Suggest something to make

Need to program shit to get into a college, suggest some shit, I'm not creative/secure enough to make these decisions with my own ideas.

Create a dynamic shellcode injection tool.

read weather data and plot/host the info on your website

Make a login page

Make a hello world

recreate the AES encryption algorithm in assembly

No fuck that, make TWO hello worlds

Make a native downloader for PS VITA.
Jailbreak ps4/xbone

Install gentoo desu

OP, goto Freelancer and look at the jobs people are bidding on. This is what the /world/ wants.

Neural network desu

install gentoo

Make a captcha solver i'm so fucking sick of playing hide and seek with these fucking cars.

Pick whichever you like.

Or better yet make a script that writes hello world scripts every second in a loop forever.

OR create a script that make a hello world window pop up every second, until it overloads the CPU, and crashes the system.

use the legacy captcha

while sleep 1; do
echo $'#!/bin/bash\necho "Hello, World!"' > $((++i)).sh
chmod +x $
Did I do it right?

install gentoo

Wouldnt be easier to just say make a web scraper

whats this do, change permission to bash?

It does exactly what it's supposed to do, as defined in

Programm a cumdumpster waifu

oh I see it now, but where does he set i to a number?

I think he needs to some how call the new script in the the original script so they start doing the same thing


write a line editor

Write some small tools. Maybe a blog software, to do list, Stuff you might find useful. You could try to replace tools you use.

Or if you like, I'd fancy a word processor for paper documents for the command line with basic markup support as I'm too dense for LaTeX.

make a Gentoo GUI installer

is that gnome?

anoobis@botnet:~$ echo $((++how_many_times_can_I_shit_post_a_second))

I still dont get why, does the ++ make bash know its a int?

or is all undeclared variables in bash a int?

Ive never really used bash for scripting, an I only know a spoonfull of python

Remake some arcade games with your own 'spin' on them

write your suicide note and fucking kill yourself

Remake doom with you as the mc, and student body/faculty as monsters. Wear trenchcoats to school after turning in project to promote your game.

That's android, LineageOS 14.1.

Bash, other Unix shells and Tcl don't really have a concept of integer data types. They're all stringly typed, so leaving out obvious optimisations, all data is presented to you as a string.

Sure, you can declare a variable in bash as an int (declare -i var), but all that does is make bash during every assignment to var check, if it contains a string that looks like an integer, or else set it to "0".

During arithmetic operations (that is: $(( )), $[ ], (( )), let, array indexing) the shell will also check any variables that don't look like integers and assume a 0. That's why when increasing an undefined value by 1, we get a 1.

Austin archer is that you?

while true; do
echo $((i++))
count > counter &
sleep 1
kill $!
tail -1 counter
rm counter
anoobis@botnet:~$ ./
./ line 10: 4539 Terminated count > counter