Excel for stupid people

My mom keeps calling me to ask stupid questions about excel like "how do I select all columns without the second one?"
Do any of you have similar parents and know a set YouTube tutorials for excel? I'm sick of playing tech support.

Former excel monkey here

You are wasting your time. Tech retards can be taught basic excel 1000 times and will still ask you every single time

my parents are dead

Accountant here... usually when people ask me dumb shit about Excel I will show them at full speed or slowed down slightly, if they can't grasp it that's their problem.

If I care about them or if I'm getting paid for it I will solve the problem by making it into an idiot proof template.

I think being proficient in Excel is a good intelligence-test. I've met several people in my career who have been using Excel for decades who can't grasp some of the most basic features.

If you love your mother, OP, make her templates with lots of notes, and maybe data validation and protection so she can't fuck it up. Color highlights and check figures are your friend.

What is she using Excel for, anyways?

I have the same problem with my mom. She always asks me for help with the same shit over and over. It's like they just don't want to learn.

I'm not even kidding OP

How DO you select all columns, or rows, excluding some particular ones?

you can play around with the shift / ctrl / command (mac) and figure it out, not too hard..

I don't have excel installed, but excel behaves like most other things, so I would guess ctrl + click will select/deselect single rows, columns and stuff.
I use it a lot in my file manager.

That's pretty easy.
But what about the situation where you need ALL the columns except a few. So you press Ctrl+A, and then what?

>What is she using Excel for, anyways?
She manages the personal data (date of birth, address etc.) of members of a kind of society/club. Don't really know how to call it in English. Nothing fancy. She asks me stuff like how to change the format from 31.12.99 to 31.12.1991. Shouldn't this be covered in simple tutorials? If I didn't know this, I'd find it in google in 5 seconds, but she can't use google as efficiently.

You select all and deselect those you don't want by holding ctrl while clicking.

Ctrl+click doesn't deselect.
So if you have to, you're fucked.

just talk to your parents you bastard

Your mom likes you and uses Excel as an excuse to talk to you.
Stop being a piece of shit.

My dad can't even use his smart tv properly and keeps fucking up something and then calls me because he can't watch his dumb shows. I PRESS BUTTONS BUT IT DOES NOTHING.

typical autistic tech support response. how about find out what the real problem is? I'm sure you could solve moms problem without starting with ctrl-a, do you really think she has used every column in the worksheet?

When I visit her and she asks me something, I sometimes have to click the different menus to find the right option or I try something wrong at first. Then she yells at me how incompetent and stupid I am. I don't want to give her excuses to yell at me. She should watch some videos and leave me tf alone with her tech problems.

Tell her to get an outlook.com account, copy the sheet to office online and share it with you.

So when she cant do it its oke, when you try to help her with a software you dont effectively use everyday and forgot location of an option you are incompetent....
Disown or confront

Problem with people like her are they take it for granted, as if it is your duty to magically solve it. Best action is confront her, call her shenenigans or replicate the move on her fields of expertise (cooking gardening etc)

Click first column, shift click last column, ctrl click the columns you want excluded.

I've given up trying to treat me with more respect. I still care for her and I want her to be able to do her shit but I don't want to do it for her anymore because of the above reasons.

Is the Microsoft Training Center any good?


Looks good. What's the problem?

ctrl+click only selects the column again

So it's double selected? That doesn't make sense.

it keeps getting darker every time you select it

>I'd find it in google in 5 seconds, but she can't use google as efficiently.
maybe try and solve this problem instead. give a man a fish...

is what i would say but after 3 years in tech support for a relatively tightknit userbase i know firsthand you need to fucken give up and just show her every single time until she is dead

I figured it out!

Install Libre office. It works fine.

what even is the point of that "feature"

Stop trying to solve social problems with technology you fucking nerd.

No idea, I pretty much never work with data that way, only with references and pivot tables.

what did they mean by that

That would be covered by pressing F1 and typing your query into the search bar

>newfags don't understand selecting the same thing n times

Wow just wow


>excel shitposting

>selecting something out of formula mode multiple times

Name 20 uses for this

My excel spreadsheets always get complicated and arent visually appealing.
Anybody have a guide for making good spreadsheets?

I just remove most of the graphics