Why are people paying 1080 prices for RX 480s

They are all over ebay and craigslist for 350-450$ just because they are sold out. I get they are used for mining but why do people pay 400$ for a card slower than 1070 that's 40-70$ cheaper

late crypto miners thinking they can still get on the crypto train but they still don't know GPU mining is dead.

Install gentoo

Brand loyalty, I suppose.
I wouldn't buy NVidia, but I also wouldn't pay that much for a RX480


New crypto miners are going in and buying used 480/580 for $400+.

Now's the time to sell if you have them.

a lot of the new altcoins are specifically designed to be difficult or impossible to mine with ASICs, only with CPUs/GPUs. ASICs and massive economies of scale is why Bitcoin became so heavily centralized, in contradiction to its goals.

all new altcoins are a meme.

only eth and btc are worthwile.

also if you are not holding you are doing it wrong.

Many of them are, and some are pretty blatant about being pump-and-dump schemes. But I'd be shocked if only btc and eth survived. If nothing else one of the cryptonote coins is going to establish itself, the selling point being better privacy and anonymity than btc.

It's not brand loyalty at all. It's that the 480 gives you more processing power per watt for cryptomining than nvidia cards.

This kind of shit is really bad for AMD, since it means that AMD cards are being kept out of the hands of gamers, and more importantly, kept out of the steam computer survey results. It doesn't matter how many 480s you sell if game devs look at the steam survey and see that 90% of the people there are using nvidia cards when designing their new game engine.

But game engines are designed for consoles, and consoles run AMD.
90%+ PC releases are console ports

ETH it's the main driver behind the current mining tend
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
Even at 400 dollars they still ROI within 6 months, faster than Nvidias cards

isn't eth gonna be asic-only after they switch to proof-of-stake later this year?

No, PoS basically means no mining
There's no real plans for the PoS switch, Vitalik it's full of ahit, they won't switch until late 2018 at best, by then the bubble will be popped

i just sold my two rx480s 4gb for 350 burgerbucks each.

Shit was cash breh

Why doesn't AMD just make more

muh rising prices

What aop is that?

>could have bought a 480 at MSRP but saved a few dollars and bought a 470 because "I only have 1080p anyways!"
>could have bought buttcoins back in 2012

90% of good PC games are PC exclusive, 90% of console ports are AAA Call of Shovelware

Where can I sell my red devil 480?

Miners buying them up, I've sold my 480 which I bought for 240 for 350. And bought a 1080 for 500$ lol.