Why do Americans like to shower at night? Don't you feel oily and disgusting in the morning when you go to work?

Why do Americans like to shower at night? Don't you feel oily and disgusting in the morning when you go to work?

Why do people even shower? I never do that.

>Don't you feel oily and disgusting in the morning when you go to work?
this is why most of us shower in the morning, too.

Next you're going to tell me they do it wearing shoes and holding red cups

'People' who shower at night are subhuman

It's not just Americans who like to shower at night.

Most of us shower in the morning or after work and then again in the morning. To be perfectly honest, I shower twice a day.

Because otherwise your bed becomes filthy

If you live in a third world country you probably thrive in filth so we don't expect you to understand

>showering in the morning
How do people even manage to do that
I'm so sleepy I can barely find the will to brush my teeth

I had a 30-something English teacher from Seattle named Bethany when I was in high school. She was a very attractive woman, but she always smelled like dirty feet and sweat because she never showered in the morning. I don't get it, why would you do that? It's so humid here, don't you know that you smell awful?

Showering wakes you up, silly. How else can you be productive and pay back the funds the EU invested in you?

in america we have these crazy inventions called air conditioners so we don't sweat that much at night

People who shower at night also shower in the morning.

You have to pull yourself out of bed 10 or 20 minutes earlier. Fuck that.

Do you ever press the snooze button on your alarm? That's a completely useless habit, it's been proven not to make you more well rested and only consume time.
Place your alarm clock at the far end of your room, and use the extra time to shower. It'll really improve your day, not memeing anymore.

>showering once a day
I bet you're a blast at parties

If we showered in the morning we'd have to shower twice in one day if we go work out

>an amerismell enters the thread

>Place your alarm clock at the far end of your room
I do. I still manage to press the snooze button multiple times. And often I don't even remember doing it, I just wake up with my phone next to my head an hour later than the alarm was set to wake me up. Hell, I even used to carry the fucking alarm clock back to bed until it eventually broke.
I'm a goddamn zombie in the mornings.

Have you ever tried showering like maybe TWICE a day.

I feel you, I feel you deeply.
I lack discipline, and hate myself for it.
Showering too often is unhealthy for your skin.

easy, get a gf and ask her to wake you up every morning with a cheeky squeeze on your bollocks

Would rather not have two showers a day, its either the morning or at night
I would rather feel clean and cosy in my bed, not rolling around in my own filth, marinating in my own sweat etc.
Then you wake up clean and when you come home you get clean and relax

>shower at night
>go to bed
>oily and disgusting in the morning

How strong are your Armenian genes m8?
What is your bed like if you don't shower before sleep?

Clean sheets master race here my Nordic bro.

You shouldn't shower twice a day. I know it seems like its better for you and you will become cleaner but with all the bad bacterias your also washing away the good bacterias your body needs. Showering once a day is the maximum but I would recommend once every other day

That's why we shower in the morning.

I change my sheets every 3 days. my bed is always clean and crisp.

How fat you have to be to need shower in the morning after showering just few hours before

Good luck with that at +30C.

>Showering once a day is the maximum but I would recommend once every other day

you live in a cold, dry country so you can get away with not showering for several days at a time.

I shower every other day. Literally why shower every day? Waste of time. I do shower before I fuck though.

what ridiculous stereotype is this shit!

>what is 80% humidity
>what are 30C at night

You'll sweat from breathing

>oily and disgusting in the morning
umm... what?