There are """people""" on Sup Forums who put their tower on their desk

>there are """people""" on Sup Forums who put their tower on their desk

I have to. I have a room that gets dusty af,
So the higher it is, the better it is for me in the long room

I have mine on a table next to my desk.

Am I "people"" yet

>there are people on Sup Forums who put their computers on carpet without an office mat

>there are people on Sup Forums who don't put their tower on their bed.

>there are people who don't have a microwave right next to them

Wow, aren't you all shitters ?

>tfw you've put your tower directly onto the carpet for years and experienced zero problems

>there are OP's on Sup Forums who think their opinions matter to anyone on this planet

>not having dust filters on your case

>There are people ITT who don't elevate their PC to to the height of their desk, but on a separate pedestal so vibrations from your desk don't mess with gear

Pure true

""People""" who need a computer

I just run Gentoo on a partition of my brain.

this is what I do. it's a bit lower than my desk though.

>there are people who still microwave water
wow, aren't you all shitters ?

i have the room for it, why not?

It's more efficient than using a kettle.

It's a desktop, not a floortop

wish i was this clever

>having a microwave
enjoy cancer

Microwaves are non-ionizing you dum dum

And they have Faraday cages anyway (which are admittedly shitty and dont work usually however)

My desk is 3'x6' so theres plenty of room. I don't like climbing on the ground at any time to plug something in.

I don't have a tower, I have a shoebox which is so nice to have on my table.



>having a brain
I uploaded mine to my thinkpad