Where can I get one of those laptops they give to kids in Africa

Where can I get one of those laptops they give to kids in Africa

in africa

ebay "xo olpc"

Huff paint until your IQ has dropped to around 65 and they'll probably come drop one off at your doorstep. Getting AIDs might help, too.

nah, that's more of an apple user thing. OP would be better off with ebola.

And Uruguay, believe it or not.
Believe me, you don't want one of these turds. I've got its upgrade (XO 1.5, it was blue) when I was in High School and it was a fucking horrible nightmare. Could barely run GameBoy games, Web browsing was awfully slow, it seriously was an experience I never want to go through ever again in my life.

Likely due to neglect/no support for the devices. These machines need to be re-imaged at least annually. Given the 100s of people who use them in a school setting, it doesn't take long before they get fucked up, performance deteriorates and they become bricked, and everyone complains that the whole project was a waste of money and time. I don't know how this project was run, but I suspect they just parachuted the units into schools without much thought of a support infrastructure to maintain the machines.

I reimaged my XO-1 and it's still basically useless. Fun to mess with for a little while though, since it's such an unusual hardware/OS design.

OP, I'll sell mine for $30+shipping if you'd like.

In Africa, mate.

>tfw it's a better convertible than anything to have come out in years

Had one for the shits in highschool in like 2011-2012, it was a useless turd


I just baby barfed

Stay poor

This has nothing to do with money, that's just a terrible design. I mean, it's better than the 360º hinged ones, but still retarded.

>it's better than the 360º hinged ones

Well which one is it?

weak and gay

I wonder for what those niglets use it without the computer knowledge.

That's not a 360º hinge, you fucking dumbass.

Those don't exist

Not only do they sadly exist, they're the most common type of convertible laptop.

355 degrees at best

In a world where everyone is autistic, you'd be the turbosperg.

Prove me wrong

You're just further proving my point.

So you admit that 360 degree laptops don't exist

Essentially, they do. You get my point, you fucking autistic pedant.

>get told
>resort to name calling
most jej

Except they don't. Why would you go on the internet and tell lies?

>has no argument
>resorts to semantics
>thinks he somehow "told" me
toppest of jejes

Look, you fucking nigger. All I'm saying is that this hinge is better than this and especially this

It's not, I had an HP tablet with a swivel hinge and it snapped off. Same with my chinkpad

Argument for what, calling out your bullshit? What are you even saying lol. You got told kiddo, you didn't even have to say anything but now you're throwing a tantrum. Just stop.

My Latitude XT2's hinge feels like I just bought it today and it's 8 years old.

> What are you even saying lol.
read you illiterate twat.

Well if all you do is sit at home and never use it of course it's not going to wear out

I use it all the fucking time

What does that have to do with me or my point at all you fucking idiot? You're still acting like a child for literally no reason. You were wrong, acted stupid, and now you're trying to justify yourself while anonymous instead of just saying nothing and accepting that you were wrong. You're either confused or doing this shit on purpose for attention, stop it and grow up.

>What does that have to do with me or my point at all you fucking idiot?
The fact that you and your point are irrelevant.
>You're still acting like a child for literally no reason. You were wrong, acted stupid, and now you're trying to justify yourself while anonymous instead of just saying nothing and accepting that you were wrong. You're either confused or doing this shit on purpose for attention, stop it and grow up.
Says the childish turbosperg

Not an argument, I stand firm in my belief you're being stupid on purpose.

You can whine all you want, fact is your input was irrelevant to the discussion.

I had one, it was pretty cool. My little sister picked some keys off the keyboard when she was a toddler though and the membrane keyboard couldn't be fixed without sending it someplace and it wasn't worth it.

It doesn't have to be, it's an observation on your behaviour, I'm allowed to call you out on it when you're acting like an idiot, I don't have to contribute to either side of the discussion since I have no stake in it, regardless you're not being fair to the person who is actually asking, you're being disingenuous and childish. You're the worst kind of person and I hate you, I'm going to tell it to you too because I can, sorry that upsets you but it's the truth. This is public discourse, if you don't want to be called out, don't do anything purposely wrong in the first place.

>It doesn't have to be
It sure does. Have fun being an autistic pedant.

African children don't need laptops, they need condoms and clean drinking water.

How about instead of doing the same thing you've been doing which is simply proclaiming "nah", you give an explanation on why it's the case. How would you like it if I did the same thing?
>It sure does
Actually it doesn't.

This is literally how kids act, "no you". I'm willing to accept that you're right if you can prove it to me but you have nothing, you know you're wrong and you can't accept it. The worst kind of person.

FYI I was only fucking with you because you made the assumption that I was the same guy who you were replying to originally and because you were mad over his 5 degrees remark when he's obviously taking the piss.

I was expecting you to reply again and then tell you but I guess you're too flustered or something. I was just teasing mate. lel

It would be annoying, but the thing is, you're wrong, and I'm right.



I just said nah

That sucks

What are you telling me for?

You're the one who just said nah


I know, but what do you want me to do about it, are you after an apology or what?

>Could barely run GameBoy games
Gee, it's almost as if it was made to teach computer literacy in third world shitholes, not play fucking Pokemon on...

I'm going to have to give myself a promotion

That sucks

>replying 2 hours later expecting to get the last word

Well my friend just totaled his car and I just got home so yeah, it is a few hours later

What are you telling me for?