learning programming

> learning programming
> about ~1y in total and ~1/2y of rust, grabbed C
> reading all the recommended books
> making the cliché beginner projects with it: irc client, text editor, website backend, ...
How do I stop writing everything in Mousepad (default text editor in XFCE)? How do I get the goodies like jump to definition? What else should I want from IDE? What are ctags and silver searcher?

Already quit Emacs twice to BTFO with this one.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just use nano because it works

Use Vim with youautocompleteme and some C syntax highlighting. You'll be good to go.


-free software
-available in every fucking distro and also for windows
-has jump to definition

Just use visual studio and c#

>grabbed C
>didn't use ed/ex

why'd you quit emacs, son?

Try IntelliJ's IDEs like CLion or IDEA. They're pretty much all good.

If not that, install a truecolor terminal and learn & pimp vim or emacs.

god tier:

mid tier:

shit tier:
webstorm, phpstorm etc
sublel text
vs code

just use vanilla vim, no need to bundle in a pile of python

why is this a common sentiment with vim users? I've never understood the reluctance to customize

> What are ctags

> and silver searcher?

Note either is ultimately a lesser "search&find only" type of variant of Code Insight / IntelliSense - like frameworks that also do more complex compile checks, which is what most production programmers tend to use in their main IDE:

That's not to say they or plain text editors are useless, but it's ultimately less powerful.

Why would it be a common sentiment? Have you seen how many published plugins and customizations of VIM ended up on the internet?

Use a JetBrains IDE if you don't want to waste time

Literally every vim user I've ever interacted with has talked about how vim is the best and it has a ton of plugins, and then proceeds to tell other users to never use anything but vanilla

whats bad about visual studio?
the real thing, not that "code" abortion

Have you tried talking to people outside of Sup Forums?

Apart from that, at basically every programmer's congress / meeting type event or such and hence a lot of YT videos, there's someone showing something with vim, and they mostly do have some plugins.

most of the people I was thinking above when I formed that reply were IRL.

also how do you explain the "acme standard pole" joke, in pic related?

>Autocompleting C
Literally why

god tier:
webstorm, phpstorm etc
vs code

mid tier:
sublel text

shit tier:

>Writing code in a text editor

This is what Sup Forums does to your brain I guess

Kate has gotten pretty awesome over the year. Especially with the preview bar at the right.


Vim or emacs are good for editing simple scripts/plain text.

>code isn't text
really makes my pickle tickle

So is this what they are trying to unify with Language Server protocol?

Use C++ instead and install resharper on top of visual studio.

anything with EditorConfig support