[germanics not allowed] How can we rebuild our glory?

"Heróis do mar, nobre povo
Nação valente e imortal
Levantai hoje de novo
O esplendor de Portugal!
Entre as brumas da memória
Ó, Pátria, sente-se a voz
Dos teus egrégios avós
Que há de guiar-te à vitória!"

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Portugueses consideram brasileiros como um povo irmão?

hilo muerto

Portuguese and Brazilian royal family had Germanic ydna

>sair da EU
>sair do euro
>restaurar a monarquia
>matar todos os comunas
>quinto Império

What glory? Even the Portuguese "Empire" was just an empire of thieves, whores and smugglers. It produced nothing of quality and it's not worth remembering.

O povo pretoguês considera qualquer povo pardo um povo irmão.

>melhor que o caralho dos espanhois

>restaurar a monarquia

Nossa nossa asim voce me mata ai se eu te pego ai ai
Sabado na balada


Descendants of Hugues Capet tend to do that.

Bom, quer dizer que podemos continuar então...

germanic reporting in

Why are latin languages so user friendly? I can read 70% of what you are saying


>Declarar guerra a Espanha para obter a Galiza e Olivença por direito histórico
>Líder carismático a.k.a José Pinto Coelho
>Nacionalismo sobe
>Catalunha declara guerra pela independência
>Castela chora ao perder tanto território
>Derrotamos os mouros dos espanhois e tudo que precisa ser independente se torna independente
>Portugal fica maior e mais rico e todos felizes no final

Caputa de autismo

Não. Eles nos odeiam e você sabe muito bem disso.

t. alberto barbosa

Also t. alberto barbosa thread

How do you feel about Belgium imploding and Wallonia becoming a french state?

>[germanics not allowed]
Yeah, those fuckers.

One thing does not imply the other you mong.

Et les Flandres aussi.


Do the Portuguese see the Brazilians in the same light that Brits see the Americans?

A creation running wild?

No, those go to Netherlands
Let's not have another memetic war like the belgian independence

Yeah but a bad one.

They hate us.

Only much poorer and darker

Fuck the Netherlands. Everything West of the Rhine belongs in France.

We should've expected that we sent too many blacks to Brazil

If you stopped sending so many worthless favela niggers here we might like you more. I mean 40% of our prision population was Brazilian at one point.

Mas falando sério, por que vocês não gostam dos brasileiros? Eu sei que existe muito câncer brasileiro em Portugal, mas aposto que a maioria dos brasileiros que estão aí não são pessoas más (além do mais, os brasileiros pobres e/ou sem educação geralmente ficam aqui).

This is for you too

>Declarar guerra a Espanha
Ou então
>Esperar que a Espanha se divide
>Galiza junta-se a nos e anexamos Olivença sem resistência

>Eu sei que existe muito câncer brasileiro em Portugal, mas aposto que a maioria dos brasileiros que estão aí não são pessoas más
A maioria não, mas uma percentagem absurdamente grande e inaceitável é. 40% das nossos presos chegaram a ser Brasileiros para teres uma noção.

Estava so no sarcasmo
Eu não tenho nada contra os brasileiros brancos, esses sao civilizados
Os que fazem merda são na maioria flavelados


Why did you guys decide to colonize Brazil anyway? Weren't you afraid it might bring you into conflict with the Spanish? We certainly were, hence why we went the north

>Why did you guys decide to colonize Brazil anyway? Weren't you afraid it might bring you into conflict with the Spanish? We certainly were, hence why we went the north
The Pope drew a border between Spanish and Portuguese colonies. You fled 'cause Popeless scum.

Treaty of Tordesillas m8

b-b-but our queen!

A line that Portugal disrespected.

>b-b-but our antichrist!

Please explain.

who's your favorite lusophone poet, lads?

Also, >Spanish
Castillian. Spain was still considered two separated Kingdoms under the same crown at those times.

See picture.
Lots of the Brazilian territorial gains were made at the Iberian Union times, when the treaty was rendered invalid for obvious reasons, but the Portuguese never gave enough fucks about the treaty. Montevideo (Colonia do Sacramento) for example was founded by Portuguese in 1680, almost two centuries after the treaty.

Mc Catra.

>Weren't you afraid it might bring you into conflict with the Spanish?
We had a treaty in the beggining, and that actually happened later when the treaty was void and colonials started exploring the interior
It was not a big conflict, mostly border skirmishes

Also, about Tordesillas, something people forget: IT INCLUDED AFRICA TOO. That's the reason Portugal accepted the treaty, and that's why you barely see Spanish on the continent.

So no "poor Portugal, get rekt by Castille" discourse.

The Portuguese were not permitted to settle any lands left of the line put forward by the treaty, right?

Portugal's birth is a violent story, it remained that way for a very long time

Yes. Older colonies were still allowed to exist, though.

>Pic = Um belo portal com um construção abandonada ao lado que se fosse reformada seria linda
Por que Portugal?

>Portugal gets nice amount of African landd compared to size
>also gets a large portion of South America despite the treaty
>Spanish do nothing about it
Literal cucks

Spain retaliated, breaking the Treaty of Saragossa and settling on the Philippines.

>muh azuleijos

Literal moor heritage

He's talking about the arch, not the fachada.
(And yes, Islamic heritage. Muslims don't build statues or stuff like that, so they decorated stuff with abstract art.)

less moorish than the whole France desu

>moor heritage

> rebuild

Later, Christian development, but the idea of covering building faces with ceramic squares was Almohad.
See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zellige, worth mentioning al-Zellige sounds a lot like azulejo.

Literally t. Alberto Barbosa tier you brown sandnigger

No,azulejo means blue tiles.
The islamic style is symetrical and has geometrical shapes.
We literally paint over tiles with blue paint

t. Alberto Barbosa

Já percebi que sou o Alberto Barbosa não precisas de repetir

That sounds like something Alberto Barbosa would say!

Exato,I sou Albert Barbosa ,meu friend.


Yes meu amigo yes,eu sou preto,eu irei conquistar a ibéria meu amigo.
Posso contar contigo?



>"Eu sou português a mais de 800 anos" starter pack


>castanho como a casca de uma árvore

Ele provavelmente é de Lisboa como tu portanto compreende-se

Ah, the style itself changed, there's no doubt. As I said, Christian development.

Regarding the word itself: nope, it's folk etymology. The word is indeed related to al-Zellige... but in another variety of the word, الزليج/az-zalij.

we wuz kings

all hail alberto barbossa

Also worth mentioning that the -ejo suffix is kinda hard to explain by the azul/blue hypothesis.

we wuz kings

Não sou de L(i)x(oboa) oh t. Alberto Barbosa

Então?A sul do douro é tudo pretalhada mourisca seu filho da puta.


Somos todos Alberto Barbosa

Cessa a tua conversa mouristíca,não falo para pretos sebosos islamicos mal cheirosos
Só falo para bracarenses e transmontanos

Faz de conta que sou um bot que responde a todos os posts com t. Alberto Barbosa

Não percebi.

t. Alberto Barbosa


we wuz