Just fuck this shit

just fuck this shit
im literally sweating like whitu pigus


I thought cockroaches were adaptable to all conditions, including high radiation.

21 C right now, it got up to 42 in afternoon


Jesus Christ, I'm glad I live in a civilized distance from the equator

They said we might get 30° later this week. It's horrifying, 25° today and I'm already sweating like crazy.

Damn I hate summer. I want 0° all year round.

amına koyim 45-46 derece olur burası ağustosta falan bu hızla ;_;

>look how white i am u guys i like the cold am i white yet

This tbqh.
15-22°C is the perfect temperature.


The Cum will be 41°

Post humidity map.

Hot with a lot of humidity is hell on earth

Fuck the Metric system, I'm a person, not a water.

landlocked KEK


Northern hemisphere summers are cute

>The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age. Body composition varies according to gender and fitness level, because fatty tissue contains less water than lean tissue.

you're mostly water

It was +5 degrees last night and now it's somehow +22

Is it too hot in there

im going this wednesday

Why the fuck summer hasn't started here ?

Osla? What language calls it Osla?

idk why but something about this image makes me happy

>tfw the weather's just right