Ask a half Palestinian and half Isreali anything

Ask a half Palestinian and half Isreali anything

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Have you accepted the inevitability of death?

I'm pretty happy that I will die someday because I have suicide thoughts right now so i don't care that i'll die some time

Do you speak Arab or Hebrew ?

I speak Danish and a little Arab and a little Hebrew. My parents speak Danish with each other so I never learned much Arab or Hebrew

which parent is palestinian and vice versa?
also where are they from originally? was your jewish half european first, and then isreali?

How can you live?

My dad is Isreali and my mother is Palestinian. My dad is Isreali of European descend with descendants here in Denmark but most of his family lives in Isreal and my mother is from Palestine
why not

pretty cool, if your mom can cook Palestenian/Lebanese food then you really lucked out lol.. how well do you live? you have a career of your own yet?

fuck off europs pretending to be jews to get replies

isrealis dont get replies from me,

palestinians do.

jews are boring

"israelis don't get replies from me!"

he replies

to an israeli

I live in Vollsmose. No not yet I'm still in sharia-school

So you're basically full israeli?

Well you could say I'm full Palestinish because Isreal is located in Palestine


What's there to really ask you? You're pretty much just Danish.

It's like an American would say that he's half Irish, quarter Scottish, 1/8 Native, 1/16 Chinese, 1/32 Russian and 1/64 Bald Eagle - while in reality none of this shit matters and he's just an American.

Same applies 2 u m8.

Inshallah mubarak44!!!
I'm muslim first than I'm any nationality
I'm not Danish I was just born here wallah

What religion do you have?

i'm muslim and Jewish. Why?

Do you know any Palestinian guy who would be up for gay sex?
but like 100% palestinian

Yes. Despite popular beliefs Palestinian guys are super gay. why?

Stop being a faggot, just pick the one you like and force him.

It's Arab culture to force sex on others. He shouldn't do it unless he's arab or else he'll be appropriating Arab culture

I now where to go next summer...
You know, beards, brown skin.
I hope I don't get stoned. or shot
As if it was that easy. :c

dude if you want some arab cock you should order a mail order groom from the Middle East

למה אתה מאמין לבייט הזה

I prefer a more intimate thing, even though I'm autistic most of the times I flirt.

2 state solution or total Israel or total Palestine?
Also, how did your parents meet and fall in love?

Dude get over yourself and fuck som arab boipuzzy
uhmmm 2 state resolution
My Parents met in Denmark, It was forbidden love because my mother is Palestinian and my dad is Isreali :O They met each other in a club

Does she like me back?

Hmm I would need a little more information to answer this one ;-)

She came to England from Italy, I became a close friend of hers. We hang out, text but she's dated other guys since she's been here.

Not sure what to do.

Does your father ever lock you or your mother out of the house and go on autistic rants about how God gave him the house and it's only for him?

go for it mayn, she won't be in England forever
It happens occasionally lol . well my mother is happy with the room she has

Jewish by ethnicity, Muslim by religion?

What's this meme,is this some jew religious practice.

Are you muslim or infidel ?

Long live brave hamas mujahid, long live Palestine.

Do you think our media and politicians runs a hetz on you?

>same fagging this hard

>Well you could say I'm full Palestinish because Isreal is located in Palestine
Clearly, this imbecile is NOT Israeli.
No Israeli would ever say that.
I'm neither, but it is the other way around--Israel won the war over half a century ago. Throughout history, the party that wins a war is what the land is called. Further, while the name "Israel" was not on this land if you go back thousands of years, there is no question the Israeli people were there first. When they were enslaved by the Egyptians they returned to their land to find the Palestinians had taken it.

Either way you cut it, the land belonged to what is now the Israeli people and OP is clearly not any part Israeli (or jew) and has an agenda here given his statement that "because Israel is located in Palestine" (which is the equivalent of stating that (half a century later, no less) the Israeli are "occupiers" of land belonging to the Palestinians).

By that same absurd logic, all Americans are illegal occupiers of America--and the same goes true for pretty much every country in the world because they were all conquered in one way or another at some point.

What a fucking moron.

hurr, durr, I'm OP, Imma propagandist, I too dumb to not step in my own shit and be exposed for a fraud

FYI, I fucking hate jews, just so you know.
>Typical brainwashed Palestinian detected

for the record
yes! jewish girls fuck arab guys here. it is very common
yes! jewish girls fuck german tourists here too

yes they later deny their sinful ways and marry a jewish cuck in a religious ceremony approved by a rabbi

It's tradition
Muslim and Jewish, duh
Yes and I'm very offended and hurt
Excuse me?
umm, ok. I'm not gonna read a novel like that

Are you born here?


So I'm taking it your father is pretty far left wing, yeah?

Then you probably know why they run a hetz on you.

Nah , he's moderate
Who runs a hetz on me? lol

Which side made you seek asylum from Danmark?

How religous are you? Are you in the Ummah?

Well both. Both my mom and dad have relatives in Denmark

I'm moderate muslim and yes

He's moderate... but you're Muslim...
I'm so confused, your household defies everything I know about Arabs in Israel, at least.

How was it like 2 years ago with the war then? What was it like for your family back then?

But other Muslims denies that moderate Muslims exist, i've seen it.

Well my Jewish relatives and Palestinian relatives do not talk with each other and many especially on my Palestinian side are against what my parents do

umm ok? Well I'm moderate and I exist lol the muslims you talked with were wrong haha

whose nose is the largeest in the family?

hahahah, I think that must be my granddad on my Arab side
My Jewish side don't have that nose so much because they also have Danish ancestry

Your father was born in Denmark then?
Also this comment leads me to believe you're not actually very moderate.

How did they meet? are they religious? why did you decide to be muslim and not jewish?

>talked with
Is these people moderate, and are they right?

I'm both muslim and Jewish. My dad isn't very religious, my mom is religious for Danish standards. They met in Isreal in a club
Yes my dad was born in Denmark so we have relatives both in Isreal and Denmark

umm they are kind of fanatic desu
Is that your friend who wrote this status? :O

I made a fake fb account a long time ago

Then... Your dad isn't Israeli, he's Danish... End of story...
You're half Danish and half Palestinian with a Jewish father.
A lot of my family lives in Canada, but I don't call myself Canadian.

In what age did they cut your benis? and who did it?

>half Danish
Dude, have you never met a Muslim before?
They will fight anything that resemble integration

No I'm not Danish, my Jewish family also doesn't have fully Danish ancestry it's mixed with Jewish
when I was a child
say wot?

Your Jewish-Israeli father is a bull
cucking them beta Arabs
and fucking that Palestinian girl
who's become your mom later, eh?

That's my Shlomo boy.

you do realize all famous Palestinian girls are married to Israeli men?


How do you feel about the Occupy social movement?

Jewish =/= Israeli though.
It isn't about ancestry either. He was born and raised in Denmark, so he's Danish and not Israeli.
If a French guy comes to Israel because he's a Jew, he would still be French, only living in Israel.
An American comes to Israel because he's a Jew, he's still considered American.
Even if they have their Hebrew with their heavy accents, they're still not really completely Israeli.

Palestinian Arab girls love big Jewish cocks


I have a question. There are really hot Arab punk looking girls. But im really scared dating one because Im afraid her muslim brother will kidnap me and sell me to gaza. What to do?

You're probably on fb aswell, so how can you even deni it?

Propaganda video's, and constant reminders not to become Danish.

It's kind of pathetic right?

Don't worry :) Many Arabs are friendly :)
I only spend Facebook for chatting with friends and such

So this is the first time you see something like this?

two state solution or one state solution

two state
I never see things like that , I'm not in that group

So you don't support Occupy(ation)?
Then you are more Palestinian than Israeli

do you swing in the pan arab direction or greater israel direction?

It's the biggest group, with 33.248 members.

You should join it, and see for yourself.

I think it's fine the way it is now.

Stakkels pige :(


Ja, tænk at hun vil være dansker....


Woooow... Så bliver det spændende at se hvilken der bliver ''fjernet'' lol

Helt ærlig, hvordan skal vi kunne leve sammen, når det er de her meninger der finder frem, og bliver heftigt forsvaret?

Der er ikke nogen som tvinger dig til at være sammen med dem, hvis du ikke gider

Nej, men de er jo i samfundet, og har en meget kraftig stemme blandt muslimerne på nettet.

Jeg ved ikke hvordan det foregår i virkeligheden, men hvis muslimske Facebook grupper er nogen indikation, så byder fremtiden på mange flere konflikter.

I sidste ende vil storstedelen af dem som har de holdninger være mennesker uden ret meget indflydelse i Danmark fordi, helt ærligt, de er ikke intelligente nok til at have en hoj stilling et eller andet sted og hvis de var, så ville de ikke have den holdninger fordi så ville de kunne se tingene fra en mere objektiv synsvinkel

Så du tror at muslimerne bliver sekulære i fremtiden?

Undskyld mig, men det ser jeg bare ikke for mig.

ITT: a bunch of 4chaners' proving they are way below average intelligence and being so easily baited by an OP troll.
this is the only user ITT who seems to be able to comprehend the various clues that show OP is a fraud pushing a muslim agenda.

Quit the samefaging and kill yourself

hvorfor putter du ord i min mund som jeg ikke har sagt?
Kan du komme med en troværdig kilde på at muslimerne i Danmark ikke er sekulære idag da?

Jeg har mǿdt muslimer der gerne tager en enkel ǿl med os andre til fredags bar, så jeg ved godt at de findes.

Men generelt tror jeg ikke muslimerne er sekulære, overhovedet.

>I 2006 mente 62 procent, at Koranens anvisninger skal folges fuldt ud. Det tal er vokset til 77 procent i dag.

>»Det ser ud til, at de danske muslimer er blevet mere religiose på alle dimensioner, både når det handler om tro og praksis. Generelt ville vi forvente, at det modsatte ville ske, og at de med tiden ville komme til at ligne resten af danskerne, der ikke er særligt religiost aktive,«

>Endelig er der også flere danske muslimer, der mener, at muslimske piger bor tildække sig med torklæde fra teenagealderen.

Kan du forstå hvorfor jeg er skeptisk for fremtiden?

Well then, that is quite the compelling argument.
I'm having a hard time believing the shit you spew

Man kan sagtens være sekulær og troende samtidig.
Nej egentlig ikke. Det handler om en minioritet på 5 % af befolkningen der bliver mere religiose. so what?
>Triggered Americans