Does Sup Forums know basic arithmetic?

Does Sup Forums know basic arithmetic?

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IPhone is flat out wrong here no matter how you twist it

6/6 is 1

That's just fucking retarded. Phone doesn't know order of operations.

Oh god white ppl dont know how calculations work

Kys nigger.

phone is reading it as (6/2)(2+1)
the Casio is reading it as 6 divided by 2(2+1)

The way I learnt how to do it is like this

From left to right
Brackets first
* / next
+ - next

It's 9 senpai

And the phone is right.

The phone is right tho

1. brackets

6/2 * 3
3 * 3
Multiplication and Division are done on the same step, from left to right. The calculator messes up here by doing the (2 * 3) bit before the (6 / 2) bit.

Casio is right, what kind of a dumb faggot programmed that calculator in the left?

>ITT: American Education


If the answer was to equal 1, this is because the entire section under 6 would be considered the denominator. In order to do this, the problem would have to be written like this: 6/(2*(1+2))
However, since the problem is written vaguely, you have no choice but to interpret it as a left to right mathematical equation. 6/2(2+1) is going to equal 9.

The divided by symbol is a tricky devil as the problem isn't written out as the fraction 6/2. The divided by symbol could in some cases imply that the number(s) before it is the numerator and the number(s) after are the denominator. This information is provided in the Casio's manual for clarification.

shitty android is correct.


2 completely different operations due to the way they are written.

Neither the calculator or phone are right and wrong because the OP didn't specify which Operation was the one he wanted to do.


The only real answer is to bracket everything and don't let assumptions as to order be assumed.

It's 9
you retards

ayyy redmi

Haha im not a nigger

Here's how it's taught in pajeetland.

Bodmas in short. Division and multiplication have the same precedence and are evaluated from left to right. The same applies to Addition and subtraction. It's actually better to supply the much needed parenthesis when possible.

>let's write ambiguous equation and laught that people can't solve it
Don't. The worst point is division sign, because you don't know what it represents (and then there's also slash which can go both ways too). I don't know much about operation order, but creating ambiguity on purpose is a sign of borderline retardation. Just use brackets more if you aren't sure.
Left is right because it's 6 divided by 2, then multiplied by 3. It assumes (6/2)(2+1)
Right is right because it's 6 divided by 2 multiplied by 3. Is assumes 6/(2(2+1)

American here, the iPhone's right.

>2 completely different operations due to the way they are written
Wrong. There is no ambiguity.

Especially since putting a scalar next to parentheses implies you are multiplying what is in the parentheses by that scalar. The way it is in the OP is extremely ambiguous, also ignores the convention used for the calculatior isn't the same as the phone

My old Sharp gives me an error. I have to be more specific as it doesn't assume anything apparently.

You're fucking RETARDED.
1. 6/2(2+1)=1
2. (6/2)(2+1)=9
We're dealing with the first option, so the answer is fucking 1. No, it doesn't magically turn into 9 with your retarded mental gymnastics, that's what the second calculation would be.


>broken math AGAIN
>endless shitstorm AGAIN

congratulations on being still a mentally challenged 12 year old Sup Forums

Except that multiplication and division have the same priority so it goes left to right. You're a retard.

Of course

>order of operations
Are you a fucking 3rd grader? Then go ask your math teacher why it's wrong you fuckface.



You're wrong.
a(b+c) universally means a*(b+c)
So the equation is x/a*(b+c)
b+c is calculated first, which is 2+1 = 3
Then all you're left with is 6/2*3 and the operations go from left to right.
6/2 = 3, 3*3 = 9
Basic. Fucking. Math.

6/2(2+1) = (6/2)(2+1) = 9
why are you calculating shit from right to left? kys, arab.

>Pulling non existing brackets out of your ass.
KYS unfulfilled magician.

The fuck are you talking about, retard?

Meant for

So not only you're dumb, but also illiterate.

Everyone who thinks the '2' right before the parenthesis should be torn away from it and 6 should be devided by that 2 first are either trolling or completely retarded (or American, of course).



M Y ...

D E A R .

A U N T .


PEMDAS says to do parentheses then multiplication, after adding 1 and 2 the next step is to multiply 6 by 2.

another retard.


>Multiplication and Division have the same priority so you go left to right memers shitting up another thread
It's time to go back to school kids.

Doing the terms inside the parentheses has NOTHING to do with fucking up what happens with the '2' on front.

Wrong. There is ambiguity.

Every calculation has brackets. Order of operations is just a guide to how brackets that aren't placed are distributed.

Basically, wrap everything in brackets so there is no ambiguity in how it will be interpreted, because once everything is properly bracketed all calculators will give the same answers.

Do you know the difference between left and right you shitcunt?


>Do you know the difference between left and right you shitcunt?
Do you have an elementary school level understanding of orders of operations?

pemdas is not literal


all on the same line solve from left to right

the phone is correct


>do this on my casio fx-82
>changes the calculation to 6/(2(2+1))
that is not what I entered you piece of shit

Phone is right. Brackets first, then left to right since division and multiplication have same priority.
Half of you niggers need an education. Although I'll admit I thought calc was right at first since I read division as subtraction but did division in my head anyway.

So I guess now we know the answer to that question, OP, given most of the replies in this thread.

Yes it is.

Anyone saying 9 seriously needs to finish school. The level of education on this board is appalling.

>anyone saying the correct answer needs to finish school

Its not an ambiguous equation though. You perform all operations within brackets, then all division operations, then all multiplication operations.

The ambiguity comes from the fact that the phone and calculator use the / to refer to different operations. On the phone, it is a division, on the calculator it's used to denote a fraction.

Both devices have been given different equations, hence the different result

>then all division operations, then all multiplication operations
literally kys yourself

There's no ambiguity, but they are two different equations due to the iPhone and Casio using different syntaxes

t. retard/baiter.
If you ever did something like this in college you'd fail. He obviously didn't enter that. It would be correct if "/" meant fraction but it doesn't, it means division. The calculator is just wrong.

It's sad to see how terrible American education is

This thread has convinced me that Sup Forums is actually the most retarded board on this website.

Burgers eternally BTFO on 3d grade math.

Why are you on a tech board if you don't know what order math works in?

6/2*(2+1) = 9
3*3 =9

There is no ambiguity, just faggots ITT that couldn't pass basic Junior High School arithmetic.


It looks like the Casio interprets it as a fraction:

Because there's no * between 2 and (2+1). So I guess it boils down to how you want to treat that lack of a * operator.

>junior high
try middle school

*grade school

>So I guess it boils down to how you want to treat that lack of a * operator.
And since there's no question about how you "want" to treat it when there's a clear rule how you "should" treat it, then the result should be pretty clear.

>not using reverse polish notation for everything

>there's no question about how you "want" to treat it when there's a clear rule how you "should" treat it
Name the rule and give me a source on it, please.

Mah nigga
>These mnemonics may be misleading when written this way, especially if the user is not aware that multiplication and division are of equal precedence, as are addition and subtraction. Using any of the above rules in the order "addition first, subtraction afterward" would incorrectly evaluate the expression
Top lel, "technology" board.

> webm or it didn't happen

elementary school*

Same thing, you fucking pedant.

that casio calculator went full retard
= 3*(2+1)
=3*3 = 9




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>>> 6/2*(2+1)

either way, junior high? come on

This is what you get for not using reverse polish notation, ameritards. Enjoy your brackets.



>that casio calculator went full retard
But it didn't. It interpreted the expression as a fraction due to the omission of the * operator.


I've yet to see any authoritative source for or against such an interpretation.

Jr high = middle school
Grade school = elementary school

It's as if they don't know that division is multiplication, and that subtraction is addition.

>form right to left
it's from left to right


>b+c is calculated first, which is 2+1 = 3
Did you skip school?

When you are multiplying something inside a bracket, you multiply with all of the members.
4*(2+5) is not 4*7
It's 4*2 + 4*5.

That's just how math works. You can't just invent your own special rules.

>It would be correct if "/" meant fraction but it doesn't, it means division. The calculator is just wrong.
They're the same thing.

>Because there's no * between 2 and (2+1). So I guess it boils down to how you want to treat that lack of a * operator.
The presence of a * or not is irrelevant. a*b and a(b) are identical. * Is used because it is more convenient. The actual meaning doesn't change.

>It would be correct if "/" meant fraction but it doesn't, it means division
I honestly can't believe there are people this ignorant about 3rd grade math.

>The presence of a * or not is irrelevant.

I've got a PhD in Mathematics and can get any job I want with a starting salary of 6/2(500*200) dollars, the answer is 9

For simplicity: They should both echo Syntax Error and demand an operand to preceed the stuff inside the parenthesis.

>For simplicity
You mean for retards, right? Because lack of an operand implies multiplication.

It works both ways. Distributive property, idiot.
Your b8 is terrible. In case you're not baiting, I'm sorry to inform you but your IQ is barely 2 digit.