just a fucking reminder

Sure alternative medicine works so well agains cancer, just look Steve jobs.

White power

For the plebs here

"What hardware do you use?

At work, I mostly use anHP Z620 Workstationwith an NVidia GPU card in it, running Linux, with a single 30" monitor. For portable uses and for giving talks, I rely primarily on aMacBook Airand sometimes on aChromebook Pixel. I have aNexus 5X Android phone, and also use aNexus 9 tabletfor surfing the web and reading ebooks and technical papers. I use a sit-stand adjustable desk and rely on on the nearby microkitchen's espresso machine quite heavily."

It's very simple. I talked with a co-worker about this just the other day.
We'd both owned macs before and it was disappointing but they're pretty and expensive and work pays for them so that's what we choose.

Well, even as a macfag, tensorflow is awful. Sci-kit learn is where it's at

Lol I'd believe that maybe he has something else installed on his free mac but the part about googlers not running mac is just fucking made up. Good tech companies hand out macs as a perk. My company does it every two years if i wasnt such a layabout i'd sell the old ones. The POS i had 10 years ago sells for 400 dollars still.

>MacBook Air



Notice the hand symbol he's making? He's showing how gaping OP's asshole is

old pic is old. he's now 100% macOS.

Corporate contracts, he uses what he is given. For some companies it's Lenovo, for some it's Dell, for some it's Apple.

Google can buy whatever they want. Yet they all standardized on Macs. Same goes for Facebook... everything's Macs. Twitter, ditto.

Almost all of the Silicon Valley uses Macs.

It goes the other way round - Apple itself offers good deals.

Childhood is hating macs because hand holdey ui with buttons on the left

Adulthood is realizing it's posix compliant and had a decent shell and coreutils all along. Like a non autistic Loonix distro

Remind me, when did paid shills start coming here en masse again?


who would waste actual money to advertise on a board with userbase consisting mainly of neet basement dwellers, teenage wannabe hackers and teenage gay mers? okay, the third group might actually be worth targeting, but not by apple

>window behind him


People say trump got elect by Sup Forums, companies we must control Sup Forums

Yes, people who develop software for Windows, MacOS and Linux use the only machines capable of running all 3. This is only because macOS has no official support outside of macs.

>People who disagree with me are children xD
Love this meme, especially when I use a Mac more often than the majority of you and dislike it.

Y-you too

Rolling 60's. He's really a black gang member from California.

If I were a billion-dollar company, why would I not pay 10 people to shill on Leddit, Sup Forums and whatnot? These communities dictate the whole internet culture