What is the best free light-weight video editing software...

what is the best free light-weight video editing software? I'm talking about just simply adding picture to audio and exporting it in HD

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windows movie maker

they cancelled free downloads for the most recent version and i cant find a torrent anywhere. the only free version they give out now is an older version that can only export in like 480p

Looking for something similar, to cut video and add tags to times in the video

ffmpeg will do that.

look at this shit


Windows Essentials 2012 suite reached end of support on January 10, 2017.
It is no longer available for download. "

Ok so then a gui that makes it faster to do

If you're too lazy to just pass in command line arguments to ffmpeg, I don't really see why I should help you. I guess you can probably get VLC or something to cut the video, but for adding tags I really don't know.

gui is slower

Ffmpeg is not a meme answer, just duckduckgo it

you can use ffmpeg to edit video? I thought that was just a library u use in audacity to export mp3

searx it, duckduckgo is fucking garbage


you can't meme me you fuck, I've been here for over a decade

>you can use ffmpeg to edit video?
user asked for a tool to cut video, the command line ffmpeg is more than sufficient for specifying time slices.

If you talk about editing as in professional film production, then no, ffmpeg is not the right tool for that.

>Just figure out the insanely long commands and have no visual cues as to the timing of everything! Hurr durr durr!
Video editing is inherently a visual task, saying "JUZT YOOS DA COMMAND LOIN! IDS WAD I USE FUR MAH WEB EMS" is fucking retarded.

op here, the main use im looking for is for turning an album into a youtube video as one long vid continuous stream, as well as cutting up each individual song into a vid. all just having the album cover as background.

rn i use a pirated copy of sony vegas, but I want something more lightweight I can use on my x220 lapotop for the time being. here's an example vid of what outcome im trying to achieve:



doing command line video editing sounds like hell

You obviously use a video player to find the correct time slices, and the command line arguments you just look up using Google....

Stop pretending to be retarded, you're fucking asking for help for fucking free.

>the main use im looking for is for turning an album into a youtube video as one long vid continuous stream, as well as cutting up each individual song into a vid. all just having the album cover as background.

>doing command line video editing sounds like hell
This isn't video editing, this is stitching audio and a repeating single image frame together, you could do this in literally 5 minute with ffmpeg, and those 5 minutes include the time you spend googling "how do I repeat image with ffmpeg" and "how do I combine video and audio with ffmpeg"

If that is too difficult for you, then fuck off.

okay i downloaded and successfully made a vid from pic with audio in ffmpeg using this command:

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i audio.wav -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -b:a 320k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest out.mp4

i think that makes the audio 320kb at least, do you know how I could export the vid in 1080p?

It's a fucking still image....


I use blender

I want the video to be HD so youtube will recognize it as such and give the user the option to choose HD settings



ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i audio.flac -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest outHD.mp4

ok i tried doing this but the filesize is like 8,000 kb definitely not hd, i thought you had to specifiy the encoder in the line?