I love Columbia

I love Columbia.

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I sort of love it, but sort of hate it

I have been to every South American country (except Bolivia kek) and Venezuela (and north Brazil) are the worst

You could literally get robed in Venezuela for having a nice watch

is it that bad? where were you?

wanna switch places? cause this is a shitplace to live in. even with money.

More like Coolumbia ; )

>even with money.
Then, you're not doing it right. Not at all.

well yes and no. it is fine with money if you believe in the petty reality the average colomian grows in, but if you actually see what is happening in the rest of the world, what reality is like and then come back to this turdhole, see that it cant be changed, then it is crap.

Well, I don't really see that things can't be changed, in fact checking recent colombian history, data, statistics, we are doing normal, for having almost 200 years of shit. Also, I don't think I got why you were saying that living here with money is shit? I mean living with enough money in southamerica (even venezuela) is good, for the person who has the money, because the things that you can have access is big. Of course, that only works if you don't really care about the rest of the reality, nevertheless, everytime I'm outside latinamerica, it feels like I'm almost poor, but then I return here and I can have a pretty above decent life. It's a matter of perspectives

nobody cares about this shithole

I was in the Northeastern coastal states

I don't remember what they were called

> Col***U***mbia

Calm the fuck down.

Oh, like their touristy states, well, that's pretty shitty. Were you here, too?

the change you talk about aint the change im talking about. its like that french adage: plus ca change plus cest la meme chose. (the more it changes the more it stays the same). here we are ready to change anything to keep things running as they are. with money you can do anything within that fix reality. but the same old ways have to be followed for you to be given money. if someone comes up with something different then it is exclusion or death. we asimply want the benefits of modernity without having to assume the responsibilities that implies. we might have a developing economy and a 'state', but on the real life level, everyday life is lived as if we were a 100-person tribe in the jungle.

i get what you mean by the contrast of perspectives. but that contrast has the perspectives fixed. im not talking about the contrast of different perspectives but a shift in one of those perspectives. as it you were to have a plane or a submarine in pic related.

cause yeah here with money you have anything the place can offer. but it is that offer that is quite petty considering what can actually be done.

Well, tell me, for example, what would you like to do? I mean an excellent education, if you have money here you can get it somewhere, like for example studying abroad in almost any country, or do you talk about gadgets, clothing? I mean leaving outside the whole "change" thing, what would you like to get that you can't get here (and by here I'm talking about LatAM)? Because focusing only on the material stuff I think if you are wealthy (and of course individualistic and not caring about the rest) you can have a pretty decent, yet shallow, life.


thats the thing im talking about. change is not making a different shape with the same bricks, but using different materials that will allow true difference. change means the unknown and we are terrified of that. giving concrete examples here is hard because they will be read with what is known. but idk, i guess what i mean is having a different lifestyle that lies on different beliefs concerning family, or work, or what you eat etc. that you cant question. and that is what you can do outside. in truly civilized societies you can have a private life that you can choose to build on your won in complete indifference from the common life everyone is imposed. yo can choose that if you want, but can do other stuff. here you cant, unless you have money from the start, because to get your own money you have to live like everyone else, and that fucks your mind so all u will be able to do is live that shallow life you talk about. like if you are only allowed to have a bike if you give your legs in return.

I went to Cartagena, it was much better than Venezuela but still a lot of poverty

Dont worry mr. tourist. We are working to better hide that poverty so you dont have to see it next time.

Yep, the unequality there is obscene

Can I visit Colombia and sleep around without getting kidnapped by cartels?

id advise you being hosted by some locals. because this is a jungle. so, just like in the jungle, if you go by yourself you risk anything.

what do you think about spaniards? colombians hates us so much...

¿para qué discutes con ese simio? Es evidente que es una persona obtusa, demasiado pasional, evidentemente pasa por algún tipo de depresión.

por más que leo ese "argumento" no le encuentro ningún sentido/fundamento/ lo que sea. sobre todo esta parte:

>and that is what you can do outside. in truly civilized societies you can have a private life that you can choose to build on your won in complete indifference from the common life everyone is imposed.

es evidente que eres una persona sin mucha educación o no muy leída, con una pobreza conceptual inmensa.

Cartagena is one of the poorest cities of the cunt-tree.

don't pay attention to that autist


Are there a lot of Venezuelan migrants in Columbia with economic crisis there?

Yep. I've seen them everywhere. It's sort of cool, I mean they helped some of our people before, so we should help now

You doing it in purpose?

Yeah, somewhat. Although is not even nearly as bad as it could because we started asking for visas to enter the country by land. So it's mainly people with money (thus not a burden to society) coming here.
If there's some sort of refugee crisis shenanigans i will definitely be against it. Both because of the shit venezuela has thrown at us and because we just can't help them without sinking again in the shit pong we're barely getting out of.

Sorry used to spelling to spelling Colombia with a 'u' because I'm from the District of Columbia (Washington)

dile eso a los cucuteños o vallenatos invadidos de chimpanzolanos criminosos. En Valledupar hasta militarizaron la ciudad por eso.

That's Ok, only psychobitches get really mad about that mistake.

It's still kinda bothering, and also makes the gringo look like an idiot.

I don't know, m8, I think countries like people can have some variations in their names, yeah I know that the correct spelling is still O in English, but, for example, when I'm speaking in English sometimes I use the spanish names of countries and places, so it's more like a mental reflex, because we're used to those concepts, more like an honest mistake

Not him but, please. Only those who have no identity get offended when their fake identity gets unrecognized. Columbia is fine. Are you offended too when someone mentions war or drugs? lel

wuut? you came to Paraguay too?

Why do some Colombians get so butturt about the spelling when it is quite litteraly a language difference?

Because we hate ourselves but dont want others to notice it. So we get self-conscious when the fake image we build for others isnt seen exactly as we try to make it look.

>those who have no identity get offended when their fake identity gets unrecognized
Ah? Since when was this an abstract argument about identity bullshit? This is just basic orthography because Colombia is the proper spelling, no need to get all philosophical.

>basic orthography

well, basic modern world lets us see that there are other languages in existence. or would you also correct some japanese or russian who uses other alphabet?

¿por qué siguen discutiendo con este autista de mierda ? diosss.

>no opina lo mismo que yo
>no entiendo loq ue dice

este hueco esta en el siglo xix.

No el mismo, pero calmese, este hueco es igual de malo a cualquier otro hueco que alberga gente como la que ud acaba de criticar. Tomese una agua de valeriana o algo.

ah hola Jamundí. ahora entiendo.

no, el atraso aqui es cronico. otros huecos pueden estar en la mala pero por lo menos saben que lo estan y van avanzando, paso a paso. aqui creemos que somos un pais del primer mundo cuando en realidad estamos al nivel de cualquier pais africano que logro la independencia hace un par de decadas.


tómate tu medicamento para la esquizofrenia, 27 años.

>cuando en realidad estamos al nivel de cualquier pais africano que logro la independencia hace un par de decadas.
Nope. Y la salud publica, la economía, la tecnología y la ciencia me darían la razón si quisiera contraargumentar, solo pienso que ud se enfrasca demasiado en lo malo, yo pensaria que mejor fumese un porro, ponga videos de animales en youtube y escuche musica. Ese pesimismo extremo es igual a ese orgullo extremo de cualquier hincha de la selección colombia.

>los puse a hablar en español

jaja uena.

Are you an idiot?


>Are you an idiot?

he is. he's schizo, diagnosed.

todas esas cosas que menciona no sirven para un carajo si no hay gente que sepa utilizarlas. eso lo invento gente que asumio la responsabilidad de organizar una sociedad propia, y llego a esos resultados. aqui por el contrario lo unico que podemos hacer es copiar loq ue otros hacen. asi nos traigan carros que se conducen solos o casas inteligentes o lo que sea vamos a seguir en el mismo caos porque la heramienta no sirve para nada sin saber como usarla. y eso solo lo da el conocimiento del proceso de su fabricacion, no solo su mera posesion.

pero claro, aqui cualquier critica es 'pesimismo', y todo se soluciona con trago frente a un partido o con porro frente a un arbol.

> todo se soluciona con trago frente a un partido o con porro frente a un arbol.

confirmado. busca ayuda psiquiátrica para tu depresión, Jamundí.

Listo, entonces le pregunto la misma cosa odiosa que cualquier persona preguntaría, qué está haciendo ud. para modificar todo eso que detesta?

Vaya y tomese una valeriana, en serio lo noto tensisimo.

>que esta haciendo.

que se puede hacer aqui si solo se le permite accion a los que por adelantado anuncian que van a ahcer lo mismo de siempre? la unica manera de llegar a resultados es intentando y aprendiendo de los errores. eso es lo que aqui tenemos miedo de hacer. todo lo que aqui copiamos no lo hizo nadie en par decadas ni lo invento a partir de palabras. la historia de la gente que es nuestro horizonte esta llena de errores a partir de los cuales se construyo una sociedad real. aqui no toleramos accion sin un plan detallado de antemano que garantize resultados sin errores. eso garantiza seguridad pero tambien prohibe autonomia.

Y quieres ser escritor y guionista Jamu. No jodas.

perdon pero cual es la obsesion con jamundi? que hay alla para que sea utilizado como insulto?

You wanna host me random 4chaner. I'm now rich by any means but I can afford a good time for us both.