1. open your terminal

1. open your terminal

2. copy the following to your terminal and execute it
curl ipinfo.io | grep -oP "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}"

3. post the result here

4. ???

5. profit

Other urls found in this thread:


wow, that's the number combination I use for my briefcase.



Haha, very funny. Now tell me how to return everything back.

signatures are against the rules mootykins you fucking faget

but user what if I'm part of the glorious IPv6 future?

but user what if my grep does not support perl regex?

What should I read to understand this code?
I know "man curl" and "man grep" but I don't understand the last part. I see -o is an option for looking for an exact pattern, or something.. but is oP something different? And the numbers, what is going on there? I assume the [ ] means it goes through every value in those brackets and then appends 1 or 3 from the curly brackets. The "\" and single "." are throwing me off.

o = match exact text
P = PERL regex pattern

So, the expression is asking for 3 decimals with numbers on each side, effectively an IPv4 address.

OPs shit script downloads a site that echoes your public IP address and then filters out everything but the address.

Most roundabout way of getting IP addresses.

Okay, so you can group options like that and that also explains the \. -- thank you.
Now I just need to understand the syntax of what's in the [ ] { } -- is that PERL or bash .

Wow, fuck you OP, this encrypted my home directory.

OP, that's the wrong code.

curl -s ipinfo.io | grep -oP "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | tr -d '\n' | openssl des-cbc -rc4-40 -k shefs -nosalt | base32


What the fuck is this supposed to be?

:~$ curl ipinfo.io | grep -oP "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}"
bash: curl: Kommando nicht gefunden.

Just use ipinfo.io/ip you braindead web developer

des and rc4?

nice job idiot.


curl -s $(echo NFYGS3TGN4XGS3ZPNFYCAIBA | base32 -d) | tr -d '\n' | openssl rc4-40 -nosalt -k real | base32

>ITT: unix nerds shitposting something other than rm -rf / because it's too mainstream

ok what now ??


Yeah like as if you couldn't just curl canihazip.com/s

'curl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


That's because you're running a secure OS that cares about your privacy.

>>Sup Forums


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