Have you donated to Wikipedia already?

Have you donated to Wikipedia already?


I don't use it.

I donate to various linux program creators and distro developers

Jimbo wales wastes your money on cowboy hat photoops and whores, google it

I don't because it's not encyclopedia

Fuck off Dwimmy

Fuck off Britannica.

no and i never will they have a bias

they are biased libertarians/capitalists. they will give the same weight to a corporate sponsored media article/piece and to academic papers.

>wikipedia is capitalist biased
>accepted the young turds and the huffington paint as "reliable sources"

not yet


the young turks are corporate democrat shills thus capitalists

>give something away for free
>expect me to pay for it afterward
haha no


mermaid is cute. CUTE

wikis are run by the worst autists

I donated to Wikileaks, also

>not donating to encyclopedia dramatica

I might have. It might have a been a dream though.



Silly boi, they call it l/g/bt for a reason tee-hee