Vue vs React vs Angular

Which one is least retarded?

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Vue is much better

Vue if you live in Asia and don't plan to do mobile dev. Otherwise React.

this makes no sense for large scale web """applications""", it might work on fizzbuzz shit but nothing of value can be done inlining all your shit, what a clusterfuck

React > Angular > Vue
In terms of how likely you are to use them in a professional environment

js frameworks come and go far too fast for me to care. I'd much rather just stick with the framework the project is already written in. If it's a brand new project, then Vue.

Something cool about Vue is that you can use it as a jQuery replacement.

React and Angular are mostly for SPAs.

Yeah I'm with you on that one. The JS community is notorious for adopting a new framework every couple of months and then abandoning it for something new and shiny when the next one comes out and gains hype.

Frankly I'm kind of tired of having to learn a new framework every year for a greenfield project that does the exact same thing as one I already learned.

Why would you prefer Vue's component files to React's approach with JSX? Not dissing Vue; actually curious.

Neither, just use Elm.

Have you actually used Elm for something serious? I like Elm, but I'm not sure I would use it. If I wanted an ML for the front end, I'd probably go for BuckleScript (Bloomberg's OCaml compiler backend that generates tiny handwritten-quality JS).

ayy lmao
so what? or do you keep download static resources multiple times just for the sake of it?

At work I used React with ES6 for many projects.

I haven't used Elm for anything beyond some toy examples, but I plan to use it in my next hobby project.

How do you like BuckleScript? I was thinking on maybe going the PureScript route (I have some haskell in my background).

But to be honest Elm feels a lot easier to work with, specially if you have some React/Redux experience.

>How do you like BuckleScript? I
It is the most mature in its class and IMO produces the best output. Example: This means that if I needed to switch back to plain JavaScript to TypeScript (e.g., to hire cheap JS devs), I could do it by compiling the code and cleaning up the result a little. Note that I also love OCaml, so I'm biased. Facebook is working on extra tooling for BuckleScript with their ReasonML package, which suggests a bright future for it.

I've also only used Elm for a toy project. I had fun using it (despite the breaking chances), but I have some doubts about the language due to its relatively inexpressive type system. It lacks both Haskell's type classes (not a fan, personally) and ML's modules (modules are love, modules are life -- read I sincerely hope the designer is able to pull it off, but I'm afraid this may just end up in a Go-style blunder that limits code reuse. (Though, I guess, adding type classes should be easier than adding generics.) PureScript is too immature, but its effects system is promising.

>to plain JavaScript to TypeScript
to plain JavaScript or TypeScript
>breaking chances
breaking changes

thanks for the articles, I'll check some of these ML concepts, I don't know how easily this will be for my haskellian brain but I'll try.

Have you heard about our lord and savior, Polymer?

Vue. Simple. Easy to extend. Not a hellhole.
