Remember when operating systems were comfy?

Remember when operating systems were comfy?

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Now everything is so cold and sterile.

No. I remember when I could bring up task manager, and shut all but 2 tasks down though.

Miss Mac OS 9 desu

those old interfaces WERE cold and sterile, that was half of the appeal, they're serious, professional and machine-like while new shit /isn't/ cold and sterile and tries to be a lifestyle more than a tool

it's one thing to be a childhood-worshiping wrong generation faggot but at least have the right points to back it up

That's not true. Even serious dev tools back then had fun and quirky icons.

and Dilbert was the cutting edge of comedy, you're letting nostalgia cloud your judgement and tint your goggles if you're going to sit there and tell me that the obnoxiously colorful, animated and in-your-face trends of today are "cold and sterile" compared to interfaces that were literally built from the ground up to be bland and inoffensive

The question remains, what made them comfy and what makes modern sterile?


>tfw not in the beos timeline

They were designed by people with a heart and not the soulless sjw's who work in silicon valley today.

something something normies something something back in my day something corporashuns something botnet
man I forgot something something SJWs too

most unix-like operating systems are still comfy, like gnu/linux or openbsd

I disagree, there's nothing sterile about ads in my start menu

They didn't suffer from trickle-down communism.

but for real, that's barely an answer to his question, tell us what's so "soulful" about these interfaces other than the basic appeal to novelty and how useful they are to bring up when you want to sound like a tenured expert despite not actually knowing shit
not really honestly, at least not in that regard, since nobody designs their applications to look good or consistent with old-school Motif/GNUstep/etc interfaces anymore so you just end up with a visually frankensteined hodgepodge of ugly GTK/QT garbage

I can agree that these old aesthetics are more comfy than a lot of the new ones, but I still think things like i3wm are quite comfy when compared to GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc.

i think no one really knew what they were doing. now everything is focus grouped to death.

This. Most of the population is stupid and/or has shit taste, so appealing to them is actually not a good thing at all. Don't forget the huge amount of people who don't actually care how things look / won't question major aesthetic changes. Basically, if we kept the old aesthetic, they probably wouldn't care, but now we're stuck with the new shit anyway.

screensavers were comfy


i3 can look pretty nice at times but that feel is pretty disrupted for me when I pull open a browser, what I'll agree with you though is that tilers are a really under-appreciated alternative to the usual "Windows XP with shitty icons and color pallets we recycled from OS X 10.5" the mainstream *nix space is obsessed with these days

personally I run KDE configured to act somewhat similar to slowlaris CDE and I'm pretty satisfied with it, mwm when I'm just spamming terminals

No, I was on the tit back then.

Yes, I remember and I really miss it... I don't understand why modern graphic design have to be so cold and impersonal.

>but that feel is pretty disrupted for me when I pull open a browser
This is a good point, and something I didn't really consider. We have to go beyond the look of the OS and its environment itself, all major programs have started to look different. I'd love to see someone try to change this. Maybe ship CloverOS with custom CSS for firefox, or just a different browser entirely that has a more classic look to it.

>so cold and professional, very machine-like...
you are an idiot

What is wrong with browsers?
You can customize them


>baby's first OS that isn't Linux, Windows or MacOS
fuck right off lad

>baby's first OS that isn't Linux, Windows or MacOS
>not MS-DOS

>Microsoft Microsoft Disk Operating System Operating System

CDE is shit though. If only SGI had open sourced their 4dwm.

I'll never forget those damn pipes

The most those faggots have ever come close to DOS is either Windows 9x or DOSBox.
So yeah, no.
