Are portuguese people white?

Are portuguese people white?

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Well, they are at least in the next round, not like you Austria.

We can change colours

we are amorphous

#23 is the only one who is white

Judge by yourself.

they're color fluid

Pepe is a fucking chimpanzee

only 14 is white

Where do black people from Portugal come from? Angola? Brazil?


both correct, they come from the colonies and for some reason converge in Lisbon

Only niggers and school drop outs take a sport carrier here, that's why there is only one white person there.

Whiter than germans.

and even he isn't Portuguese but half-French

23,11,18,12 are. moortugal really isn't a meme heh? kek

100% white

looks like a man

I also understand what he reads in the video, but only after reading translate

but after it sounds like a dialect of Russian, seirously

я тeбe пoкaжy диaлeкт, пидop

po prawdę że

also nie jestem polonofobem, kocham polskę kulturę i hip-hop

i też mogę być polakiem






I never belived this whole Moortugese meme until I saw this match, but now I'm completely convinced that what flows in Portugese veins is nothing but the purest berber blood.

This match was so epic.
Ronaldo's "battle"cry was hilarious when we scored.

Well played Porntugal.


11, 18 and 12 are white too, even arguably Penaldo.

Fuck your blonde/blue-eyed Germanic bullshit.


We scored so many goal like Rocco into many holes.

other thread where it showed Portugal's 2nd favorite social network was PornHub.

Could you write with a more broken English? Japanese students are crying in envy.

Tudnád kicsit mégjobban szétbaszni az angol nyelvet? Sztem a szórendet nem vágtad totál taccsra, ott még lenne mit rontani.


Barca-retard Fan

Direkt ìrom ìgy jobbàgy. Minek legyek tisztelettel a nyelv irànt, ha a büszke új vilàg rabjai is leszarjàk?

Did this Spanish woman get lost?


>Direkt ìrom ìgy jobbàgy
Aha, persze.
>Minek legyek tisztelettel a nyelv irànt, ha a büszke új vilàg rabjai is leszarjàk?
Leszarják, de mégis érthető amit írnak. Ezzel minket égetsz akik rendesen próbálnak beszélni, ilyen töcskök miatt mint te járja az a hír hogy egy értelmes mondatot nem tudunk idegen nyelven megszólalni.