>want to make a bulleted list
>open \begin{itemize} environment
>automatically starts with \item
>next line is blank and I have to type \item again
>for every line

Microsoft is the only option.

Other urls found in this thread:


Have to use this shit for algorithms hw. Spend more time formatting on this then solving the problems.

Part of your problem is you think Latex is a program :^)

where did i say LaTeX was a program you shit eating mongoloid?

It's a typesetting system, what did you expect? A WYSIWYG editor?

The part where you implied the reason \item only autofills sometimes is a result of Latex

what the fuck else could you possibly want to do in an itemization environment EXCEPT itemize? I use LaTeX all the time because WYSIWYG editors are trash, but even in shit like TeXStudio you get stupid shit like this.
If I have
\item bullshit

As long as I am inside that environment, the next time I press the enter key it should automatically insert \item I shouldn't have to press enter, CTRL+SHIFT+I, and then keep going.


Your problem is NOT with LaTeX but rather with your text editor, dumbass.

just use markdown faggot.

>bulleted list
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

$ pandoc -f markdown -t latex -o list.pdf
* do you even
* technology
* brah?

No one will take you seriously if you use Word.

>blames latex for his text editor
u sure ur mom didnt drop you on your head when u were a toddler

It's not my fault you're retarded OP.

Use AUCTeX in emacs.

LaTeX is a necessary skill. Keep at it and you'll be a pro before you know it. Eventually, you'll be so proficient that you'll realize LaTeX totally DOES suck ass after all.

TikZ is a fucking crime against humanity.

use LyX. It's awesome and produces perfect LaTeX every time.

>there are people who use shitty LaTeX-specific editors with GUIs
>they don't use a text editor and then run pdflatex

I swear, people want to make it harder on themselves.

don't be rude
the dude is right tho, you are stupid, learn what latex is before shitposting

>does exactly what you tell it to do
>beautiful formatting

>numbered list decide to start after numbered list from 2 chapters before
>have to dig in menus and submenus to find an option to start the list from scratch
>occasionally automatically does what you need but 90% of the time it's a fight to get it to work like you want instead of what it's algorithms think you want

No thanks, I'll keep liking latex more

>not using rubber
Stay pleb.

How much did you pay for your latex editor to expect such features?


>It's a typesetting system, what did you expect? A WYSIWYG editor?
Texmaker is a wysiwiyg Latex editor, notice the toolbars at the left in the pic, you just press a button and it outputs the formatting keywords

You fucking moron. You are complaining about you ide.

>the next time I press the enter key it should automatically insert \item

What if every item is several paragraphs long, you fucking retard?

>Texmaker is a wysiwiyg Latex editor, notice the toolbars at the left in the pic, you just press a button and it outputs the formatting keywords

Do you even know what WYSIWYG means?

>Do you even know what WYSIWYG means?
yes, do you even see the preview window in the pic?

WYSIWYG means writing directly in the preview screen, without having to compile your shit every time you want to see any changes, without having to deal with code at all.

Having buttons that insert predefined code is not WYSIWYG.

I like it. Only problem I had recently was that putting hexdumos in an lstlisting somehow created a loop which causes latex to crash. And I can't figure out why this is happening.

Whoa, this is nice. Thanks.

Why even bother going the hard road when you can overleaf it?


ps. you're retardet

If for some reason don't understand LaTeX you could always use LyX, or drop out.

lyx.org/ is WYSIWYG you mongoloid.

The logo itself screams retardation

Fucking retards who can't even latex, pretty sad to see on a fucking technology board.

>Microsoft is the only option.
When you want to lose page number out of your table of contents it is indeed, Wordfag.

>Written in Haskell

>LaTeX is a necessary skill

no, it fucking isn't

latex is garbage and has been deprecated by literally any major html layout engine.

also tons of transpilers will output ok enough TeX garbage so u can look like some cool kid faggot and have your stupid math formatting and TeX literal blocks.

>hurr i can tex

ya ur so pro dood.

>TikZ is a fucking crime against humanity.

no shit. that's why you use proper canvas api drawing tools and output SVG's

only a fucking retard would try to use that shit to make anything.

>not using org-mode
stay pleb

>t, the next time I press the enter key it should automatically insert \item
So get an editor that does exactly this? Wipe the drool of your chin, you look like a faggot

AUCTEX is the shit, with outline you can fold unfold your section, and you have autocomplete for most of the "not so cool to type stuff", managing templates you could boost your productivity.

I do all my diagrams in TikZ, by hand.

Come at me.

I haven't used overleaf, but I feel so at home with my text editor and its shortcuts, and I'm familiar enough with LaTeX that I don't see a need to introduce a new application for it. I can't imagine it'll actually speed up my productivity, especially since pdflatex doesn't ever take long to run.

you think wysiwyg means 'hide the source code', it doesnt mean that, there are plenty of wysiwyg editors that BOTH generate code for you and give a preview. The fact that you think that Word is somehow better or more wysiwyg because it hides source code pretty much shows why people who use Word are pleb level morons

> Latex
> Deprecated
> muuh html

Brainlet rant.

>I'm too stupid to use Word so I'll go compile text

Einstein used Word.


You're retarded, my dude.

beside Knuth
what should i read to become superior in tex/latex?

asciidoc is superior
way more clean than latex

why would you even waste your time on that?

just watch some youtube tutorials

What YouTube tutorials

Also which latex editor should I use on windows

Einstein sucked my grandma's dick.

You forget how you need install a lot of editors, additional apps and Tex -> PDF plugins.



I regularly make lists of paragraphs with equations and all kinds of stuff. If every linebreak invoked another bulletpoint, the itemize environment would be utterly useless to me.

A word of advice, if you ever feel like something technical and advanced doesnt make any sense, and especially if it is something that people much smarter than yourself have no problem dealing with, it very well might be because of your own lack of understanding, experience and insight.

Unless you want to come across as a shortsighted, stubborn, entitled, whiny, little prick, I suggest you try understanding instead of shouting "THIS DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. THIS IS DUMB." Anyone willing to listen will usually just disregard your complaints and take away an impression that it is _you_ who is dumb.

You could start by asking questions like "why is it like this", instead of stating that "this way has to be dumb, because I am not able to imagine its reasoning." The discussions youd get out of that would be much more rewarding.