No I know the reason people don't want to have sex in Japan rofl

No I know the reason people don't want to have sex in Japan rofl

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No you don't


would you have sex with them? No

just watched a movie about the one on the far right lads

I meant left now the joke is ruined and I must close thread and never return

They look like junior high kids, 1 year high schoolers tops. Of course they're unattractive

they're not unnattractive, they're plainly ugly

I would fuck 3rd and then cum on her face

there is a sort of general on /jp/ about this:

why wouldn't you? are you gay or something like that?

not fucking disgusting shit means being gay?

>not fucking women means being gay?

you must be really desperate

sad shit, I feel bad for the japan bros to live with shit like that their whole lives

>japan didn't have ugly women
>ugly women is a new thing that's causing population decline
>when japan had population boom they had no ugly women


globalization made them see how ugly they are

>japanese women
pls kill yourself

You would fuck even a dog I guess.

>has literally the prettiest women on earth
>sucks japanese women's balls

Oh it must be hard being you

at least i have taste in girls unlike you huehue monkey


monkey calling others ugly

At least they're human
Still better than Korean plastic ugly orcs

wtf is wrong with their teeth?

Brazilian grills are hot and their culture is so cool! They had a great party last month. Does anybody know where I can see their videos?

give a woman confidence and she will grow beautiful...
[spoiler]ok it's pretty hard here except for far right[/spoiler]

3000 years of inbreeding on a small island + Wabi-sabi:

At least Koreans are hot

was for

so are the japanese

don't you know why we have less children now? average Jap women are ugly as fuck whether it comes to her inside or outside. they're worthless to fuck.

t. Lee Chung Chong