Have i7 6700k

>have i7 6700k
>can barely oc above 400hz

>old i7 2600k ocs to fucking 4700 from 3400 without a hitch

Fucking meme cpu

Pic unrelated

I thought it was just me, my 6700k will do an extra 400mhz and after that it's not stable and the required voltage shoots up past what would be safe.

Between that and trying to figure out the few dozen overclocking related options in the BIOS (which aren't named the same even for boards from the same fucking manufacturer, and of course aren't described in any actual detail) I gave up, it's not worth it for a piddling 400mhz.


Sweet OC there.


b-but I thought all Intel CPUs were silicon lottery winners out of the box .. ;_;

>caring about OC

Should have delided after buying from siliconlottery you retard

yeah that's why intel sell them with higher stock clocks and ship them with built in boost clock so you cant do shit

Same here Senpai, I really hate falling for this meme. Couldn't wait 2 years for Ryzen, else I would have.
My cheap PSU fried my motherboard, had to get a new system asap, FX 8370 weren't an option anymore, no linear upgrade would've been ever avaliable. Skylake was right next to launch, it was a new socket, figured "Hey, I'll overspend this one time, I'll pay premium, but intel has always been better than AMD and god knows if Ryzen will ever be released"
Maybe I'll use it in an htpc, the tdp must be pretty low, right?

Sounds like you bought poorly optimized hardware, and now expect that same experience. 6700k is miles better than your obsolete 2500k now. And post your 2500k at 4.7 with a timestamp and burn test or no one will believe your lies.

Op here

I7 2600k oc to 4.7 on air ( old ass megahalems)

Prove it.

Ill but you have to wait at least 12 hrs since im not at the machine ;^)

>OC delid lake with no delid
>comparing 2nd gen thermal mustard with 6th gen """""thermal""""" Jizz

Meanwhile my 7700 non-k runs at 4GHz stock.
Feels gud

Implying delidding helps anything but thermals

>4GHz stock
Not in reality.

>What's the silicon lottery guys

>Buying K CPU's to get a measly +500Mhz OC
>Well done OC's won't raise temps like a motherfucker on non delided skylake's
>Not green texting your reply for more validation


>buying new intel cpu for those 5% gains
good goy

>buying non-K i3/i5/i7
Might as well just tattoo "cuck" onto your forehead.

I dunno I got 700mhz out of mine. Is $20 going to bankrupt you? Take your shitty bag of rice and hose water and fuck off.

3570k on 4.6 here. It still has the stock Intel TIM jizz in there. Had it on 4.7 for a while but the extra voltage required isn't worth it.
Also the reported voltage is wrong. I have it set to stock +160mV

ive had a i7 920 for going on 20 years base clock was 2.3? i run it 3.6 24/7 can get it to 4 but the fan makes to much noise

gg intel

and yes that was a typo going on 10 years not 20...

how long did you have your chip run on 1.45v? months? years?


I bought my and overclocked it 1.2GHZ more. Pretty epic.


Blame 14nm litography
the smaller each transistor is the worse OC results you get.

What the fuck do you people even do with multi threading? I highly doubt you faggots render jack shit.

Dude, the 2600k was awesome.
I set mine to 4.5 after plugging it in and it's been stable sense 2011.
When did you start building computers?

>being a corelet

>Justifying your shitty ryzen


Compared to justifying your stuttering housefire?

>justifying stutterfires

>4 cores
>4 threads

>i5fag using his PC as a console coming into a thread whining what others do with their PCs

Must suck having to close literally every program just so that your CPU doesn't stutter like a shit in gayms.

Even consoles have cores dedicated to serving OS/background tasks, lol. Ever since the PS3, in fact.

Fucking hate AMD, totally ruined Sup Forums with their shit, can't even have a real discussion anymore

Intel turboshills and bribers ruined the entire planet.


You fucking lichen don't even know what a voltage/clock curve is, you're incapable of talking about technology, back to youtube.

Jews ruined the entire Universe.


>can't even have a real discussion anymore
>Multiple dedicated trolls/shitposters/retards in every AMD discussion of the past 3 months

I think it's just that one guy and the few tripshits that may or may not use their trips.


seriously though, where is that from? is that shopped?


Amateur hour.

1700 and 1600 are the most sold out chips, why? When they're bad at gaming compared to 1600x and 1700X/1800X because low clockspeed

People are willing to play the silicon lottery and see if they can OC them to 1600X/1800X levels.

cant tell if serious

A small minority of people overclocks, don't kid yourself.

there is barely any "silicon lottery" with ryzens, 99% of them hit a brickwall at 3.9 or 4.0

most/overwhelming majority of gayman do, esp. light OC (which is all ryzen got goin for it), ie. basic upping of the multiplier

the people u're alluding to wouldnt care/benefit about the small increase in speed in regular usage, so u answered ur own question

No they don't, most gaymen children don't have a fucking clue what hardware they have.

>muh STEAM stats of people playing overgaywatch and some indies

My 2600k was stable at 5.0ghz 1.45V
Felt good
Unfortunately my mobo is dying and it won't adjust voltages above 1.32V now.
I only get 4.6ghz 1.32V now

Ya killed it.

should have just got a 6700. once you add the extra cost of an after market cooler on top of the price of a 6700k it doesn't seem worth it.
