Venezuela is a failed country

Venezuela is a failed country

Soldiers stand guard over bags of potatoes and rice.

Soon people will be murdering each other over food.

How do they crawl out of this? What's going to happen next??

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Don't worry, once they start with real socialism things will be fine.

Typical capitalist/imperialist fake propaganda,
Venezuela is an socialist utopia. There´s nothing wrong happening there

they can't, aussie boy. They sealed their fate when they voted in a socialist piece of shit (they did it despite all the others attempts made by many other countries to make it work, which makes it hilarious and quite scary to be honest). There will be civil war, socialists will be lynched, Maduro will be torn apart by the same people that used to think of him as a savior (you know, we al equal n shiiiet, free things to everyone) and maybe once the dust settle, colombia will move in a claim new clay...

Will the recall referendum of Maduro succeed? I know the government is trying to stall long enough that if Maduro is recalled, he would be replaced by his vice president

success is subjective

the referendum will be useless, that motherfucker will not leave office, he'd rather spill the blood of innocent people than letting the glorious socialist dream die. He's gone full retard

>Soon people will be murdering each other over food
Already happening OP

This, what they have now isn't real socialism so don't worry about anything.

link to news on such happenings?

this is now a thread about toilet paper

i like scott toilet paper its so soft on my butt


it never is

hahahaahahaha, good one manolo, awesome gif

I'm not saying it isn't but...
Why are we always talking about Venezuela and not Colombia/Haiti?

It's not socialism, it's actually heterodox economics.

Chavez never went full populist, he was a clown and pretty shitty when it came to economics, but the guy that replaced him is plain and simple a retard, not in a meme way, but he is an absolute retard.

Isn't Venezuela currently in a much worse downward trend?

Colombia doesn't seem to be causing trouble to anyone (at least as far as i know), and Haiti is a place full of niggers who survive eating mud cookies and niggering all day long. Venezuela get all the attention for "muh socialist is bETTeR DA AnY OthER SYSTEM N SHIIET

dont think any of those have the largest oil reserves, and the eighth largest natural gas reserves in the world while somehow having its people starving and fighting for toilet paper

Was Venezuela working class better before Chavez? The answer is NO. He just gets shit because he is a commie, it's no like he ruined a empire, he actually improved a little his shithole of a country.

>How do they crawl out of this?

They don't. Look at Russia.

commies, not even once

Venezuela's situation makes me sad because they speak spanish

Saw this on /r/the_donald weeks ago hahaha

I genuinely feel bad for them, all Venezuelans I've met were bros.

It's the same shit that happened in Chile in '73, commies trying to implant their heaven on earth met the reality of things, that most people don't give a fuck about their elevated socialist ideals and at the moment food isn't in the table anymore shit will come down. I hope the commie fucks get removed and everything returns to normal as soon is possible.

>the people werent better off before chavez therefore his failed socialism state is a good idea

I was ecstatic too when i saw it would be an asian cunt raping me and not a big black guy

What do you think of pinochet? From what i can gather he did some fucked up shit but he did what needed to be done to turn you guys away from that socialist shit become the best country in latin america.

Would you let him again if you could? Is your country slowly drifting back to the shit that fucked it over in the first place?


I approve the removal Allende's government but I don't approve the human rights violations that followed. Also he was a corrupt fuck that stole millions from the govt.

In short, business as usual in South America.

Islamic Revolución

Qué te parece esta "canción"?

How long have they been under socialist rule?

Why do retards try to argue that Haiti is "capitalistic"? Have seen this countless times.

Capitalism requires economic freedom and low levels of public corruption. That's not the case for Haiti at all. Haiti economic policies are extremely socialistic in the sense that everything is extremely regulated and dependent on the government, it's extremely hard to create and do business, have any kind of financial security or have easy access to credit. How is that "capitalistic" at all?

Socialism is about economic policies not only about ideological rhetoric, you don't need to say "I'm socialist" to actually put in place socialist economic policies, in that sense Haiti is but another socialist Banana Republic.

So how does one go about removing a socialist government? What is the way forward for the people of venezuela now? Pinochet did some fucked up things but his policies do seem to have helped you guys extremely.

How does one stop this in latin america? it seems so perverse and all around

>tfw monolingual
a goddamn tragedy

>muh not true capitalism!

kek, i agree with you cunt i just wanted to say it

since 2000 iirc

>did some fucked up things
This shouldn't be understated. Pinochet rounded up thousands of people and tortured or murdered them

>How does one stop this in latin america? it seems so perverse and all around

we want to know too

17 years. But it was mostly a Boiling frog thing.
Didnt get out of the socialist closet until 2004, didnt remove term limits until 2009, Black outs began in 2011 and the Hunger games began last year.
>How does one stop this in latin america?
You cant. The only way is to abolish goverment. I believe our race is corrupt to the bones. Maybe the Scandinavians and the Teutons can have free college and healthcare but here if one dolar goes towards the goverment 90 cents will go to the congressmen pocket and the other 10 will go to celebrate the parade of the Virgin of whatevershit.

Simply put, none of us are fit to rule, so no one should rule. We should has stayed a colony.

>We should has stayed a colony

M8, you think the Spanish are any different?

I don't really give much of a fuck about so called "democracy" as long stuff works well. But the tortures and murders are inexcusable, even if they were "just" a couple of thousands.

About corruption, it's deeply ingrained in Latin American as a whole and I don't see it changing anytime near. It's present in all levels of society, from the housemaid who steals the change to the politicians who pocket a few million for themselves.

>I believe our race is corrupt to the bones.
There's still hope for you, China still has terrible corruption but they are almost a developed country.

most definitely, some fucked up shit happened but from this emerged one of the most stable and prosperous nations in latin america. Not saying its what was needed but if there is an alternative in kicking out the socialists. I wouldnt want to see blood spilled all over venezuela but it seems nothing short of a civil war will get them to get their shit straight

Such a defeatist attitude. I cant speak much though as the child of an immigrant, my people back in their country are in a worse state than you are. Maybe there is some truth to it and maybe there isnt i guess. I think is right though, who you were colonised by seems to make al lthe difference in the world, i would have shed tears if i saw spanish boats while welcoming british ones.

Try violent revolution mate

Aspasia is a fucking gem, you're missing out on good stuff

>I believe our race is corrupt

Ah yes, the traditional mentality of Latin America.

are latin americans no gunz?

The more i learn about the world the more i admire the american constitution

It's not racial, it's cultural.

You can see how Chile is starting to rise because it's the only LatAmerican country with a bit of economic freedom.

The same for Botswana, a 100% black country, they started to open their market to foreigners and let their people do business without so much government interference as well, and pic related happened, the fastest growing economy in Africa, because they actually embraced capitalism.

>The World Economic Forum rates Botswana as one of the two most economically competitive nations in Africa. In 2004 Botswana was once again assigned "A" grade credit ratings by Moody's and Standard & Poor's. This ranks Botswana as by far the best credit risk in Africa and puts it on par with or above many countries in central Europe, East Asia, and Latin America.

I feel bad for Venezuelans 2bh familia :(

most english colonies are utter shit,

i wouldnt have my cunt be colonized by any other, specially filthy anglos

as much shit as youll hear here, latam countries will pull through, this region has gone through some shit and we keep getting up. cunts that havnet had a rough day, sleep tight...

Based spaniard.

My question is though, why do you feel so many of your colonies did so bad?

Spain has a point right there. Too much leftism in the populace. Will take a while to get rid of the populist crap but maybe this time it will happen.

Point taken. They are about to become The EU Venezuela thanks to Podemos.
Maybe you are right. But I lost all hope on my people and my country and nowdays I just pray for a nuke so we Venezuelans don't go around spreading our mentality poisoning the world
Even with the current famine going on, Chavez popularity is still around 55%
Maybe that mentality comes from plain observation?
They took our guns around 2010-2011.
One of my profesors in college used to call it "the favella in the head" or something like that.
People leave the hoods but the hoods don't leave them. Even when they are drowning in money still they still act like goddamn monkeys.

Poor economic choices. It's always the poor economic choices.

I disagree but there is a lot of variation i guess.

Of course naturally anyone would prefer not to be colonised and take some dick up the arse.

I really do hope you guys pull through, the spanish post above gives me a lot of hope regarding the potential of nations when they get their shit together

>Chavez popularity is still around 55%
i imagine this is what gets bread on the table when he controls it all. Dont lose faith in your people friend

I only wish that a chile like country had emerged a lot sooner in south america, could have changed the trajectory for the whole continent.

Don't worry venebros, i'm sure soon that shitty commie government will go down and hopefully things will get better for Venezuela.

Stay strong and safe.

That's nice and all but we must remember that Latin America in general reformed to embrace Neoliberal policies but it ultimately failed because such policies failed to address the underlining economic inequality. It wasn't really until the early 2000s up until maybe 2014 that the region thrived thanks to a combination of high commodity prices and increased social spending. Chile has done a particularly good job at actually saving money in the event of lower commodity prices, something that many others have failed to do and hence the emerging crisis in the region.

Oh, we were like 7th largest world economy but the leadership failed to effectively modernize the economy first and the came the peronists giving handouts that the economy could not afford. It's been stagnation since then.

>Maybe that mentality comes from plain observation

It comes from historical observations in how the political/economic elite of Latin American society always sought ways to attract European migrants and adapted both European and United States way of thinking as oppose to developing original ideas.

wow, that sucks pal, but there must be some venezuelans who aren't as stupid as you're trying to make us think worth saving from that socialist hell hole.
i don't agree that we would have better off staying as a colony (spaniards pretty much didn't do anything worthwhile with the treasures they took from this continent and ended up becoming poor, they'll be voting in a socialist psychopath and let in thousands of muslims and nigger that will make their way to germoney)

How it goes down makes all the difference friend. They can be doing a gaddafi on maduro real soon or devolve into a long civil war

Sorry to hear mate

>tfw current situation is only going to get worse
>still have considerable amount of family there (even though some are still to hardheaded to leave but muh business)
>Opposition is full of socialists/leftists
>Meanwhile Chavez's piece of shit daughters and Maduro's family, while denouncing capitalism/US, show off money on social media

Only way to rebuild Venezuela now is with fire

>muh business
arent there price controls on everything? what can they even do?

Shit happens. It'll get better eventually. I mean the roads work, there is electricity, internet. Just need more liberalization of the economy and reducing corruption. Both of these seem to be happening at the moment. Hopefully there will be another spike in commodity prices to help things along. If not it's going to be shit happening again.

To be honest I heard a lot of "original, endegenous, 100% latin american" ideas in my lifetime and they were all fucking retarded.
Those who didnt outright support the goverment failed to stop them. To this day the opposition say they want to impose "social democracy"
Nothing has been learned. We deserve this.
This. We are Sodom. Abraham failed to find anyone worth saving. Now we must embrace the flames.

Anyone with any idea of Latin American history can tell you that what's happening with Venezuela happened with pretty much every Latin American country back in the 1980s. Of course, the only difference now is that Venezuela calls it "Socialism".

The groundwork is there for your nation, you just need the spark to open the markets and grow. I do hope the people wise up and dont ask for more handouts but when have people ever voted against that

>To this day the opposition say they want to impose "social democracy"
jesus fucking christ

When's the revolution coming?

Not to the level that happened to Venezuela. Here we had hyperinflation but even then there was food, fuel, electricty, toilet paper etc.

annexation by colombia when

Regardless, it's basically the same theory and logic of heterodox economics.

There are plenty of hilarious conspiracy theories that Maduro is actually Colombian.

They actually voted for fewer handouts in this election. The thing is, will the people put up with the tightening? We'll see. If the current party doesn't hold maybe there is a more middle thing that could carry on reform.

Ask again how things are going in a year or so. If corrupt people are actually put behind bars by then, signs will definitely be positive.

Why would the colombians want to do that. They most likely will build a Wall.

I blame a centralized planned economy(And the oil price didn't help too)

It came, it failed and now you're seeing the aftershocks.

sorry to hear that, mate. It is scary when you see all those people suppporting such a retard ideology, one that caused that millions died of starvation. Sigh, try to survive, surely you're not like those pricks.

Hey, this makes me wonder. Aren't venezuelans migrating massively to Colombia / Brazil these days?

Would love to visit south america regularly in the future, please do it for my holidays sake

And for the nation your kids will grow up in of course

it might make sense if colombians move in and kill every single venezuelan they come across on their way to the capital (especially the socialist ones). More land and resources but without the socialist plague.

Meme answer: Hurr durr it's racial, their IQ is low because of miscegenation, muh superior Germanic genes.

Real answer: Ignoring that the independence of the colonies fucked as all as we had a closed, interdependent mercantilistic empire, after the independence they had countless wars, Mexico lost half of its territory to the USA, the Philipines was also fucked by the USA, Paraguay by Brazil and Argentina, Bolivia by its neighbours, etc... They had countless social and political revolutions, from the Mexican Revolution to the more recent Zapatistas, the region has also been a place of proxy wars, revolutions and guerrillas during all the Cold War, with countless military coups and dictators from one sign or the other, etc.. Che Guevara anyone? Honorary mention to the School of the Americas. The Narcos, the Cartels, the Maras, the favelization of the society and the high criminality doesn't help the situation, and now the "Boliviarian revolution" (kinda like an indigenist socialism) spreading all around South America. The last thing Venezuela and Argentina did was expropriate big Spanish companies, they thought it was a good idea, but the result was that no Spanish or any other foreign company is ever going to invest in Argentina or Venezuela because of the high risk it involves.

The short answer: wars, socialism and all it's variants.

>all that oil

freedom is coming

Why do you even care about us? Just wondering.

>fucked us*

If you are Sodom I fear for the poor Venezuelans that look back and hesitate and get trapped

I failed to run away when I could out of some retarded feeling of patriotism. Or maybe I was just too afraid to live. To pleased with my life. I knew things would get this bad, yet I was paralized when everyone told me to run. I too deserve this.
Border with Colombia is closed and the border with Brazil is a billion kilometers of Jungle.
Lets hope
That happened to many, including myself. Now iI feel ts too late to scape this hellhole.

oh españa-senpai con buen argumento.

Really? No roads into Brazil? Ick.

stop having civil wars, start going to war with other countries

is fleeing to monkeyland impossible because of the amazona jungle? (implying you'd be having food during your journey) or is it that brazilians have gone: the hell with those socialist assholes?

Jesus. Thats one way to put it. I agree on the meme answer being a joke of course, youll be lucky to hear a non meme answer on the rest of this site but wars and socialism really did fuck up south America it seems.

You seem very knowledgeable on this topic, do you work or study in a relevant field?

Why not? In school we had a terrible focus on history and geography and learned of nothing outside of our continent. I enjoy learning about other nations especially those never really mentioned in the news and stuff. Its not everyday you get to speak to a person in the middle of the Venezuelan crisis and get first hand information from a depressed weeb.

Plus i would like to visit one day

Yeah, who in their right mind would get into an infinite fucking jungle full of snakes and shit?

that or staying to die of starvation or during a fight over a fucking sack of potatoes? both are fucked up, mate, at least he'd hope to get somewhere

Not imposible but its easier to get to Aruba or to Trinidad, thats where people are fleeing too.
Sadly they are starting to deport them since they cant possible handle wave after wave of refugees.
We are South America's Syria.

t. Chavez

Mosquitos dont seem to like my blood so id attempt it

want to join me? doesntr seem so bad on google maps, id end up eating you on the 3rd day

cuanto le falta a venezoo para que otros paises tengan que alimentarlo como se hace con norcorea,...

>post on international board with monolingual anglos
>speak in a diff language

It should be happening now, but the goverment is actually blocking the humanitarian help they send.