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I know python

I have a job that pays real money so I don't waste time compiling meme languages for the web.

> Full stack JS master race

I'm not a fucking weeb

Because I know Lua.

I am too comfortable with python

Ruby is the slowest programming language.

I do. It's truly the least shitty dynamic scripting language.
Still faster than Python in real world scenarios. Even in the relevant benchmark game benchmarks.

I like Python and I don't want to use Rails.

Explain why should I. Especially vs Erlang/Elixir or Lua

Python got pypy, ruby is an embarrassment of the PL history

Python is standard in my field.

I'm gay :^)

Ruby is for faggots.

silly js babby, ruby was flavour of the week before your cancer and all those meme devs are probably now your boss

if you know elixir you're most of the way there

>if you know elixir you're most of the way there
k, but similarity is not a reason

im triggered

not a brainlet

Ruby it's literally the worst shit ever nothing comes even close to it

>Tries out Ruby script to decrypt a RPG maker game package
>wants to decrypt a small file of 500Mb
>the dumb script starts using up to 4Gb of ram
>The script uses 90% of the CPU the whole time
>it hasn't finished after 30 mins of intense CPU and RAM usage
>Turns out the script got stuck decrypting a 2 Mb audio file
>Tries out a decrypter made in c/c++ by some guy called falo
>It decrypts the whole file perfectly in less than 2 minutes

Nodejs is worse.

I thought Beryl was back.


Ruby got JRuby9000 and Rubinius and other JIT compilers that beat PyPy, Python is an embarrassment of the PL history.

Because in my line of work I already know three languages (Lua, Python, JavaScript) that fill the same role, and I don't get paid to learn languages.

I want a reason.

Is it true that RoR apps fail at over 10 concurrent requests?

I don't like Starbucks.

you sure you just didn't get a poorly written script?

Perl shop.

>i know python
oh waits it's Sup Forums
i can't code

because i struggle with ruby, its a weird monster

>t. Ruby coder

Because I know Python and both Ruby and Python fall into the same category of the purpose and I don't see any pros of switching over to Ruby so there's no real reason for me to learn a redundant language, I'd only consider this if I had a job offer that required it.

I already know Python.

>Because I know Python and both Ruby and Python fall into the same category of the purpose and I don't see any pros of switching over to Ruby so there's no real reason for me to learn a redundant language, I'd only consider this if I had a job offer that required it.
That's reasonable.

I work in datashit and everything I do is in Python, R, or Matlab.
If Ruby had comparable statistics/data-handling libraries, I'd love to use it, because I fucking hate Python's restrictive syntax and Ruby looks much more flexible.

this script sucks! -> the language sucks!

Where do you think you are?

I use Perl


On a scale from 0 to Saren, how reaper indoctrinated are you?

Web dev? What web stack do Perl devs use today?

my nigguh

I do know it and I even like it, although it often feels a bit.. unfinished.

What I don't like is the crowd it has somehow attracted. Crowds that like shit like CoC's.

I'm heterosexual.

>I do know it and I even like it, although it often feels a bit.. unfinished.
Well, duh, it's a dynamically typed language, it technically is unfinished.

It wasn't created by a white man.

But I do know Ruby

You should like it, then.

How do I sound like Ruby wasn't created by a white man?

>How do I sound like Ruby wasn't created by a white man?
Come again?


>It wasn't created by a white man.
>You should like it, then.

No. Try it for yourself and write a selenium or even curl test.

Matz le Nippon created a working concept, in which it deviates from its sources of inspiration.
The problem is, "white men" approach creating programming in basically three ways:
1. going full sperg and perceiving a programming language as pure math, creating an unusable and in the wrong places restricting clusterfuck
2. the PLs-should-be-like-real-languages approach
3. the we-need-a-tool, lets fuck this shit together approach

Could you give a couple examples of each?

You already answered it yourself

It's shit and nobody uses it.

Some of those could be in more than one category, but whatever.
1. Hasklel, Idris, Cock, logic based programming languages
2. SQL, Perl, Python, COBOL, lots of failed 60s-80s langs
3. C and almost every syntactical descendant
4. There is actually another category: minimalist, single paradigm garbage and within those lies Rebol, Lisp, Smalltalk, golang

>minimalist, single paradigm
>single paradigm

true, true, true and true
Hope that triggered you.

Ruby is a very well designed language, its object based more than class based. Its closer to Smalltalk in that you pass messages and anything that understands the message will run (duck typing).

Python looks superficially simple but its literally just a hacked together language. Guido just added features to Python from users requests and used a lot of unix-like hacks to make things work instead of having a unified object design.

The problem with both Python and Ruby is that they have very weak high order functions compared to Javascript or Lua. The reason is that class/object scopes restrain the freedom to use high order functions anywhere you want. But both Javascript and Lua are non-OO and so have very powerful high order function passing ability. But both are lacking elsewhere, Javascript does not have libraries to use as a standalone language (node does not qualify) and Lua tables are just shitty container types.

So luckily there is Julia, Julia like Javascript and Lua is non-OO. It is blazingly fast. Has great high order function facility. Its array types are very powerful and meant to replace the matrix operations done in Matlab and R. It has very powerful systems and I/O libraries. It has powerful multithreading and lisp-like macro metaprogramming.

A lot of people are going to say Elixir, and Elixir is almost a normal scripting language but not quite there yet. Elixir still forces you to use recursion to replace looping, that is simply not practical. Elixir has the illusion of mutable variables in that you can reassign variables, but at some point they are just going to have to add a real looping construct like Common Lisp has because recursion is just as statefull and error prone as looping for non recursive algorithms.

>at some point they are just going to have to add a real looping construct like Common Lisp isn't quite LOOP, but it's something.

>unironically being slower than javascript

because i know other languages that can do everything i need them to.

also, Ruby smells like a ghetto. Ruby programmers mostly seem meme-y, bootcamp-educated and hardly ever know other languages.

I'm busy fucking my wife, and getting fat checks from businesses still using FORTRAN.


I use high level languages to integrate enterprise systems. None of that low level code monkey shit.

Full stack JS is a meme

ruby isn't low level

I write Clojure/ClojureScript at work

check out Pandas, a python module.

But I do.

Quit shilling your meme alterna-script. Having a huge user base is a feature too.

Crystal is faster. With ruby's syntax too ;^)

It"s shiet and has no use cases besides nice logo. Perl master race.

How is your banana going?

They should get it done first, to be sincere.


>Having a huge user base is a feature too.
worse-is-better and babby duck syndrome is not a 'feature'

lmao, i didnt even know that was possible.
but then again. ruby is js + a cancerous meme LGTBQMMVRTBLSDFS community

>we love ruby's efficiency for writing code
disregarded trash

White space delimiting is for fags

It is shit