Is Antivirus software necessary on Windows...

Is Antivirus software necessary on Windows? My computer is running very slowly and I think uninstalling my Antivirus (pic related) would help. If I don't go anywhere but legitimate sites of big businesses AND use NoScript, should I be fine?

i turned off my antivirus once and then there was mustard gas coming out of my pc

As much as Sup Forums hates it, the default AV windows ships with, is actually sufficient if you're not a complete retard that goes to shady bestiality sites.

use Common sense 17 and a script blocker for your browser and youll be fine

Windows itself slows your computer down a lot more than any antivirus. Have you tried disabling automatic updates and all services you don't need?

If you're not an idiot who runs random exes without scanning them first, no, you don't need one.

Remove it. I only use Windows defender and Malwarebytes.

if you uninstall it, windows defender will be enabled and that shit is fucking slooooow

that said, avast is one of the worst you could pick. Get bitdefender free if you want it performance and that it stays out of your sight

Windows defender +Malwarebytes + common sense = the best antivirus.


Only used malwarebytes until it expired then never used anything other than windows defender since

Use comodo

This is the best antivirus.

Haven't used one in over 2 years since I deleted the default windows 10 antivirus and so far no big viruses

The worst thing I got was some dumb autorun program in the appdata folder that did absolutely nothing

You only need a firewall and a sandbox program and some virus scans every few months

>is antivirus software necessary?

no it's not. most of the time it doesn't even prevent malware from getting on your computer

all you need is adblock. it blocks most malware

i never used anti-virus software when i used to use windows.

What are browser exploits, drive-by downloads, PDF exploits, mkv subtitle exploits, zip exploits, a billion other execution exploits?

adblock and malwarebytes
that's all you really need

Only a complete moron wouldn't use AV.

> comodo
> 2017
This is not 2013 comodo fell out in av-comparatives. Try bitdefender

Only retards without common sense need to be babysitted by an av at all times, all you need is a good firewall and a good hosts file

>only a retard drives with a seatbelt, just look where you're going!