Are tiling window managers a meme? Do I need to use one to be productive? What are the pros & cons of using a tiling window manager?
Also, which window manager is the best and why?
Are tiling window managers a meme? Do I need to use one to be productive? What are the pros & cons of using a tiling window manager?
Also, which window manager is the best and why?
their dumb
Q: do you spend a non-zero amount of time arranging windows on your screen so you can see what's going on?
A: use a tiling manager that automatically does the arranging for you. Every second wasted moving a window or dragging it to be larger is time taken from your life.
Q: do you hate wasting precious pixels on your screen showing a border or a title bar for your window that could instead be showing content?
A: use a tiling window manager with little or no borders and no title bars-- you won't need them because you won't need to fuck around with them for arranging windows anyway.
>awesome wm
>master races
>doesn't know the difference between "they're" and "their"
What's dumb? Who's dumb?
your dumb
I use dwm and haven't looked back.
It's been 8 years now.
You kinda just get used to it. Same with any and every wm or de. Pick your flavor and just use it comfortably.
Tiling window managers feel like they're about the dank keyboard only life. I really want to use bspwm but I'm not sure I know how to go about installing it; I'll try tonight after my Anki reps.
Did you heavily customize your DWM build, or just go with the default setup & hotkeys?
Also, the way you talk about it feels a lot like my relationship with Emacs desu~ just an anecdote
That's kinda how it works. You force yourself and when you look at anything else, you're just not comfortable moving your mouse around and shit.
About customization... Went with default and with time added a lot of stuff. Comes a time when something bugs you enough to change it.
Right now it's DWM + xsetroot status bar in bash + systray + sakura + rofi
Care to elaborate friendo?
good idea ben
huh? ben has moved on to greener pastures; his nanoos is much cuter now.
I use vanilla i3, it just werks
>What are the pros & cons of using a tiling window manager?
You are freed from the necessity to use a mouse.
If your workflow is optimized for that, it speeds up things quite a fucking lot.
Not him but you got me interested. I used to use i3 but it struggles with handling certain things, most notably popups which should be floating but aren't etc.
Might give it a try.
One question though.
Is there any reasonable solution for something like openbox's drop down menu?
I do not mean an exact replica of it that I call with a mouse, just some way to give me a list of pre-configured actions that I can select instead of assigning everything to keybinds which I'd like to avoid.
>Q: Are you autistic enough to care about the time it takes to rearrange your windows
>A: If yes, tiling wms may be for you
Is there anything stopping you from running both OpenBox and i3?
Also, that's not what autism means.
autism != obsessive compulsive disorder
autism != caring about efficiency
autism != proactively improving your workflow
But you felt like you just absolutely had to come here and shit post didn't you? Holy fucking shit, someone said something on the internet about something you felt wasn't 100% what you would have done or felt! THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
Do you often embarrass yourself like that when you open your mouth in real life too? If so, then it may be YOU who is autistic and can't handle interaction with people.
I'm running openbox at the moment
Ive used both tiling and more normal window managers in the past. For me, tiling window managers are not that much greater than a regular wm. The problem is that applications were not designed with a tiling window manager in mind, resulting in awkward looking windows that are stretched too thick or thin.
Whats the font?
Nice btw
cwm is the best
>The problem is that applications were not designed with a tiling window manager in mind, resulting in awkward looking windows that are stretched too thick or thin.
Can you post a screenshot of what you're talking about? I use Windows 7 and always snap my shit to the sides or full screen with win+{left,down,up,right} which is like a stupid man's tiling window manager.
>using GUIs
But in all seriousness, I use stock dwm for my Windows machine because it makes sense, I don't care about how much my room my shitty time sink Fisher price programs have
Whenever I want to get something done and VNC into a loonigs box, I use i3, where having all my editor windows utilise the full amount of every screen and to be able to read the most amount of documentation at once is important, because I'm trying to get shit done fast
what DE is this
>Blue on blue on blue colorscheme
whats going on in this thread
Not my setup though, I just took it from the internets.
As says, it is i3-gaps. If you look closely at the OP image you would see it lists that information in the screenfetch (although in this case you would need to figure out it was it-gaps and not the vanilla i3).
I don't know, but thank you mod for not banning me -- I didn't realize that image in ben's screenshot was so ecchi. I'll be more careful next time :3
I've used i3 for a few years, on Arch Linux. Got tired of this hax0r meme, installed ubuntu. The less I tinker with stuff, the better. I know how it works, I'm over this *phase*. I just want to install something that works immediately, without editing config files until my eyes bleed, and just start working. I guess I care more about what I'm doing on the screen, rather than how it looks. Still nothing better than vim though, so I'm pretty much on the terminal all day anyway.
perfect for shitposting and solution to file picker meme
Once I got comfy with I3wm I switched to wayland/sway because it's compatible with i3 configurations.
>the internets
I haven't said that phrase in so long...
>Are tiling window managers a meme?
>Do I need to use one to be productive?
Not necessarily but in a lot of cases they can make tasks easier for you.
Easily switching between many workspaces can be very helpful if you are programming and have to look at different things.
>What are the pros & cons of using a tiling window manager?
It pretty much comes down to how much you like using the mouse.
A tiling wm enables you to quickly arrange windows just using your keyboard. It is especially handy if you make use of terminals.
That also means that you have a cleaner workspace as things such as buttons to click or menus to click through become entirely unnecessary.
On the other hand a floating wm lets you easily place your windows in arbitrary locations and its focus on the mouse gives you a lot more options and a more intuitive way of controlling things.
Personally I am using i3 and like it a lot.
>he problem is that applications were not designed with a tiling window manager in mind
That doesn't really make sense.
A tiling wm just arranges the windows there is nothing stopping you from arranging them the same way in a floating wm.
And you often do exactly that. In windows (or KDE) you can snap windows to the sides, essentially doing the same thing a window manager would do.
Additionally to that i3 opens some windows (like the file picker in a browser) like a regular floating window like a floating wm would do.
Ever since I tried awesome wm for the first time ten years ago I haven't looked back. I still use xfce on my laptop, but after awesome it feels very clumsy.
Awesome has sane defaults and it is usable out of the box. In 4 the window top bar is in by default (wtf) but there are several ways to remove them. You can remove them for all windows, some windows, on some tags, etc. I have them off completely.
Delegation - Heartache No. 9 is the shit.
is that rei?
holy shit the autism in this post lmao
Meme unless you have a fuckhuge screen
Just use cwm
OP malaka ai sixtir
I use a tiling wm on laptop because touchpads suck and keyboard is better than trackpoint.
I use a full DE on my desktop because a mouse is too useful and twms kill a lot of the benefits of a mouse.
yo you got a source on this?
Idk about the dropdown. You could bind your right click or something to a program that does that, but the whole point of (at least my setup) tiling wms is using the mouse less.
I3 shouldn't have a problem with it. DWM is a bit more of a pain in the ass to configure but it has this command to make the selected window float in default geometry.
>really needing that 0.1 of a second
>implying tiling meme doesnt require time
>implying tiling doesnt waste space by scaling windows wrong way
also you dont need borders for normal layering
waste of space
tiling wms are in the same tier as using emacs/vim for programming
codemonkey shitter tier
what a load of autism bomb is this webm
It is a meme to try to look cool.
If you actually try it, you will notice every program is inconsistent with the controls of the wm. JKL; for i3 and then HJKL for qutebrowser, and good luck trying to type the keys for links that are very close to each other, you literally cannot see them since they overlap. Also, you end up using the trackpoint to smooth scroll windows anyways. Open up a drawing program and suddenly the whole window manager is fucked up and unusable. If you only use your computer to type ls, cd, and neofetch but don't actually do anything productive then go ahead with the tiling wm.
tiling wms are a meme akin to "install gentoo".
you don't need more than a single window of whatever you are currently working with maximised to the whole screen. Humans are "single-threaded" beings.
Multiple monitors are ok for convenience reasons.
This is pretty much right, unless you plan to only use term and spend a fair bit of time tweaking keybindings it's a meme
>you don't need more than a single window of whatever you are currently working with maximised to the whole screen.
Just because you can't imagine it doesn't mean that you don't need it.
>writing code on the left side
>reference material on the right
>music playlist on the left side
>corresponding sheet music (pdf viewer) on the right
>shit posting web browser on the left
>productive web browsing on the right
If you like it, do it.
Don't like it, use something else.
Simple as that. Otherwise you'll end up hating things on Sup Forums and be an unhappy ranter.
this user can split his eyes and look at two windows at the same time, while also being able to read and comprehend info from both of them at the same time!
anyway, as i said, multiple monitors are ok for convinience of not having to press alt-tab. No amount of tiling wms will compare to buying a single extra monitor. And for all of your examples, a tiling wm wouldnt provide any benefits whatsoever, especially now, when every DE and OS comes with "drag window to edge to expand it across half of the screen".
The benefit is in the cleanliness and keybindings. I use win+{direction key} to snap my windows to the sides like you say when I'm on windows but shit gets cluttered and it's hard to cycle through things if you have multiple windows open for a single program (win+{number} is pretty slick until you open multiple windows).
>multiple windows open for a single program
like what?
also why not use virtual desktops?
yeah it's a meme
Most of the incredibly productive programmers I know use a pretty default OS X or Unity/Gnome/Xfce installation and they live inside the terminal and their editor or IDE. If you spend a non-trivial amount of time arranging windows you are doing something terribly wrong.
The only people impressed by tiling window managers and ricing are posers.
Like a standard browsing window and a private browsing window.
Multiple spreadsheets (for different, but related tasks so having all the spreadsheets in one workbook but on different tabs isn't an option).
Virtual desktops? My computer is a toaster... and I don't even know how they work -- I'll look into that.
I'm a sysadmin and I tend to have a lot of ssh connections at once. tmux/screen are great and all but i like using gui programs sometimes too.
programmers aren't the only computer professionals.
>programmers aren't the only computer professionals
They're the only ones that deserve any respect.
virtual desktops are like "second screens" you can switch back and forth from. if you have windows 10 you should have the ability.
aww is someone upset their field is oversaturated
>virtual desktops are like "second screens"
Like "workspaces" or whatever the tiling window managers call them? I'm on Windows 7 -- maybe that's why I am not familiar with them.
yep, exactly.
what's keeping you on windows?
I haven't gotten to the point where my virtual Debian setup feels comfortable yet.
Just upgrade with apt a couple of times over the next month. Not sure why, but it worked for me.
guess how I know you're using a chinkpad
Oh no -- everything works fine, I just need to clean up my keybindings.
He could be japanese where that blue-green color would be 青い色
should be "whose dumb?" since their is possessive
your dumb
All linux is one big meme.
please forgive me for i am baka.
pretty sure he was asking "who is dumb?"
just 青
"their dumb" implies a dumb owned by some entity, so the question in response would be "who is the owner of the dumb" aka "whose dumb is it." "who is dumb is only appropriate if the statement was "they're dumb"
Sup Forums - Technology
your dumb
no im really smart, the paper the doctor gave mommy says so
I miss you please keep post on screenfetch threads more nico.
>tfw 24 minute old distro installation.
Install cinnamon mint. It has the best tiling and snapping windows. Also stacking.
forgot pic.
Wrong mention.
Ratpoison and dwm are the most extensible afaik, I use Ratpoison myself and pairs well with anything scriptable.
most autistic answer
>use a tiling manager that automatically does the arranging for you. Every second wasted moving a window or dragging it to be larger is time taken from your life.
implying tiling is the optimal layout. implying tiling always scales windows the way you want them. implying you need to see many windows at the same time. implying you won't move the tiles around.
>use a tiling window manager with little or no borders and no title bars-- you won't need them because you won't need to fuck around with them for arranging windows anyway.
you tiling wm faggots are usually the ones that always have a screenfetch open to post in le daily screenfetch thread, which is just a waste of space and shows no interesting content whatsoever.