What is the correct way to store sex in a program Sup Forums?

What is the correct way to store sex in a program Sup Forums?

Gender string?
is male, is female Booleans?
0 for female 1 for male?

What do YOU use?

Other urls found in this thread:


boolean if size/speed is an issue, a string if it's not, it also gives you the ability to store other values such as "not specified" or something

youll have to refactor after the sjw's come after you, so you might as well save yourself the trouble and just make it a 64-bit integer now

create a table Gender and make your Person table or w/e reference it
allow the FK GenderID to be Null (because there are genderless people)
the number of rows in dbo.Gender could be limitless, because there are many genders today

False or 0 for female, since it alliterates and 0 is a hole.
True or 1 for male since 1 looks like a stick

Use a color choice: tint is male/female, brightness is sex/sexless, saturation it's man/woman

Floating point between 0 (female) and 1 (full male)
Let user choose by typing or by using a slider

There is genderless

You'll need a BigInteger.

Not really

only correct answer

A four dimensional array of floats so customers can fine tune their genre

boolean Y;

Use an enum

enum sex {FEMALE, MALE};

If I take off that bit will you die?

It would be extremely shiftful .

audibly chuckled

according to SJW's today, we're around ulong ulong genders

High order Categories

Better make it unsigned too.

Foreign key to a table of strings, or failing that, an enum

Gender string, let people specify male or female or other. Else, use an enum.

>Not specified

Turing machine

Floating point, since gender is fluid


sex: strings male, female, other
gender: just don't ask it only leads to debates

simple as that

>forcing users to provide you with personal data so you can sell it to (((them)))

I'm not going to use your datamining botnet.

C++11 Enum class with as many entries as the derivative of (1 + 1)x

Akschually we decided to simply cut gender/sex from out database. Research your use case and see if it's really needed. We made the software for a rental car company last month and decided to simply not have a gender/sex field for costumers, it was necessary.

Don't give the option for gender, only sex.
Male, Female, Decline to State

Why do you need to record gender?

for (you) {


HashMap. Boolean is binary, and gender isn't binary ;^)

There are 2 sexes.

There are 2 genders. Wanting to be special isn't an excuse to change biology

gender has nothing to do with sex though. it's why i can call an object, word or trait male or female. its a social construct by definition.
unless you just wanna be edgy

>Muh social construct

Nice b8

>Gender is a social construct

Found the Mozilla/GitHub diversity hire

Might as well not bother storing it. What use does your program have for that?

>look mom i posted it again

2 sexes yes

but psychology is one wacky ass thing and peoples brains will do whatever the fuck regardless of what is normal so its not very far out that someone is some 3rd gender no matter how retarded it sounds

0 and 1, allow Null for people who doesn't want to give that info to your botnet

null isn't a very good option here
would probably be better to use an enum with male, female, and unspecified.

if you ever have to encode gender in a protocol it should be no less than a null-terminated utf-8 string and any interpreters of it should be required by standard to interact with it only by a pointer/index that can fulfill 2^128 possible characters.

>Mental disorders are genders
Does that mean downies are a species?

What about undisclosed?



I'll use whatever will provide me the largest revenue when considering the spectrum of acceptability of my audience combined with the spectrum of revenue potential of my audience


faggot lovers. you're going to hell.


Stupid Christian, Hell isn't even real. Time to step into the 21st century, gramps.

>youll have to refactor after the sjw's come after you, so you might as well save yourself the trouble and just make it a 64-bit integer now
top jej

enum gender {

ADTs ofc

type sex =
| Male
| Female

enum gender {male, female, attack_helicopter}

There's a difference between unspecified and other

Use an enum then you fucktard

int numberOfHoles;

An enum, you retard.
enum class Gender {

Alternatively, if you're an SJW, use a Vec3.

this isn't java


Enum with options male and female

for complex interactions make a gender class

If you want absolute performance than store your small data as binary integers and use bitwise operation.

1 byte of information is potentially 8 different values.
Each of those can be a yes/no data or an arbitrary value. 0 for male and 1 for female.

Or the first 4 digits, which makes a total of 15 different values, can be used for a level or chapter indicator while the next 2 values, making 3 different values, can be a checkpoint, and the last 2 characters can be 3 more values.

I explained it autistically. But you get the drift. Wouldn't use this if your parsing game is weak though. Sometimes it's better to just have extra variables than to run a parsing method with 50 switches or if statements.

Nobody really is limited to 256kb of ram anymore ayylmao

What are the axes in 3D gender-space?

Listen up you CISHET WHITE MALE bigots!
The JS community is here to show you how to be more inclusive with your gender options


literally kill yourself for that joke

I store gender as a quaternion

thanks for the epic coding tip bro

void *

Include me in the screencap senpai

Why do you care? Why do you even store that?
Bool or enum for no value is enough, if you need to use pronouns.

Floating point decimal

The only proper way to store gender is with a single bit. Any program that uses an array and variable size is SJW trash


>X, X, Z.
>No Y-Axis. It's evil and oppressive.

>more genders than humans who ever lived

Sounds about right.

i keked my good man

>64 bit
Uhh you need to check your privilege, you should be using at least __m128s

struct Vec3 {
double x;
double y;
double z;