Yfw gringos illegally stole Mexico's potential to become a world power

>yfw gringos illegally stole Mexico's potential to become a world power

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this was just land that the spanish stole from natives and called it all mexico though

we just double stole it, cancels out

Absolutely not. It was our Manifest Destiny to take that land.

You mean less than one generation after Mexico stole it from Spain?

Moxico is African. Blacks were the first Moxicans.

That is true, look at the noses and lips of these statues, don't these reminds you those of black people ?
Yes, because black people were the first people to settle to Mexico.

>Mexcrements keep the entire west coast
>they'd still flood into the US
If Brazil had South America all to itself it'd still be monkey land.

Hispanics legally owned California for centuries and did nothing with it because their culture did not value hard work, individual enterprise, or profit. Within 1 year of California becoming a US state a mill owner uncovered the largest gold deposit in history and triggered a mass migration from all around the world. What's more is we didn't just hand all the gold over to the Pope like Spain would have, we let the miners invest it for themselves and create what would eventually become the world's 6th largest economy. That could never have happened under Mexican rule.

The fuck

>latino country
>world power


ayy wat

>le hungry hungary meme xddddd
Just another reason why Mexico is a shithole, they can't even joke.

the ruined their only chance of becoming a world power by themselves

>did nothing with it
Does an extensive rancho system look like nothing? Do missions to civilize the natives look like nothing? Do military attempts to take the land from natives look like nothing?

>potential world power
top kek


Thas rite

your country is a shithole for example and it is not a latin country
you killed all natives,meanwhile spaniards mixed with them and they werent ours slaves like your niggers from africa

At least we aren't in huge national debt, our politicians have power in European Parliament, and we aren't lazy son of a bitches to sleep hours after lunch, like you do.

>At least we aren't in huge national debt
check debt statistics , debt France for example is higher debt than us.

unemployment is dropping and is pretty good country. yes i love my country

>Weren't our slaves
Buddy, the Encomienda was a thing, they most definitely WERE your slaves

The rancho system was nothing. Christianizing the natives did little more than ensure that most of them went to heaven after the Americans arrived. Taking land from some of the most peaceful Indians on the continent isn't much to brag about.

debt in france*

>to the point your national anthem is basically "why God why"?
Is this accurate?

From what it says here, pretty much

The only reason the Spaniards didn't kill them all was because they vastly outnumbered them. The Mexica had cities with hundreds of thousands of people living in them, the largest native urban settlement in what would become the US was a few thousand at most so they couldn't recover their population from smallpox as quickly as the Mexican natives could.

Also the hacienda system was absolutely fucked up and you guys imported 200,000 African slaves too, so don't try to pull that "evil Anglo" shit. The Spanish worked literally millions of natives to death in silver mines and on plantations throughout their colonies, the US never came close to that kind of brutality.

Mexico had potential?

LOL, learn history before saying nonsense.

But Mexicans are already a world power.

>Mexico's potential

Buddy, the Encomienda literally let Spaniards to goto the Americas and use the natives as slaves


But not we murdered indigenous as exterminators, as well as other countries such as France or UK.


>shitskins illegaly gained independence from white Spaniards
>Spain is no longer superpower

Yes you fucking did. You set up a virtual slavery caste system that prevented the Native's from being able to educate themselves. Mexicans have a negative opinion of Spain for good reason. There was nothing "good" or "righteous" about the exploitment and virtual enslavement of the people. Not to mention you created a race based caste system that is alive to this day.

I've got a bachelor's degree in history you motherfucker. If you want to put up a counter argument then do it.

Just because you dismiss everything that makes your country look bad as "black legend" doesn't mean it didn't happen.

You murdered the fuck out of them, you just used forced labor and inhuman working conditions instead of bullets to do it.

>why are you defending horrible things done 500 years ago?
You don't hear me saying the Trail of Tears wasn't that bad because of the Armenian Genocide.

>as exterminators

No, you did it as mine owners and hacendados

Then be contrary to what made your country with the Indians not?

You didn't need to exterminate them though, disease and overworking did that swimmingly; and the rest who survived were exploited by you guys basically installing puppet rulers, and phasing out the indigenous systems of rule with colonial ones. No colonial power is free from scrutiny. It's arguably worse to die tired and sick in a mine over many years of slavery than just being murdered outright.

TL;DR, just cause you didn't ACTIVELY exterminate them, doesn't make what you did necessarily any better

But that was indirect.

You're either bad at English or I'm way too drunk to read


I don't speak English, sorry.

Slavery and colonial rule is pretty direct guy

you stole some states like arizona ,california,new mexico,nevada etc.....all with spanish names for example Nevada > snow storm,Arizona (Arida Zona in spanish) > dry zone in english

I say death by epidemics, I do not change the subject.

All the colonial powers murdered hundreds of thousands of natives.
It's pretty inexcusable at this point and also history so far in the past I can't fathom why anyone even cares anymore.

Anyone who participated in that died 300 years ago in most places and 100 years ago in the US.
Nobody cares that your cunt was a cunt we care that you try to defend what dead people did 400 years after the fact like it matters anymore.

Hey friend, help me against these Americans.

At least Costa Rica exists for Gringo sex tourism.

They still have that potential though.

American studies are not worth anything.

Then why do you Eurocunts pay assloads of ALL AMERICAN MONEY to come overseas for 4-8 years to get degrees in American Universities?

All you said was that, which there meant everything I just said, not just the epidemics. Make sure to specify next time. Not trying to be a dick, just trying to help your English.

Now, you did not use violence to kill those people. What you did use though, was slavery and systemic exploitation. The slavery worked people to death. The systemic exploitation led to cultural genocide on a massive scale, with the surviving cultures being so far in the forest you couldn't catch them until later. You are no better than the English or French in that regard.

The only place where we enslaved them and worked them to death (that I know of) was in California, where our judges used Spanish/Mexican legal precedent to continue to allow white men to take any Indians they found as slaves.

Yeah, we stole all the brown and red skins' land.

Fuck wit us.

that's a funny way of showing sex slavery

>you did not use violence to kill those people

they used that too, though it was mostly in warfare and overzealous retaliation against tribes that harbored bandits.

Wha Do americunts do the same in Europe?

Both in numbers and proportionately we do not.

Get fucked.

The land was already stolen from the Utes, Shoshone, Apaches, O'odham, Navajos, Pueblos, Comanches, Chumash, Tongva, Mojave, Serranos, LuiseƱos, Ohlone, Kawaiisu, Yokuts, Miwok, etc etc etc.

There's no reason to apopogize for stealing from a thief. There's no reason to apologize to Mexico.

Well, maybe an apology is in order for fucking with the Mexican federal government, but not for the land grab.

Why should they apologize if they didn't steal anything?

>spain defending spics
Wtf i thought you guys were better than this

Under Mexico's control that land would be trash and we all know it

We have legal authority to own all land up to Mexico city
Mexico got off light

They created all of this shit. It's logical