To pronounce the "TH" sound in english, you have to place your tongue between your teeth and almost bite down

>to pronounce the "TH" sound in english, you have to place your tongue between your teeth and almost bite down


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It's actually not that hard once you get used to it, Chang

it's not hard at all. just strange.

>his "r" is pure phlegm

I want to Kiss that mounth
Pls Tell me it is a girl

>he just wants to kiss someone white and doesnt care if its a dude or a chick

It's a child you fucking shithead. Reported to the brazilian authorities.

Or just be lazy like the brits and pronounce it like an f

I just pronounce it as a f fuck this shit


We actually have to "th" sounds.
There's /ð/, as in "though", "them", and "there".
There's also /θ/, as in "thank", "thoughtful", and "thing".
I'm on mobile but I'll Vocaroo in a second since I know foreigners (especially Germanic) will think "them" and "thank" both have the same "th" sound.

Meant *two, not "to". I promise I'm not an illiterate millenial.

Here's how they sound:

so you're telling me people don't even bother to learn one of the most essential sounds in english, and just go 'd' or something? Why the fuck would 'f' ever substitute?


Just put your teeth on the tip of your tongue and blow, mate.

But don't worry. Ladies love Quebecois accents.

fuck you nigger
bring back latin

We also have the /θ/ sound and latin americans get mad about it because they can't pronounce it

What's so hard about this?
Hard "th" (/θ/) and then "eye".

I can pronounce it. I just think it's a weird thing to do.

also: 'suede' vs. 'zuede'

This guy is completely correct.

t. amateur linguistic nerd

In English? I've never heard '"zuede". Or are you talking about Spanish?

it sounds retarded

You can't roll R's like Spain, Mexicans and flips tho

This is why I LOVE Castilian Spanish. That sound is so beautiful to me. /θ/ and /ð/ are the two best sounds on the planet, it is like music. Every language that has them sounds amazing.

I can't pronounce German "Rache" or Icelandic "öllu", just a jumble of noises for me.

I don't know what he's talking about

we call swedes "suecos" with normal "s"

One is a person from a certain country and one is the wooden clog that person
would have worn on his one foot had he emigrated to an other 'certain' country to start a new life.

Can you vocaroo yourself saying
'Tengo cinco cervezas azules'


Yeah. I mixed the terms up in a fit of a stupor.. It should be suecos / zuecos

This evidence make them mad as hell

Here is proof too.
Languages that have /θ/ and /ð/:

-Castilian Spanish

No need to go on, these are the best languages.

You literally just make your teeth touch your tongue and then you make it so that air blows through. There is no biting pressure at all.

I guess it's nice to think latams care so much about pronunciation of peninsular spanish that we actually get mad

literally no one cares. just as you don't care about latam spanish

Nope I can't, but our "z" and "ce/ci" have the same /θ/ sound than "th" in "think"

>Be chinese
>Have two j's, two sh's, and two ch's

inb4 "Those aren't voiced J's" Yeah, I know they're just not aspirated, you know what I mean

>literally no one cares


no spaniard can upload a single video without a bunch of latinos insulting and screaming in the comments about the castilian accent

Yeah, that is why I wanted to hear it.

Castilian Spanish is so beautiful, I cannot even put it into words. It flows like a river, each sound flowing gracefully to the next. Everyone loves to drone on and on about how great Italian sounds, but the true greatest tongue is Castilian Spanish. I am studying Spanish right now, and I strictly pronounce it in the Castilian way.

greek is pretty based, I like how similar it sounds but how different is in reality

I am conflicted about the Castilian θ. On one hand, it maintains distinct from normal s and this is etymologically good because "z"/"ce"/"ci" in Old Spanish were pronouned "ts" and that was distinct from normal "s". On the other hand, Latino /s/ simply sounds closer to the original ts even though that makes the distinction lost.

What about Arabic?

It sounds terrible in Modern times. If it was pronounced like Ancient Greek, it would be waaayy better.

Does it honestly matter though how close to the original it sounds? Is a language's aesthetic value purely based on how closely it resembles earlier stages of the language?

The answer to that is no. Truly, Castilian Spanish is THE best language. I plan on teaching English there anyway in a couple of years, so I hope to get very good at it.

I was considering adding Arabic, but it the dental fricatives are only preserved in a few conservative varieties, including the standard though. And even then, it is falling out of use.

>And even then, it is falling out of use.
Source needed

nono, I meant latams don't care we don't use the theta pronunciation.

Latin americans make the same sound for s, z, c

Some of them make a normal "s" and others make a rare "s" similar to a "ts"

But it's because of their accents, not because of old spanish.

The only variation of spanish that still keeps these old sounds is jewish spanish (judeoespañol or ladino), you can search in yt

P.S: Interesting fact: Spanish from the Phillipines (almost extinct) and Equatorial Guinea (alive) do, partially, that sound

How is Castilian Spanish perceived by Latin Americans? Similarly to how Americans perceive British English?

It seems they hate it and think theirs is the correct one



Probably because castilian-speaking population doesn't even make half of the latin population of Mexico alone

Latin America is huge and we're an irrelevant country in the butt of Europe

Hey, do not talk like that, Spain is great. I plan on teaching English over there soon.

Be proud of your rich history and culture, mate :)

I can, it's just not a sound in English

Old spanish z (as well as ce and ci) was pronounced as ts. Old spanish s obviously was s. So written was /s/ and written was /ts/

The ts sound did not survive into the modern day, and it changed into different sounds depending on the region. In the prestige dialect in Spain, ts changed into θ. In the dialects that formed the latino dialects, it deaffricated into s (and as a result, unlike in castilian, came to be the same sound as what written stood for).

s is indeed a closer sound to ts than θ, so the Latinos didn't change the sound as much as the Castilians. However, the Castilians at least maintain the separation of the sound between written and written by not having θ become s.

We still can pronounce perfectly thought, as in pizza. But yes, it dissapeard from our own words.

The thick thighs on them thots through the thampton those.

Can a non native speaker please attempt this

Well not a biting pressure but I do have a habit of pressing down my front teeth on my tongue to make a sharper "th" sound. I don't know where I learned that.

I had a lot of trouble with this sound when I was younger and it was one of the sounds I needed someone to teach me how to form.

When I was young I couldn't pronounce the "r" properly in spanish, instead of that I made something similar to an anglo "r"

maybe that's how that sound was born

Arabic sounds good but Arabic accent usually sounds like trash on most languages. Might be because Arabic itself uses so many more unique sounds.

I wonder why most Arabs in the post-Classical era went full retard and stop pronouncing ج as a g or gy sound.

I like how the Egyptians (that I've spoken with) genuinely seem to confuse g and j when speaking foreign languages. It's exactly like the Japanese confusing r and l because they were brought up thinking that these sounds are synonymous.

Semites will be Semites I guess.
Never even heard the words thot or thampton 2bh, so pardon.

Some american try this:
Rohkea ritari ratsullaan ratsasti ympäri areenan

your entire language is retarded trollspeak


I always tell foreigners to say it either like an s or a z, but with a lisp.

Say "How are zay doing zat?" with a lisp, and you've got the voiced "th" down.

Say "Sink about it" with a lisp and you have the unvoiced "th" down.


>Latin americans make the same sound for s, z, c

And I fucking hate them for it.

It's like hearing a snake talk in Spanish.

Shrill obnoxious sound.
Does my "thing" sound correct? Google identify it as "sing" :(

>>to pronounce the "TH" sound in english, you have to place your tongue between your teeth and almost bite down
And they say that french is a gay language.

Thot = slut/skank/whore/ho

Only niggers and people who act like niggers use the term.


H-how'd I do...? ;_;

>brazilian authorities

what, the silverback gorillas?

J'apprends le français dix mois et je ne peux pas reconnaître les sons nasaux. :( Je connais quel son on prononce dans un cas, mais je ne le "distingue" pas.

Near the end (the three words) your started to sound like you were saying t instead of th. You also said thompton kind of weird, but I am struggling to explain how.

Great otherwise. Also, you have a great narrator voice. I could see you doing documentaries and stuff.

It's normal, I guess.
I (try to) speak english, for two years know. And almost can uderstand a usual conversation.
Well, french is maybe easiest for you, Russian.
Good luck anyway.
Just : for learning, speak with native, and heard them(TV, Internet shows). It's the best way...

Who says that? People say french is the language of love but it just sounds unpleasant with all that snorting.

>Near the end (the three words) your started to sound like you were saying t instead of th.
I don't speak English aloud all that much, except to myself, so my pronunciation is sometimes a bit shaky at times. Should practice it more but muh insecurities. Also Finnish doesn't have a "th" sound so eh.
>You also said thompton kind of weird, but I am struggling to explain how.
Never heard the word before and couldn't find it on youtube.
>Also, you have a great narrator voice. I could see you doing documentaries and stuff.

>tfw couldn't roll my R's when I was younger and had a lisp

>sometimes at times

>so my pronunciation is a bit shaky at times*


Maybe he said "thompton" weird because it's a word you just fucking made up.

Isn't the "th" sound unpronounceable?

>was looking for thompton on youtube
>this came up

>Quick Synopsis, was at the gym 2 nights ago when I was placed under mind control and was made to drink a substance that left a sticky after taste in my mouth, I felt my equilibrium was off and I felt shakey like they wanted me to get in panic mode.
>directed energy weapon