Why can't other distros have something like the archlinux user repository...

why can't other distros have something like the archlinux user repository? I don't like being limited by the distro's package manager. PPAs, OBS, Copr and other random ass repositories are shit.

Same im triying OpenSuse and im liking it, has the out of the box like ubuntu/mint without being botnet or the security bugs

...but im on arch linux because i really need to AUR for packages that sometimes other distros doesnt even have, we need some sort of universal AUR

Portage has Overlays

Do you mean git?

>I don't like being limited by the distro's package manager.
....you aren't? If you want something, go download it, compile it, and run it. No distro stops you from doing that.

>babbies can't compile from source

1. ports are good
2. wget && tar && cd && make

>muh AUR faggotry
Most of that shit is just a git clone with a buildscript. You can do that on ANY distro, so the only limit is the one you impose on yourself.

Secondly, what are Ubuntu's PPAs? What are SUSE's community/build service repos? And if it isn't found in the repos, there's likely a deb or rpm on the internet somewhere. Likely both, considering having those two covers pretty much every distro.

compiling from source is a meme. I mean I understand if the software is consistently putting out bleeding edge shit, but when there's a stable release why the fuck should I spend an extra step compiling just to use it

how is that even comparable to any of this?

The aur is just a collection of make scripts.
Avoid botnets and just download the source yourself.

You can literally find the upstream URL from the AUR and compile the source on any Linux distribution

I use the official repo on Debian and some software I compile with Make. It keeps my system more or less clean and not bloated.

>universal aur
precompiled binary packages for every single packaging system is essentially impossible
inb4 universal packaging system
do you really want to use snappy or whatever it's called? where's that xkcd about standards when I need it?
is right, git is pretty much all we've got, but updating packages in the pain in the ass without something like pacaur

Why would you compile everything from experimental outside very specific circumstances?

things installed from source is a pain to remove and so is remembering to keep them up to date.

sometimes you need an experimental feature not in the stable build.

sometimes the distributor only provides binaries for certain platforms (x86 and you need ARM or PowerPC).

perhaps you should look at slackware with sbopkg.


That requires a brain
Which he obviously lacks

Finding ebuilds for shit is really easy. Install gentoo

Use antergos

Fucking this, ebuilds are the best invention ever

They do. It's called github.

or perhaps just use a modern fucking package manager, christ


>Most of that shit is just a git clone with a buildscript.
plus prereq checking
plus managing updates
plus ability to oneliner any install

But please by all means
git clone
apt-get install dependency
make install
sudo make install
all you want fag

You can look at the script to make sure it's doing what it should do.

With Bedrock linux, you get the repos of all distros.