Indian tech firm makes it official: Trump is a risk to its business

>One of India's biggest outsourcing firms has formally called out President Trump as a danger to its business.

>Bangalore-based Wipro has included Trump's election as U.S. president in a list of "risk factors" in its latest filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

>"Significant developments stemming from the recent U.S. presidential election could have a material adverse effect on our business," Wipro said.

>It called out Trump's opposition to the North America Free Trade Agreement and his advocacy for "greater restrictions on free trade" as specific risks.

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>americans get fired to be replaced by poo in the loo's
>trump comes in and says no, stop firing americans for poo in the loo's. hire americans
>poo in the loo's get pissed and start to play the victim card by joining in on the anti trump bandwagon.
lmao the irony.

I don't support much from Trump but the presented ideas of import tax on foreign goods and less foreign people working for horrid wages for the US is a good thing.
I don't care about the effects on the US but its long overdue changes.

I don't think his presidency will be a positive effect on the world overall though. Unless this finally gets the political system in the US as the top question.

>instead of bringing one pajeet to the U.S they'll just hire 10 pajeets in India and just send the code over
Brilliant work Drumpf!

Maybe this means I'll finally be able to get a job.

I'm afraid the rest of the world will move on with out the US, bros, thanks the old senile, and young uneducated Trump voter base.

What did we, millenials, do to deserve this.

>being this obvious

>>trump comes in and says no, stop firing americans for poo in the loo's. hire americans

Isn't this aint-capitalist. Isn't this what the Ayn Rand crowd frowns upon. Or was it all just a gambit to get elected and then give voter the middle finger.

With that said. This is probably some spin by Wipro to excuse their last/next quarters lack of profit/growth.

>being this ideological

You can be Capitalist without being a laissez-faire Capitalist. Only Jews push the socialist or Randbot dichotomy meme.

and that article like saying the sky is blue?

Currytech btfo

>Comparing a nationalist, big military, strong borders, wave-America's-dick-and-subsidize-coal candidate to Ayn Rand

Where the hell did you get that idea?

It's not as obvious if you aren't an insider.

That's like saying Capitalism without capital.
The only way people can benefit from capitalism is when you have a free market for EVERYTHING including workers

This is a classic Pajeet argument tactic. Don't fall for it.

>Oh no he's gunna stop letting people outsource to us!
>Just like he said!
Fucking good, you faggot indians don't deserve american business.

>including workers
Which we don't, and never will have, so national protection in the interest of workers is a logical move to make.

This will only produce more compiting markets, it's not as wise to get protectionists now, because many capitals may flee in the search for greener pasture.

If you wanna know, that's what Venezuela did.

Trump's platform is, and always was, nationalist not a cuckertarian.

I bet everybody says you have the best english in the village, huh rajeesh?
Learn to talk before trying to use big ideas and words.

Government regulations still exist. The free market is as much of an utopia as marxist communism.

ITT: White bois proud that daddy Trump is cutting H1Bs, not realizing that the industry will just ship jobs overseas, like they did with manufacturing.

India trying to ride on the coat tails of America. Super power by 2020, huh? :^)

Fuck those cunts

Regulations like: You can't sell poisoned food, and dumb shit like that. But protectionist regulations always creates monopolies and/or harm the economy in the long run.

The reasoning is something like this, in this case: Companies can't hire skilled workers cheaply, which hurts their profits and their shareholders profits, company solve this problem by shipping jobs overseas, which causes more unemployment.
On the other hand, by importing cheap labour those immigrants will have needs that the market must satisfy it. Indirectly creating jobs in the process.

yeah and so is having anti monoply laws. such as the sherman antitrust act that passed in 1890. in true capitalist society the biggest fish would of course dominate and ensure no other's can threaten them. but we have laws against this because we realize that compeition is good, and being a dick isn't.

so is shitting all over your own nations citizens, your employees that help make your company, your company, and supporting borderline slave labor.

just like there can never be true freedom, there can never be true capitalism.

Sure. Just import droves of cheap third-world workers! I'm sure all the jobless natives won't suffer for it!

>Indirectly creating jobs in the process.

Those indirect jobs will surely replace all the lost ones! The job market isn't already shit.

In the long run yes.
In short term no.

Of course, the people can wait 5 years without employment. How silly of me!

>What did we, millenials, do to deserve this.
underaged? anyways, millenial here. Trump is easily one of the best things to happen, the sad thing is Sup Forums can only deflect with the old lady clinton. Trump is not a good person or president for that matter but the decision had to be made and I believe Trump was the right one.

Of course, the people can wait 15 years for an economic recession to end. How silly of me!

The thing is 2-3.5 years of retraining is better than living decades in a worse of economic reality.

Based, poo's BTFO.

>the economic recession is because we didn't import cheap semi-slave labor and not because the financial sector follows an unsustainable model

>outsourcing firms
>Trump as a danger to its business

Great, now whenever I call "Tech support" I can get an actual tech and not someone that reads off a script.

>You still get a script reader, they just go by Tryrone instead of Pajeet.

muh (((Wall Street)))

It was not my intention to conclude that a recession was caused by the lack of immigrant workers, for that I am sorry.

The recession on my post was caused by the inability to adapt to new economic realities and to new infrastructural and educational problems.
A free economy works both ways, if the participants are willing, the poorer country gets development and the rich country gets more wealth. Now what a free economy can't solve is how to distribute the generated wealth, only compromises between the owners of capital and the rest of society can solve.

So why should we give a fuck about Indian business?
Go Trump, MAGA

Who gives a shit?

the world already moved on past you, you NEET mongrel.

Last time I checked his slogan was Make America Great Again

Not Make Capitalism More Money
Not Make Indians Americans Instead

that's been claimed frequently but never turns out to be true. Tell you what, you worry about India, we'll worry about the USA, and in eight years we'll come back and see who's doing better


According to my economics textbook, outsourcing is good in the long run because according to the theory of comparative advantage, specialization results in higher welfare for everyone.

What Trump is doing is harmful.


It's like the are too stupid to realize they are legitimizing his claim that NAFTA was shafting the US all this time.

Let's say that's the case, that they just ship the jobs overseas. Does it matter? If you can't get the job to begin with because you're not a poojeet, does it matter if that job is now in India instead of downtown? It at the very least makes things harder for the company.

And then they'll have to confront why they are outsourcing work over seas rather than hiding their insourcing with H1-Bs

>not knowing about the theory of comparative advantage

The only 2 places where people care about India are Sup Forums and India.

What does your textbook say about high unemployment rates?

High structural unemployment is temporary because people will switch jobs or retrain. It turns out most people would rather stay in the workforce than to give up because pajeet took their job.

>for everyone
Does it really? Does that textbook really say where that money ends up in the economy? Does it trickle down to the worker who would otherwise have had a job, or does it stay at the top where a greedy rich guy hoards it or does it get spread out to a bunch of already well-to-do shareholders who had the money to invest, because fuck the little people?

>outsourcing firms

Fuck them.

It's protectionism which is a fine tradition in the USA.

Comparative advantage benefits everyone. Everyone gets cheaper goods and services from each country specializing. Try looking up comparative advantage for a better explanation.

They would've done that already if they could've. That fact that they haven't indicates that they require a physical presence in the US.

Not since the 80s.

The only good thing that will come of Trump's presidency.


Ha. Cheaper goods that people still can't afford because there are no jobs.

We more or less founded the alt-right.

Are you forgetting Wall?

>massive waste of money that will be full of cut corners which mexicans will find a way over / around / under anyway

Oh come on. Blacks can't read.

>that will be full of cut corners which
Got and proof of that?
>which mexicans will find a way over / around / under anyway
Unlikely. Wall isn't just a wall, it has surveillance, if you can see the CIA funded bastards miles before they get to the wall, you can be ready for them.

Wall isn't about stopping average Mexicans from trying to escape their shitty country, their country is shitty due to the Gangs which are propped up by the CIA directly.
Preventing Gun and Drug trades across that border with the Wall, has a knock on effect of starving the gangs of their income and allowing Mexico to finally start a healing process of their own.

Trump is a Republican.

They cut corners on any and all direct government work (roads, bridges) and give contractors / corporations unlimited money with zero oversight (F35).

>source: me

Recession was caused by dumb amerifats taking out credit that they could never pay back in their lifetime

Burgers fault is their inability to take responsibility for their actions or think 2 seconds into the future.

Muh freedumb does not free you from your own idiocy

>source: bush administration, current congress

>Indian and memes
>Trump and politics
>Mexico and economics

Sure is Sup Forums - Technology!

No, comparative advantage just means total goods & services produced will increase; it says nothing about distribution of said wealth, and a net gain in wealth can easily occur with a small number of people making a lot more and a large number of people making a lot less. If restricted trade cause the CEO of a major corporation to make a million dollars less, but 90 developers $10k more a year, what do think those developers will push for.

His stance was never '100% open market on everything'. It was 'make America great again', which is what this will do. It will bring jobs back to the American people, rather than ol' Pajeet sending 80% of his check back to his family in Bangalangadingdong so that they can buy another toilet to worship and not poo in.

>comparative advantage
No money to buy cheaper products, got it.

Cheaper goods help more than they hurt, repubs are just too stupid to realize this

If you use taxes to pay the displaced workers so they can get a new career then they'll have access to cheaper goods/services and probably a better career path.

Meanwhile we are slashing corporate taxes, kicking people off health insurance plans, and telling them that digging for rocks is not a dead end career path.

This is a great thing. America needs to help America, not everyone else.


Oh! And all those trade deals that ear mark money for retraining displaced workers? Are vehemently fought against by a certain political party.

Now why should we keep outsourcing/insourcing again?

Protectionism isn't a lasting strategy, any country that tries to stay out of the global market just puts themselves at a disadvantage, other countries fill the void and they lose out on wealth and opportunities. You either go with the flow or get pulled under

>Buy shitty product from China
>Money goes to China to make
>Product breaks quickly
>Replacement bought, also from China
>China doesn't buy anything from US
>US only has services that China doesn't need
When does the US's money return?

>that's what Venezuela did
Uhh, no.

You're not looking at a big enough picture.

America has been on the losing end of nearly every deal we make with the exception of spreading our butt cheeks for Saudi royals for cheap oil and record profits. Our military is the backbone of every military force treaty we are joined with. So we spend trillions on military power just to preserve some fuck nut nation that can't stand on it's own. While our health care system is in shambles. We have record levels of poverty and dwindling jobs and a weakening education system. Our economy is losing it's edge to a Chinese rigged banking system.

When should we start protecting our interests, Arjun? When we are bled dry? Because it's already at that point. It's just vultures picking over our carcass now.

>all these mad poos

I will just leave this here

>cheap garbage you have to replace every month
yes, so much better.

This. It's always interesting to see the inconsistencies in the left: on the one hand they argue vehemently for globalism, which displaces workers and concentrates money at the top, and then they complain that CEO wages have inflated dramatically over the same period of time that big, globalist trade deals have been made. It's like they don't realize that the two are related.

>probably a better career path
A noble idea, but government intervention into post-secondary education has lead to an explosion of college degrees, which should have produced a richer economy but... instead we got an explosion of psychology and liberal arts degrees from greedy schools that dumb down certain degrees to keep the gravy train running. It's almost like not everybody is cut out to be a skilled/knowledge worker and so you're, at best, shuffling those semi-skilled labor into other semi-skilled labor jobs after retraining time or, at worst, pushing them into unskilled labor jobs with thousands of dollars of college debt.

No, America has been on the winning end of every deal it makes.
It doesn't make any other deal.
Oh, don't feel richer for it? That's because you aren't America. America is the few hundred thousand people who actually have all the capital.
The other 350 million aren't america, they're just serfs to pacify.

>America has been on the losing end of nearly every deal we make with the exception of spreading our butt cheeks for Saudi royals for cheap oil and record profits.
American oil companies drove oil prices down.

>So we spend trillions on military power just to preserve some fuck nut nation that can't stand on it's own.
I guess you're referring to Israel? Israel and America work together on defense technologies. They're also a reliable ally for America to use to project its influence in the region which we do not have many of. Our NATO allies have been working to increase their military funding for years now, it's difficult to reallocate a huge amount of money on short notice which is why there's a deadline set for 2024, which was agreed upon by the Dubya Bush administration in 2006. It's a long term goal, but it actually not a strict requirement.

>While our health care system is in shambles. We have record levels of poverty and dwindling jobs and a weakening education system.
Healthcare is not great but it's a lot better than it was


>his. It's always interesting to see the inconsistencies in the left: on the one hand they argue vehemently for globalism, which displaces workers and concentrates money at the top, and then they complain that CEO wages have inflated dramatically over the same period of time that big, globalist trade deals have been made. It's like they don't realize that the two are related.

The left usually advocates for taxing the highest income earners and using it for public education, public healthcare, infrastructure, and welfare programs to try and balance out the effects. Its a smarter solution than just giving up and resisting and hindering the economy

>hindering the economy
or hindering economic growth rather

Its sad that loads of cumskins replying here dont understand the situation.
Read the news idiots
Read the fucking news not some biased opinion filled articles and posts.
U guys keep saying poo in the loo to us
But u do realise that you are literally shitting on yourselves behaving this way..
Educate yourselves idiots....

>Working in IT company in Europe
>We get a project in kuwait
>we get to do the system integrations while a indian company gets to manage the data bases
>we are always interacting with indian people (they also work in the company in kuwait)
>they are constantly fucking up
Indians are terrible programmers

Explain how letting companies abuse a system that was set up to attract the best other countries have to offer in a way that floods the market with cheap but shitty foreign labor is beneficial for us, the young Americans who are getting shafted when it comes to employment opportunities.

I've heard the excuse to why there are so few well known companies coming out of India is because all the red tape. Why don't existing companies fight all the run arounds or if the government gets worried try and fix it themselves?

Idk bout that
But all I am saying that stop hiring indians
Send us back all the indians working in your cuntry
This not just applies to tevh industry I'm talking in all categories
Just kick out my fellow indians from ur country!
My friends who have been to your country have gotten shitload of racist comments and have been insulted
I don't want that..