Cracking HTTPS

Anyone know of a method to monitor HTTPS traffic, Ive tried different SSL strippers but none work and are all out dated. Would be awesome if someone could point me in the right direction, ive googled it 100 times and got nothing substantial. Thanks heaps in advanced!!


Come on I know one of you hackers knows the answer.

MITM is your only option at intercepting and decrypting SSL traffic. And now go. Shoo shoo. Be a skid somewhere else.

This is bait, fuck off.

Hello CIA, this is user.
Sent =)

You need to access your router. Use iptables to forward port 443 to port 80. This will turn the HTTPS traffic into regular HTTP traffic which can be intercepted trivially. Don't tell anyone you heard it from us. -Anonymous

how do I access my router to do this? allow me to phrase this as a challenge with a vague insult and a meme.

You need a gallium-galinium-core-processor to actually do this. There's some info on the marianna's trench web, but I'd recommend staying away from that place.

Buy a quantum computer at your local electronics store or Radioshack and you'll be able to do it easily

First rule of Sup Forums:
If you can't find some piece of software you want, roll your own and pass it along.

I hate pot jokes.

You guys at Sup Forums are cool I'm enjoying this board af.

Are you really that retarded?
How're you going to handle so much entropy?
Do you even know what entropy I speak of?

It's pretty easy. All you have to do is invent a mathematical formula that can take a product of 2 primes, and return those 2 primes.

e.g. If I put in the number 91, the formula should give me 7 and 13.

Good luck!

>Would be awesome if someone could point me in the right direction, ive googled it 100 times and got nothing substantial.

>Come on I know one of you hackers knows the answer.
Install Gentoo.

"We" can't really help you until you prove yourself. Yes, it is a pain in the ass. But "we" can't waste our time helping someone who is nothing more than a filthy casual.

Once you have installed Gentoo, generate proof of installation (images of installation logs). Then post in the "Battlestations General" thread (/bst/). Of course you will need to post with a trip to verify who you are. Then we'll make contact and set you up with the appropriate IRC info.

Good luck. Don't feel too bad if you can't complete the task...most cannot.

One last thing, don't summon us again.

Man, kids out on summer break already? Learn how MITM works, otherwise go download sub7 and be a leet haxor.

How big are the numbers? Can't you just have a precomputed list of primes and iterate throught them to find first that divides without a remainder?

You could go quite far with GPUs. Say one has 1000 GPUs with 4096 cores each. That's 4096000 cores. Each processes a million primes in a second, so you can do test 4096 000 000 000 primes per second (4096 billions).

Back in the days as a script kiddie I used a tool called sslstrip I doubt it works nowadays.

The prime numbers used for encryption are around 2^1000 for one, and 2^5000 for the other.

The amount prime numbers under a number n is roughly n/ln(n). So that means there are around 10^297 prime numbers under 2^1000.

I didn't bother with 2^5000, but it's definitely exponentially higher.

Hi Theresa

Holy shit, my sides!

Oh, and don't forget you have to test every combination of primes. So you'll have to go through every prime number with one prime, then every prime number with the next prime. So you'll have to check n^2 combinations, n being the number of total primes.

How can one person be so stupid?

Real advice: you won't break SSL. Best you can do is trick your targets into not using it.

I bet you can't even make an ELF file with a hex editor, lol

Question. If you do this and the target is using a modern, up to date browser like FF and Chrome, will the browser notify the user it's connecting in an insecure way? Also for websites that enforce SSL now, wouldn't this prevent reaching it? Like, trying to access Google could be a good way of knowing if someone is doing this in the network.

>Lol gosh yeah fukkin rekt rite buddies?
Pathetic worm.

This is how I accessed my employees bank details and fined them for skiving off on my dime

10/10 advice

this. pretty obvious.

yes, it wouldn't work.
the only way is MITM
where you act as the server and send the user's data to the server, you receive the server data and send it to the user

where are you from?

If you're on the network a router is generating, there's usually a configuration page at one of 192.168.{0,1}.1. if not, look up docs for the specific model.

this is plain stupid, most servers will redirect http to https again, so he will be infinitely redirected to the same page

MITM and you have to install your own cerifiicate on the victim's computer.