I have windows updates turned off. How the fuck is MS downloading and installing AM_Delta_Patch_1.245.438.0...

I have windows updates turned off. How the fuck is MS downloading and installing AM_Delta_Patch_1.245.438.0.exe on my computer.

I bet you won't do anything about it, pussy

that's where you're wrong bitch. I'm gonna make my own OS and ge rid of all this NSA infested software.

No, you'll take it because you want to play gaymes

block all incoming/outgoing traffic in firewall and add an 'allow' exception for every program that need access.
I use this on win10 and nothing works/everything is broken except firefox and youtube-dl bc those were allowed, can't say for sure that windows respects the firewall rules but so far (7 months) i haven't seen a single automatic update.

Do you have Windows 10? Is it Enterprise edition?

Anything other than Enterprise/Education forces updates regardless of what you choose. Microsoft controls the source code, you can't make any modifications they don't want you to.


Do you plan on reverse engineering the Windows kernel?

no, but a number of other people have made progress at it and published their findings. I don't think it's reasonable to say that I "can't," but it's pretty fair to say that I won't bother.

There's little value in reverse engineering the kernel itself. The best use of time would be reverse engineering certain features (i.e. directx) to port them to other OS's.

>The best use of time would be reverse engineering certain features (i.e. directx) to port them to other OS's.
If you port directx to other OSs then Windows' justification is gone. All the games would be available cross-platform. No more lock-in.

You don't use windows, windows uses you

Do you really believe your safe with your enterprise edition?


Do you feel in control?



>record on camera

are you even murrikan?

>inb4 tos


don't forget about the hardware and other software, even text editors are connecting to the internet now

>Thinking "Windows Updates" is not a null toggle.