
why type another line of native python?


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python is a lisp flavored bash
hy is a lisp flavored python
can we go more retarded?

>lisp flavored

>functions are objects
>therefore lisp


can you elaborate? or are you just going to spill the bullsoykaf?

I'm curious about your experience as well.

am i to understand it executes lisp in a python environment?

hy life

Is it like Scala for Python?

Looks interesting

>language to language compiler meme
>source: meh tier language
>target: meh tier environment
Good idea, user.

What could be better than Lisp?

C, Perl, Bash, COBOL, MUMPS, RPG, PHP, JS and VBA. For example, until I find more cancer.
In particular if by Lisp you mean not CL which is the only Lisp I barely accept.


Hell no, there is a reason that CL as a successor isn't hipster-minimalistic and that's because Steele learned from his mistakes.

Do you honestly prefer native Python? I noticed it was missing from your massive list. If not, why not use Hy?

>Functional Python

I don't prefer any of them. That's the point, why - assuming I'd be forced to use the Python environment for some reason - would I go through the trouble and compile some shit tier language into another? That's really like CoffeScript to JS, a.k.a. without actual net gain.
Why would I compile Perl to VB?

Fair enough.

#! /usr/bin/env hy
(print "I was going to code in Python syntax, but then I got Hy.")