Other urls found in this thread:

>gpu passthrough
AppImages will make this redundant

Lulnux is really interesting if your time is worthless.


did it stop being a OS for neets and hobbyists or what?

how long until AMD drivers ruin everything like they always do

Ok freetard. Now go back to plebit.



Ryzen is the best CPU on the market. AMD doesn't do dubious things with their marketing and hardware like Intel. SO BUY AMD.

You don't have to worry about Windows messing up your system, hardware, files because it's contained.

GPU passthrough works, but not as well with NVIDIA as it does with ATI. NVIDIA is hostile towards using their hardware for any kind of virtualization. SO BUY ATI.

You can do image editing, video editing, making 3d models, really anything, and it would still performance will still be about the same or better.

nvidia > amd. OSX > Windows > Linux
it is known.

I tried so hard to get GPU passthrough working, but the stub never claims the actual GPU only the audio driver. I have googled my fucking brains out for weeks with nothing working. And yes, my hardware is compatible. I get so damn upset when someone mentions GPU passthrough because i want it so bad.

>windows is dead
>post it literally about celebrating running windows

What CPU & GPU do you have?

Just read the wiki. :^)

>tfw using emulators, mpv with heavy shaders, and native games on Linux
I would hate it if my host went weaksauce and spending double on a GPU doesn't appeal to me. Linux will really take over when SRIOV goes to the consumer like how Wendell was orgasming over it. Maybe Navi will have it? I would buy it day 0.

Good luck finding an AMD GPU that lets you install the Linux driver without issue!

>cpu is still slow as fuck
>have to use some hacks
>or just run os x and have everything from linux compiled and all the cool apps
also os x has gpu passthrough too

>using the smiley with a carat nose

lol post sent from my windows 7 machine

>install the Linux driver
Most distributions have decently recent kernels already with AMDGPU. What the fuck do you mean, install? If it's AMDGPU-Pro, then that's another issue.

can i get a tldr on what gpu passthrogh does?

Basically it's a marketing ploy to make you buy 2 gpus.

Intel i7 6700
Radeon RX480

you can play games using a windows virtual machine on your linux host OS, and freeturds are celebrating this as a "victory" here, because their shit OS has no gaems lol

They are still living in 2015, or they are a crackhead. Don't mind them.

And yes AMDGPU is improving week by week.

>install the Linux driver
You can use the free drivers...?
They ship with any linux distro with GUI.

Buy two GPU's
Attach one GPU to a virtual machine that is running windows on your actual computer that is running linux

Until it works basically as plugnplay functionality with only one GPU, it will never take off.

what is your hardware?
have you tried using vfio-pci instead of stub? or does your hardware not support it? There might be a flaw with blacklisting the GPU to ensure it is loaded to stub first on boot.
Check if GPU is actually bound to stub using "lspci -k" and checking which driver the kernel is using for your GPU
Try manually unbinding and rebinding your GPU in the QEMU startup script if you can use vfio-pci (don't forget to unbind the GPU's HDMI audio addresses as well)
#unbind nvidia driver
#sudo echo -n "0000:01:00.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia/unbind
#unbind GPU HDMI audio
#sudo echo -n "0000:01:00.1" | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/snd_hda_intel/unbind

#bind PCI devices to VFIO
#sudo echo -n "0000:01:00.1" | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/bind
#sudo echo -n "0000:01:00.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/bind

I don't know if this might help you at all but good luck man. Took me a good while to get mine up and running.

>Intel i7 6th Generation

I wanted to try vfio-pci, but I couldn't find enough documentation on it to be of any help. The GPU is not bound to stub, only the audio driver. I've done everything I can with scripts. I can't remember the specifics as it's been a few months, but if it was on the internet, I've tried it. I want to try again in a few more months to see if documentation has improved. I'll save your post and see if it'll help me any. Thanks for giving my dumb ass the time of day.

Everything after core 2 series made by intel is pure botnet.

Who the fuck cares about video games?

>Windows and OS X are dead because you can use them on Linux

As a fellow Linux user, please don't use such a stupid argument.

Wincucks BTFO

I was lucky to have an iGPU to assign to host doesn't cost as much or draw as much power for basic everyday usage. Need to figure out how to use PRIME so I can assign my dedicated GPU back to host but it cannot be done without loosing your current session I hope wayland solves this problem by allowing GPU hot-swapping.
For the same money you could get a better CPU with more cores I suppose, single GPU does sound more alluring I hope virtualisation improves to a point where a GPU can efficiently send VM's graphical output to your host OS in a window with minimal performance loss so you don't have to run the GPU bare metal on the VM.

Actually it's GNU/Linux

here check out this guide if you haven't and follow it step by step hopefully you will get something to work. I still use it to this day to get a quick lowdown, the arch wiki guide is more thorough but harder to grasp when you are setting up for the first time.

>Buy two GPUs

I don't get it. Unless you've never built your own system, shouldn't you already have a number of cards on hand from upgrading over the years?

The future of video gaming is doing this in a warehouse on lots of servers and charging children a subscription to play modern games on their grandma's XP machine

guys! is there a girl in here?

Maybe gaming internet cafes will come back due to this

Problem is games now suck

>Windows and OS X are
>you still need to run them in a VM to do anything you want to do so you might as well just use them without a middleman

How about I just have a main computer running Linux and then a seperate, rarely internet-connected gaymur PC running Windows instead of wasting my fucking time dicking around with virtual machines and Linux?

What font us that?

>have to enter a bunch of console commands to get basic features working

Thank you, I'll try my best

The G is silent, right?

Sure, there's no problem with that.

Can i emulate Windows 98 thumbnail preview in Linux as well?

I can see this as a very promising technology. Specially to gaming community.

You can do everything GPU passthrough via gui.

do you have to get your hands dirty with the xml file if you want to circumvent error 43 on nvidia cards?

>get your hands dirty with the xml file
If editing a fucking XML file is advanced hacking to you maybe you should just give up


I have a ryzen 1600 and a Rx 580. I can't install Ubuntu because of my motherboard and I can't get the 580 to work properly on other distros. What do?

I don't use virsh neither have I looked into it, I configure my VM with a qemu startup script already and have a passthrough setup up and running as we speak, just curious is all. If a graphical front end is intended to be click and play to lower barrier of entry you wouldn't want people digging into the xml config file.

Imagine if they made a linux application like this
>choose windows partition
>load windows under the hood and launch windows apps as if they were linux apps (like virtualbox seamless)

My laptop has 2 gpus (intergrated intel and some radeon). Can I do this on my laptop? I dont even play games. Just want to know if its possible. I use photoshop a lot.

I watched some others videos of this channel. I didn't know it. I found one that is great to /g

You might want to watch it.

>windows is dead
>here's a guide on how to use windows

>Sup Forums hivemind spreading elitist nonsense
its just banter, r-right?

So much anger. Why?
Are you insecure? Why is that? Why would you pin your whole identity and self worth on an operating system (windows) and its market share?

Do you really have so little else going on in your life that you get upset over the happenings of an operating system that you don't even use?

>DOS is dead
>SNES is dead
>Sega is dead
>PS1 is dead
>PS2 is dead
here's a guide on how to run X dead and outdated system, call me when wine can run all windows software flawlessly.


it already exists


Fools like OP give linux users the bad reputation of being zealot idiots.

Have they fixed the rx 480 crashing the linux host on windows shutdown yet?

So I installed mint on some old netbooks yesterday and I forgot you have to go an manually okay the wifi drivers that are already installed. What autist thought this was a good idea?


Enjoy your 1% market share
This will hardly change anything, just more people who already use Linux will be playing games, it won't convert many windows users to Linux users.

as a linux user i will switch to something else if it becomes the dominant standard user operating system

>What is latency



Yes. Buy hardware that doesn't work so you can feel like a special snowflake.

AMD hasn't had anything good since socket A.

This. If some Desu ex Machina happens that manages to run all software from every single OS and is free as in freedom, then I will definitely switch.

Wendell is one of my favorite humans.

ITT: You're a manchild if you want to do anything that loonix can't do out of the box.

ubuntu normie here thanks god.

Sauce me up, is this his? I thought he wasn't a weeb.

Nah, just a random Image of a music program on a Nintendo cart.

Realistically, they could use Desktop virtualization as beta testing for server class stuff.
I like where the market is heading.

ryzen doesn't have onboard graphics

>These two operating systems are dead!
>Because now we can use them!

you don't use the gpu at all in linux
you blacklist it and hand it over the the hypervisor
then you install the windows driver

Oh shit, Intel is dead. GPU passthrough confirmed.

Somehow, Mesa is faster than proprietary.
Granted, RADV still needs work, and HDMI audio/freesync are still proprietary-only.

>cant install ubuntu on my motherboard


Probably not, dualGPU on laptops is a massive hack, AMD gave up on it because its a fucking tossup whether it works or shits the bed, and Nvidia does it because quadro in a laptop can serve a purpose, and an M chip can run hide its fuckups alright-ish.

But hey, feel free to give it a shot. Your best hope is if the AMD GPU has direct access to an output. hook a monitor up, or use a dummy and steam stream it.

yeah, Windows 10 taking hours to update compared to Linux' mere minutes is really saving me time!

2 dedicated GPUs most likely, either a really old version mixed with a new one, or 2 GPUs from seperate hardware vendors so the device IDs of both GPUs are not in conflict.
The hardware end is a pain in the ass currently, if I decide in the near future to upgrade from my intel iGPU and Nvidia to an 8 core then I'd have to upgrade my PSU as well.
It will be perfect once a single GPU can handle both the host and VM simultaneously like the CPU currently.

>but the stub never claims the actual GPU only the audio drive
You're passing the wrong PCIe function to the stub.

>HDMI audio
Strange, I can get that working when using an amdgpu+radeonsi stack just fine. Granted, I don't know if this limitation is limited to HDMI 2.0; I certainly don't have any problems piping multichannel audio to an older receiver that only uses HDMI 1.x.

You'd probably appreciate having a low power, passively cooled GPU with only the barest of essentials to drive your host OS. Most "gamers" don't buy cards of that type and as such won't have them just lying around, but would prefer this solution over having multiple gaming or enthusiast class GPUs making noise inside the same case.

Linux is cool expect it is too limited. LIMITED.
Yes, potential everything is possible on linux. In reality? 1/5 of what exist already on Windows.
I need the flexibillity muh brothers.

Everytime I feel like trying GPU pass through I realize I can just reboot into Windows in less time than it would take to boot the VM.

Seconds if you do it daily on muh bleeding edge Arch

>inb4 but you spend hours fixing it
Used arch for over a year 8 hours a day with only a few (less than 10) minor bugs.

Where is that flexibility from that high cluster?

>I realize I can just reboot into Windows in less time than it would take to boot the VM.
for real? doesn't seem to take that long for me. Linux loads within a few seconds on SSD after which I just type w10 in terminal and perhaps wait another 30 seconds or so while goofing off on my host OS.
Not as painstaking as logging out of your session to reboot.
It is even nicer when you have two monitors, can use one to keep an eye emails/Sup Forums/etc... while running whatever application you want in windows fullscreen on the other screen simultaneously.
Basically similar to borderless fullscreen even for applications that do not support it.

what runs on my second monitor when not playing games?
