Is python really the easiest programming language to learn? What are some examples for programs written in python?

Is python really the easiest programming language to learn? What are some examples for programs written in python?

Python is cancer, learn C or just a low level language.
It's a language for brainlets, and therefore, yes, it is very easy to learn.
Some examples of Python programs;

print 'hello world'

x = 10
y = 20
z = x + y
print z

Don't fall for le "Python is a very good language to understand programming!", it makes you think that all programming languages are as easy as Python, but they are not.

Don't listen to this idiot! Learn Python.

Don't listen to this faggot >What are some examples for programs written in python
Two very good and open source programs are ufw, and youtube-dl.

Go to edx there is a into to computer science course taught by MIT professor, and he teaches Python in that course,currently I'm doing that course it's good.

Isn't golang easier, Sup Forums?

>what if we added garbage collection to C
Enjoy your if errno != 0 and no support for any kind templating.

>print z
>python 2
Python has issues but "for brainlets" is not one of them.
It's easy to learn if all you're doing is school assignments but good luck reading the source code for something full of dark magic like Flask or SQLAlchemy.

>Is python really the easiest programming language to learn?

maybe, its one of them but what people usually mean by python being easy is that its very easily useful and fast to develop in

If you would learn C like the faggot recommends you it would be relatively easy too and close to the metal, but to make actual use of what you learn... that would be extremely difficult

While after learning python for few weeks you actually can start to do useful shit. Want to check Sup Forums and download automaticly pictures of threads with some title? python and like 20 lines of codes...

Python is good for scripting, prototyping and quick math without leaving the terminal.
Don't bother with fuckfaces telling you it's shit, python is widely used you will most likely use it at some point if you're not a retarded neckbear and are open-minded.

>Is python really the easiest programming language to learn?
No. That would be Lua. Unfortunately, Lua isn't good on its own and has no introductorial documentation, so you might as well approach Python instead, for example with Automate The Boring Stuff With Python.
Just keep in mind that
>Don't fall for le "Python is a very good language to understand programming!", it makes you think that all programming languages are as easy as Python, but they are not.

Although that guy is hypocritical recommending C.

Damn I almost missed that picture.

What about games on python? Is it possible?

As long as you keep in mind that you can't handle a big number of entities in real time.
Meaning simple visual novels/click and point adventures and very simple platformers will work, but that's about it.
Take a look at the pygame gallery, it pretty much reflects that.

Give me a good reason why you should learn Python instead of C.

I would suggest you to take a look at many game engine and whatever language they support. As of what game engine is the best to learn that would depend on what type of game you're about to develop.

when you want to make fast a program that just works for a single duty, or you have to prototipe an idea, or you need a really modular program and you don't care about speed, Python just shines

when you need a program that interacts with low level hardware or you just need to handle the memory on your own, or you need it to run fast as fuck, then go to C/C++

there is good software powered by Python like Django for web development (used by Instagram and Pinterest for example)


Yes, that's true, but I mean, if you really want to understand "how a computer works"(e.g. how memory allocation works), you should learn C or C++. I think Python is easy for a reason.

Not that guy, but:
- it's not super tedious and surrounded by abysmal tools
- you can actually get stuff done
- Python community is far less autistic
- you are not mentally crippled once it's time to ascend to C++ or another actually good systems programming language

I agree with you, you'll only learn hoy the computer works if you deal with it on a low level basis, but OP asked if python was an easy to learn language

>"how a computer works"(e.g. how memory allocation works)
you don't learn that anyway, unless you write your custom OS/optimizing allocator/compacting GC

also differences between stack and heap, why passing by value is bad on large objects, etc

That's true, but in Python you e.g. won't learn how big(in size)your string would be, because you don't need to know, but in C you need to know, and therefore you learn it.

True, but that's not important for a beginner. That's when you step up your game and learn C++.

beginners should start coding with python or any other high level language, and then increase difficulty on their own starting with other more complex projects in a lower level languages

That's what I said, yes.

True. I said the things about Python, because I have been programming in Python for about a year and a half, and recently started with C, and I saw that you don't actually learn the "things that are behind your code" in Python, and in C you learn much more about that(not all ofcourse), but yes, you are absolutely right that Python is a good language for beginners.

How about TBS like homm 3? To complicated? What's your suggestions besides python?
Well, im intrested in TBS and FPS.

>Enjoy your if errno != 0 and no support for any kind templating.
Explain? I've been learning a bit of Go on the side lately. The syntax is really easy to grasp so I haven't exactly put a lot of time into it but I also don't want my time wasted.

Easiest to learn is a flawed premise.
We have no idea on what you already know.

I wouldn't recommend python as a first language if that is the question.
Learning a programming language is the easiest part of learning programming.
No school will spend much time on this part.
You can learn any programming language in an hour or two asking questions about languages is a waste of time, it is like carpenters which hammer is the easiest to learn.

Unity for simpler games, godot engine if you want a FOSS engine. This of course will be very subjective.
Tbh, I'm much more to learn by purpose. C# is easy enough for unity and gdscript is python lookalike although it has fewer documentation/tutorial. I believe if you have a purpose on what you're gonna write, you'll gonna have more drive to learn a language.

You are either:
>a very underpaid embedded programmer too scared to change job
>top pleb that only learned C and is butthurt because everyone else had better time learning programming
>an autist NEET that cares about low-level details and maximum efficiency more than getting shit done

Extremely easy and general purpose, so you'll see it in web apps as well as machine learning and data crunching.

I would definitely recommend it for the first programming language.

I mostly use it interactively in ipython for any kind of task - feels good bro.

Everyone disagreeing with this is a brainlet

Why are you so insecure?

Python is nowhere near the easiest to learn if you don't have previous experience in object oriented programming.

pythons hides everything from the programmer meaning you learn everything from a layer of abstraction. this means you don't really know whats going on behind the scenes and that is a really bad way to learn since it just seems like magic and not computer science. Furthermore, the lack of braces and syntax makes code hard to understand for a beginner and also leads to bad practices. Please start somewhere like JAVA, C OR C++ and move on from there.

Why everyone is pretending that a programming language is some sort of one time life choice to save your life. Learn and play with all the languages you want because you know, that will give you much more experience than not learning any and listening to eternal inconclusive flame wars on the internet. You don't even have to spend money on a book or tools these days. You can pirate or just use the free things.

True. They would probably like our Hugo, won't they?


t. Python "programmer"

He's not insecure, he's bitter because he's never been able to fully enjoy programming.

Fake news desu. Learn assembly if you want to know how a computer works

If you actually want to A: get shit done or B: get employed, Python is fine.

>that is a really bad way to learn since it just seems like magic and not computer science.
That may be the case, but for the vast majority of applications, it simply doesn't matter. I would love to live in a world where everything is written in C & C++ and everything runs like a well oiled machine, but we don't and we can live without it. If you want to achieve that vision, you should be attempting to induct management and senior engineers into using C, it's not entry level developers who are picking the popular languages.

The thing is, because Python doesn't force you to spend half your time stuffing about with syntax and typing, it lets you get straight to the business of designing logical systems. You've probably always been good at programming and never noticed this, but that's the bit most people fall down on. You want people who will never be good at programming to realize this quickly and wash out so they don't waste their and everybody else's time. It does a disservice to the vast majority of people who attempt programming by sending them to a language (C/C++) that ties them up in bullshit and takes forever to get to the actual point.

The syntax is easy to grasp because there's not a lot of syntax.
There's not a lot of syntax because there's not a lot of features.
It's literally one step above C.

Lack of exceptions means that you need to constantly check function return values so the "real" code is intertwined with error checking.
Fortunately Go makes resource cleanup in case or errors slightly easier by introducing the defer keyword.

Lack of templating means that you will have to repeat yourself a lot when writing larger programs.
Instead of simply adding generics to the language they opted for a code generation tool which is harder to maintain because it adds another step to your build process.

If your projects needs C with garbage collection by all means use Go but chances are that a higher level garbage collected language is more suitable.

I understand your first point about abstraction. C was the first language I learned so I don't know if learning Python first would make things harder later.

>the lack of braces and syntax makes code hard to understand for a beginner and also leads to bad practices
How the fuck did you come to this conclusion?
I've seen people learning C as their first language who would not indent their code at all or have non-matching indentation throughout.
Honorable mention goes to
if (a > 10)

Whitespace is syntax. It's very hard to fuck up and it's very clear what belongs where.

Some mixed opinions here, Python first, then if you want learn C#/C++/C. Neither of them are more '1337' or "useful", but Python is interpreted rather than compiled so it's quick to run from the terminal.