
I'm installing Arch Linux, but techically I'm a n00b. Any suggestions /g?

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install gentoo

It's not for you.

install gentoo

Learn how to read.

stop being a noob.

Just keep an eye on the wiki.

Don't try to achieve anything too fancy first time, for example just install plasma-desktop as DE.

I can keep an eye on this thread if you run into issues mid-install.


just use "arch anywhere" iso file


Thank you very much. I have been reading a lot of the wiki, and I used kali Linux a bit before in Portable VBox and Raspbian on the Pi, but this is my first time installing on my laptop, and my first use of a not n00b OS.

why do people even respond to these threads

Install debian testing instead

revenge installer. Thank me later

Just follow the wiki. Installing is dirt simple. Arch is hard is a meme Sup Forums likes to spread in reality Arch is easy to use and is very stable. It's just that everything has to be done via cli since no can be assed to make a gui for every configuration file that exists.



Been running Arch for years with weekly system upgrades and not once has it broken.

Archlinux shipts with packages directly from UPSTREAM.

Do you use any programs outside of internet/media player/text editor?

Because I mess around with DAW stuff and Arch breaks stuff every 3-4 months

It's only here that Arch is perfect and totally flawless. A simple visit to the Arch user fourm always clears this up for me.

A simple visit to ANY distro forums shows users who dont know what they are doing posting errors.

Quit flattering your fragile ego.

Quit spouting utter nonsense

This. Half the arch threads on here are complaining about shit breaking

Great distro guys


I see alot of posts about APT beaking and putting users in DEP HELL.More so then arch posting about pacman

What are some of Arch's flaws?

Fast, stable and up to date.

It's alot easier to make a franken-debin system. But seriously, fuck anything to do with .deb

install antergos

I reluctantly hosed an Arch install the other day that was almost 5 years old. I wanted the SSD it was on for something else but it was a tough decision. Arch really is stable for the most part, there's a few items that you need to fix now and then. VmWare is probably the most annoying thing to deal with in my experience, and the problem is with the software, not Arch.

Every once in a while, some update will require manual intervention. They're posted in the news section of I probably had about 2 or 3 instances of that. I used arch for 2 or 3 years.

btw. pacman DOES NOT overwrite .conf files if they've been editted.
>see pacnew page in the wiki
So the guy that keeps posting that his mom had to cancel his meetings because pacman broke xorg.conf again should just append a # to it.

I am about to do that, need the ssd for an x220, but idk if I should...

install antergos, use it for a whihle, then install arch