Creating the PC equivalent of the $500 Xbox One X is trickier than you might guess

Can Sup Forums do it?
>Xbox One X PC Build: Can you do it for $500?

>For the moment, Microsoft’s created a machine that the DIY PC crowd can’t currently match—not when you try to copy both feature set and the cost at the same time, at least. That might be a first, given how often PC gamers tout the benefits that console fans miss out on.

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why would i want the equivalent of shit?
i rather have something good

>a subsidized, mass-produced, single-board PC is cheaper than a custom multi-board PC made of lower-volume, non-subsidized parts


>That might be a first

Quality fucking journalism here. Pretty much every console was cheaper than a PC of comparable specs at launch, since consoles are typically sold at low profit margin or even at loss.

you don' say that classic model of selling console hardware at a loss provides better value for money than building a PC?
great thread retard

>Lol why dont you build your own PC its so much better and cheaper than a console
>Lol you cant compare the two their completely different.

why do PC gamers get so upset and hostile when challenged?

>why dont you build your own PC its so much better and cheaper than a console

Only retards believe that.
When you include the price of games, the TCO might be lower for PC due to Steam/GOG sales etc., especially if you're in one of those shit countries where Steam has regional pricing but console companies don't. PC can be better at the end of console's life, since the latter's price stops going down but PCs always get cheaper. But for a brand new console, the hardware price of an equivalent PC is always going to be higher unless someone royally screwed up.

>8 core Jaguar (read: Bulldozer++) at 2.3GHz
>RX480ish GPU
>Weird ass shared RAM configuration

So a comparable PC would have:
>4C/8T Ryzen
>RX480/580 (4GB VRAM)
>8GB RAM (Total 12GB, since the XboneX shares RAM)
>1TB HDD and no SSD
>Hyper 212 EVO tier cooling

Doing that for $500 is hard, sure, but it won't be in a year. And in a year, the XboneX will still be on sale for the same price.

The "PC is cheaper for better parts" is always true towards the end of a console's life but never true at the very start of a console's life.

Also, a PC can actually do things that aren't games, a console can't.

True the xboxonexoneonexxxxonex will prob be comparable to a mid range gaming pc. At playing games. what if you want to do anything else. oh shit you need a laptop or at least a tablet. xbox live is how much per year? Oh snap hardware fault just out of warranty but I already have this large library and accessories. *buys second console to replace.

It's a decent deal for Average Dave, but if you're a tech enthusiast, its just a hobbled pc.

>That might be a first
unlikely. consoles are loss leaders. They're usually more cost effective than an equivalent PC for a year or so after release as a result.

it was this beginning, but now towards the end, a base model ps4 and xbox one s run 250, is their a 250 dollar pc that can actually play new games. ( by play i mean run at a decent resolution and frame rate)

It'd be 4GB system RAM and 8GB of VRAM

>We have to come up with an original name

>Weird ass shared RAM configuration

There's nothing "weird-ass" about shared RAM when both CPU and GPU are on the same chip.
PC games have a noticeable performance hit when they run out of VRAM (or are just poorly coded) and have to pipe things from system memory through a relatively slow bus.

Xbox SSX

Xbox One E

aren't most consoles sold at a loss anyways
the real money comes from the games, developers paying for licenses and all that

>Xbox One X
>XBox One X

Other way around bud
Allocated system ram for the xbone is 8 gigs, the rest is for vram
It doesn't have 8 gigs of vram

Consider that conslol fags will likely have bought all 3 of this gens xbox's, I would venture to say that for $1500, 3 years ago. you could have easily built a pc that out performs the X

Yes, if you consider the settings, resolution and framerate of consoles acceptable (they aren't)

>PC games have a noticeable performance hit when they run out of VRAM
nope, that's not true and you're an nvidia faggot if you believe that. Nvidia cards hit a brick wall when they run out of memory, AMD drivers while it takes a performance hit is nothing nearly as substantial as what happens with Nvidia. Dont get me wrong, if you dont run out of memory nvidia is gonna have the better performance but that's part of the reason why amd is better for long term or lower end builds, it doesn't have that retarded problem.

It has 9GB of VRAM for games and 3GB for the OS

>Xbox, One X
>three Xs in the name

ok so when can I do more than just play games and poorly consume media on a console? Or when it's lifespan is at it's end and support runs dry.

It's like public transit and owning your own vehicle, public transit may be cheaper but you're incredibly limited in it's service, relying on others to maintain it

Microsoft are selling these things at a loss so it definitely is hard.

Even if you put together a 500 dollar PC with mostly used parts it's definitely going to be a better experience than the XoX because you'll have an SSD no doubt.

Yes a used older Dell and 1050 ti will cost 250 and can play new games at a higher setting, resolution and frame rate than a Xbox one and PlayStation 4.


If you buy used parts, or parts of comparable age but better than the console counterparts, then still yes.

You have a very odd interperatation of RAM
You know games use RAM right? Around 5 gigs each game and at 4k that can get a little higher. Plus the video ram, plus the background tasks

Don't talk out of your ass

Ryzen APUs will have two CCXs one with 4 cores and the other having a vega-based grapcis controller. Soon enough you'll have an XBOX-tier APU you could waste the bucks you'd do on a gpu for something else.

>Can Sup Forums do it?
No, definitively not. If you want a gaming machine then this is probably for you. I'm sure it's a great choice for my NEET brother who lives in my mom's house. Too bad he can't afford one, and I'm not buying that man-child one either. He's got two kids and I'm fine with
buying laptops and phones for them but I'm not going to provide that NEET with more neetness.

As for building one, I personally prefer good parts over cheap low quality ones. Let's just make a very rough budget,

- Good case: $100
- Good PSU: $100
- Good enough CPU: $300
.. but we still need a motherboard, RAM, a GPU, a mouse, a keyboard.. and a good monitor but it's really not fair to include one since the XBox One X doesn't come with one.

If it really does retail for $500 then it's probably a great buy for worthless NEETs who want to play games all day every day. But it doesn't mean all that because they can't buy one.

>Weird ass shared RAM
Console-makers have the luxury of not having to worry about legacy setups or standards or the way things currently work. It really does make a lot of sense to just have one pool of very fast RAM that's shared between the CPU and the GPU.

so much reddit-tier posting in here haha

I am talking about the shared RAM allocation in the Xbox one X. On a PC, that allocation would correspond to 4GB of System RAM and 8GB of RAM in the GPU.

They can't beat it in price nor can they beat it in form factor.


>Good case
Not necessary, you can get ATX cases basically for free used. Unless you consider LEDs a critical feature, spending more than $10 is wasting money.

>$300 CPU
You realize the Xbox One X basically has an eight core FM2 Athlon, right? Running at less than 3GHz? Slap a Pentium on it.

You're right it'll cost more than $500, but you're overestimating it. Also, you forgot the fact PC parts carry over between "builds". When the Xbox Two X or whatever comes out, you need to spend another $500. With a PC, the case, power supply, hard drive, peripherals, etc etc, can be kept and the cost reduced.

To upgrade an existing "office tier" prebuilt to Xbox One X specs would require only an RX480 and maybe a PSU.

[M$] xXBoxOneXx

Wasn't it proven some years ago that traffic goes down here during the summer?

bc the number of actual pros who enjoy their summer *away* from the board > number of reddit tier kids who flood it bc muh summer break

Did I win?

>Sup Forums message board pros

jesus christ

Go to Sup Forums.
Your kind is not welcome here.

pros as in professionals in the tech sector, or serious about it at the very least

Not random manchild who knows a bit about gaymen

>you can get ATX cases basically for free used
No. You can, I can't. You can buy my used Cooler Master N600 or my Cooler Master HAF 912 right now, used, very cheaply.

I can't buy another Fractal Design Define R5 or a Fractal Design XL R2 used.

I'm not having no running PCs in my home where harddrives are attached strait against metal again, screw that. Fans were never really a problem (if you use rubber plugs instead of screws), it's the noise from 4-6 HDDs that make the vast majority of ATX cases a non-choice.

As for the CPU, will it really only have a eight core FM2 equivalent? You can get something used in that ball-park for around $100-200 with CPU/RAM/motherboard, even a case and PSU too. Not a case I'd use, but some case.

You forgot the additional several hundred dollars for the basic computer you wouldn't need any more


Games take both ram and vram to function
So do system processes
You are only factoring in system processes and Vram, hence why you are pulling ludicrous numbers out of your ass
4gb vram
5gb of ram for the game
3gb system processes

you should go there

If you can get a Radeon RX 570 in stock anywhere for less than the price of that whole build, then yeah, you win.

G4560, cheap Mobo, 8GBs of RAM, GTX 1060 (6GB VRAM), cheap case, EVGA 430w and a Hitachi HDD of 1TB costs around $550.
It'll play games at 4k60 in High Settings and those extra $50 are justified by plenty of things like the games prices or emulation itself. Not to mention that XBX WILL NOT run all its games at 4k60, Assassin's Creed Origins wil run at 4k30 for example and we don't even know the settings yet.

>Assassin's Creed Origins will run at 4k30
Nvm that, it apparently won't run at 4K Native, Ubisoft is using a fancy technique called "Checkerboard" or something.

Why type like that? Seriously.
Just fucking write out "because".

>3GB system processes
Come on, give Microsoft some credit.
They aren't THAT bad.

Background and system
To appeal to people who have a duck ton of apps in the background

>Can Sup Forums do it?
Currently no one can because all midrange GPUs are sold out or available for a completely retarded price.

Oh well, yeah, those would count I guess.
I disable all background shit or put it on manual and use scripts to turn them on if and when I need them.

570 4GB + Pentium + 8 GB DDR4 already is better than the Xbox One X, considering they are still using the same tablet tier processor but "overclocked"
The RX 570 is a really good card, overcloking it a bit rewards you with RX 480 levels of performance.


As things have drifted towards Internet, DLC and subscriptions consoles have been less about selling for a profit and more about getting them into peoples' hands in order to profit from everything else.

Xbox Live costs Microsoft basically nothing to maintain next to what they make off it, same with Playstation Plus.

In some ways you should think about it more like cellphones and cellular plans. You can get the latest iPhone7 for $100*! Android can't beat that price to performance.

*If you lock yourself into a plan for two years and spend $30 more a month than bring your own plans.

Of course I can, this thing isn't even 4k, it uses some checkerboard rendering trickery.

>I want budget prices!
>I want degaussed and spiritually enhanced cases!
Pick one. You don't need a $200 case.

Also, are you too stupid to get some little rubber gromets to isolate the HDD yourself?

>Asscreed needs cheap tricks just to hit 30FPS on what's essentially a 480
Fucking Ubisoft finds a way to fuck anything up

Why is this Sup Forums thread still up?

Mods, please do your jobs

Because consoles are the same consumer technology as your chink androids or watches

Sorry to break this to you, dear, but you aren't the only person on Sup Forums.

To be honest, it apparently looks the same to the naked eye as regular 4K, its just a more efficient rendering technique.

I just wish pc devs would use this instead of shitty Microsoft.

You are not for this discussion clearly. Most people claim they can make computers that out do consoles for the same or very little more. Right now MS managed to stop that discussion until next year when Nvidia/AMD pump out their next gpus.


It's literally checkerboarding and no it doesn't look anywhere near the same as regular 4k
That's just the justification the sony fanboys have been telling themselves since november since they can't hit 4k either

>ryzen R3 1300 : $175
>RX 480/580 : $200
>4GB ram : $30
>mobo : $60
>psu : evga 450W bronze : $40
>case : anything below $50
>hdd : $45
total 620

I've done it before, very recently. Had to build a handful of PCs for a gaming group on a tight budget. Celeron + 8GB DDR3 (lowest GB/dollar 2x8 kit split into two) + RX460

Except Ryzen cores are much better than the cores in the sexbox and the standard 480 is more powerful than the one in the xbox too

>games: $1,000+

>games: free ;-)

better yet


The N64 debuted for $199, and the year it came out you couldn't configure a PC with that kind of graphical power for under $3,000, right?

We've been on a slope for decades now where computers keep getting cheaper and for some horrible reason consoles keep getting more expensive

This is the most similar to Xbox specs and costs less. Gud post.


The Cat core family has absolutely nothing to do with the Bulldozer family.
The 4K Xboner doesn't use Jaguar cores, its a newer arch in the Cat core family.

So is the XboneX you dingus

fx 6300 will bottleneck and won't be able to run 4k, it's basically a 3 core processor with hyperthreading. My fx 8300 bottlenecks my rx 480 in games like GTA at 1080p, let alone 4k.

$120 more is a great deal considering that console owners would also have to have a ~$300 laptop or phone to browse the internet.

>prioritizing 4k instead of 1080pee 60fps

Despite the hardware increase it's still a potato. Consoles are garbage and using a shitty APU doesn't make the console good especially with the performance those chips out out.

For $500 it's pretty shit, especially since a PC can be upgraded even if equivalent hardware costs a little more.

so is the CPU on the XboneX. it's comparable with the FX-6300

Consoles are usually sold at loss they get what they lose with the paid online.

you could buy better and cheaper then ps4 and xbone at the start of their lives this time.

as for buying new, I am able to get everything down to about 650$ for equivalent or better parts,

If you reuse a psu/case could have 50$ off the price, and if you buy used you can shave another 100$ off, if you are willing to buy more used, you could get a xeon motherboard and case combo for less then 300$, or possibly even an older i7 in a pre assembled build someone has no concept of the value of the cpu.

assuming you'll be using a pc for only gaming.

Fuck consoles. Id rather not be trapped and sucked in to paying $100 a game plus $50 for that shiity cash gouge called DLC

Damn i'll have the most powerfull space taking device, dont i feel blessed

>RX 480/580 : $200

>Nope that not true, they don't take a performance hit , they just take a performance hit

Take your Nvidia vs AMD shit elsewhere

Consoles are great if you're buying the previous generations. Faggots sold or traded all their old shit to be able to afford the new cancer so there's tons of cheap gaymes and hardware around now.

This desu

Xbox Sheks

Can't wait for a bootloader exploit to be found. Would be the best $500 gaming/htpc.

a Comparible gaming PC would have a G4560 with RX 570/580 and be around $600 if GPUs weren't fucked atm.

No you cannot assemble a system that exceeds or matches the performance of the x.b.o.x for the same or lesser price. This is because Microsoft can buy those parts much more cheaply than you can. In 6 months you will be able to do this.

Xbox One keks

yeah easy for me, i work at a semicumductor factory so i get discounts in exchange for literal photoresist chemical cancer