Leave window open for 10min

>leave window open for 10min
>this happens
how do you fight dust Sup Forums?

I start by not living on a construction site.

where do you live?

You move up to a higher elevation and live in a better building.

btw my desk is under the windows and i cant move it anywhere else in the room
north african wind is so dusty this time of the year :^(

Delete windows and install loonix


by not bening poor

its running pfsense on top of arch :^)

window mesh

install gentoo

With dandruff shampoo

get a mesh for your window, like a fly screen or something

then vacuum the inside of your house regularly

Install Solus

Install gentoo. Won't happen no more.

Stop smoking while using your PC (or at least not directly above it) you idiot... That's clearly cigarette ash.

make them pay for a filter

>they don't have screens on all their windows
when will you peasants ever learn?

>screens on windows

just close the window

>giving bugs an easier time entering your home
Pajeet, my son...

Compressed air and swifter should solve 99% of your dust problems.

Also, keep your window closed and use an air filter in your home/apartment. (If it doesn't already come with one)

It's not hard at all to keep a place dust free. Just do some basic maintenance every 2 weeks.

>having bugs on your room
Africa. . .

My windows are wide open all day long and there's nothing entering my home.