Perl 6 needs to be hyped more. It has optional static types and multiple dispatch

Perl 6 needs to be hyped more. It has optional static types and multiple dispatch.

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>> Went onto to check what it is about.
>> First perl example:

grammar Parser {
rule TOP { I }
token love { '' | love }
token lang { < Perl Rust Go Python Ruby > }

say Parser.parse: 'I Perl';
# OUTPUT: 「I Perl」 love => 「」 lang => 「Perl」

say Parser.parse: 'I love Rust';
# OUTPUT: 「I love Rust」 love => 「love」 lang => 「Rust」

Go to faq, read that this grammar construct in perl 6 is powerful enough that it was used to write the perl 6 parser.

WTF, I love perl 6 now.

It's slow. And starts up slowly, which is bad for scripting lang. Why is it this way?

It also has syntactic macros iirc.
>> However, a Perl 6 one-liner loads the comprehensive object model, list tools, set tools, large arsenal of async and concurrency tools..

Remember what happened to python when it got two mutually incompatible versions?

This made me google "perl 6 slow".
The botnet knows.

The main reason perl6 is so fuckmazing is it has got fully extensible macros like in lisp making it a god tier hacker language and nobody realizes

What makes perl better than Scheme?

Not the shitty logo

This is how you find out that a language is obscure a fuck.

so does Elixir, so does Julia, big wow

Parsing it is nontrivial though. IIRC Perl's grammar is turing complete.

That is Perl 5, not Perl 6. Perl 6 is defined by a context free grammar afaik, and drops backward compatibility with Perl 5 to do this.


Are they ever going to actually "finish" Perl 6? If not, no one is going to use it.

I do personally like a lot of the changes, especially concerning sigil clarity. Dereferencing from a nested data structure in Perl 5 can be a clusterfuck of sigils and brackets.

it's 1.0+ aready

I'll just wait until all the features pour down into 5.x due to the impatience of developers

>It has optional static types and multiple dispatch.
Wow, you're bad at selling things.
Apparently they bootstrapped/metacirculared the interpreter in parts of Perl itself which is always a bad idea, in particular with JIT compiler, where it will be extra slow due to not being optimized the first and only time it's run.
Or at least they did in the past, no idea if that's still a thing. Honestly, no idea what the fuck moarVM does this days, they changed the dev team too often for me to follow.
A source for that would be nice.

Looks like NQP is still a thing.

A couple already have