ITT: We post laptops that are superior to ThinkPads

ITT: We post laptops that are superior to ThinkPads.

Low quality b8 m8, I'd r8 it a 0/8

Take your FagPad and shove it up your fagass.

Fujitsu Lifebook.

Dell Precisions

Asus is a good brand, Better than HP, or Acer. However I still like Panasonic, and Fujitsu more

>Chicklet Keyboard
Not even once



I own a toughbook. It has some advantages and disadvantages.


it would be a blast to carry that on international flights

That laptop looks even cooler than the toughbook though

Well no shit because I own one and I love it.
It MEANS business and wörk and has RS232 which is great.
user, have you seen computers from the 80s and 90s? They are a lot thicker than that.


So what's even filling all that inside?

Structure and modular design. And fuckton of battery.

I came.

Basically designed to stop atomic bombs

Donald Trumps new bomb shelter in Montana is actually just made of toughbooks and titanium zip ties

if (xps.thirteen().developer_edition) {

Bring this shit to uni and score all the poon


Although I own several think pads, chromebooks are slowly winning me over

It looks like the keyboard and screen were ripped out of a thinkpad. I was under the impression that the firmware for those was proprietary.

that thing looks like like it would bend if you dropped it or bumped up against it. it also probably costs more than a thinkpad

no thank you


It can hold up to 16gb of ram compared to the thinkpad equivalent which can only hold up to 8gb

it has a better processor

i wouldn't even take that for free. it looks heavy as fuck

That's why it has a handle. Do you mean that you are unable to carry this laptop? Then you are the error, machine did nothing wrong.


quirky code friendo xd