Post yfw you don't care what OS you use as long as it runs what you need

Post yfw you don't care what OS you use as long as it runs what you need

Pic related. Fuck off freetards

Other urls found in this thread:

Photoshop is GOAT

sai only works on windows and mac through parallels
compared to gimp and shit agreed

Being a slave sure is easy and comfortable these days.

I don't care what you think.

I don't care about what sort of operating system you use either.

I'm sorry about your life.

Windows on my gaymen machine, Mint and Windows (but I use Mint 95% of the time) on my Laptop

you might be a cunt, but people cared about you and wanted to teach your freedoms
I'm really sorry about that, consider using a tripcode so I won't have to reply you same shit again

pretty much this

I need openstack and chef and i don't give a flying fuck about your job either.

freedom to do what?

people without autism usually don't have any use for free as in freedom software

let me put it this way; I'm a computer animator. I use toonboom for 2D flash style stuff and maya for 3D stuff

Sure, I could use blender and pencil, but both programs are way worse then their closed source counterparts from an actual useability standpoint

When it comes down to it, I have no use for source code anyway

I can't program, let alone read code, so what's the point?

You're better off to where you




>working in the computers industry

Lmao at your life friendo

Maybe one day you get a job, you will understand your "freedom" bullshit doesn't matter, it's all about making money and enjoy the life.

just because someone in world can't read doesn't mean books are unnecessary, and just because you don't know any programming languages doesn't mean open source is pointless
No one forces you to do anything, they're just telling the truth. Yes, Windows 10 has privacy issues yes, disk usage hits suddenly 100% yes, telemetry services use a lot of CPU. Those are truths. You can still use them but it will always be there if you know or don't know.

But just like you said, we also don't care about what you use or think. They're saying it because they care about other people. If those tools are only available on Windows, it's fine; those people are trying to save more people from Windows 10; if more people uses GNU/Linux more software will be ported to it.
and your posts doesn't help either.

maybe one day you will understand not everything is about money
maybe you won't though.

Fuck you wintard

>we also don't care about what you use or think.
Ok, fair enoug..

>installs windows 7 on my laptop
slow startup time, computer refuses to wake up from sleep mode
>installs windows 8
sleep mode issue continues
>installs windows 10
incompatible with the old software I need
>installs linux mint MATE
faster startup, no sleep mode issue, all the software I need works thanks to WINE

Check & MATE Rakeesh

It's a response to OP who said
"Fuck off freetards"
are you just baiting for (You)s at this point?

I don't know if you read the OP, but he said he didn't care about your life or the OS you used.

Either you didn't read the OP, or you lack reading comprehension.

Either way, you're dumb as shit.


That's how your (you) reads out lad

Don't care buddy. Enjoy your freetard OS, my preference is different to yours. I'm sorry that it makes you angry to hear that.

typical attitude of a linuxfag, ladies and gentleman

>mfw freetards think windows is only good for gaymes
>mfw freetards think open-sores applications are as good as proprietary ones for windows
there's a reason that linux on the desktop is mostly a NEET hobbyist OS

You're making a fool of yourself

>all these winplebs trying to justify that they use their OS for more than muh gaymes

Can you post more cool-looking UIs?

>windows is good because some applications only work in windows

It's just visual programming.
Literally scratch for structural design.

os doesn't matter too much for me other than games, and that doesn't matter too much since 90% of what I play is emulated

the real issue with not-Windows is drivers
hardware manufacturers don't give a shit
even if it works, it fucks up

this day and age, it's not "shit, wifi doesn't work and I've got no video drivers", it's "shit, video performance is trash and my wifi range is like halved and it drops out randomly"

All i need is windows and virtualbox to install linux on and shitpost on Sup Forums from there about how linux is superior and does everything i need.

Guess everything is programming these days.

>people cared about you and wanted to teach your freedoms
This has never and will never be the case. None of you guys care about anyone other than yourselves. You just don't want to be lonely and be the only ones using your shit operating system.

I'd use Linux...but Fuck the command line.

And program installation is a fucking nightmare.

Blue board.

Are their some modelled physics attributes to the nodes that effect the final structure?

>program installation
it's basically download a .deb and open it (like an .msi on windows) and you're off on Ubuntu, or just browse the fully graphical software catalog and install from there
some companies suck at this though

>fuck the command line
at no point do you actually have to use the command line on a remotely recent version of Ubuntu, assuming your hardware is supported

Look up the finite element method.

Generally, for complex shapes geometry is modelled parametrically, allowing for easy manipulation.

E. G. The architect will tell the engineer they want to modify heights of the roof 72 hours before an information issue deadline.

It would take weeks to manually modify and then design, but with software you can automate the bulk of it.

Weights and design sizes are applied by separate analysis models that this geometry is tied to.

I'm looking at ways to streamline this interoperability between the various apis for analysis packages.

My job is literally to design automation scripts and define pipelines within a design office.

post yfw I'm a java developer and all tools I use are cross-platform so I'm not forced to use winbows for the rest of my life like you are

I should add that setup overhead is high.

To the point that it only makes sense for top tier experimental architecture and stadium shit.

Getting one guy to sit and crunch code to build a small building (sub 20 storeys, or smaller footprint than a small stadium) is pointless at this stage, but that will all change soon.

Linux is less bloated than Windows, it doesn't use your CPU/Disk to activate telemetry, uses a filesystem that doesn't get defragged, doesn't cost you, why wouldn't i want to recommend this?
if you install Linux i won't be less lonely tbqh, i don't know how you came up with that
I blame sites like omgubuntu and noobslab about terminal thing. When showing a theme they just put commands when you can easily do that in GUI

I agree.

>not everything is about money


Fuckin sandnigger.

say that to my face and see what happens.

Can you hit me up with source?

>pepe the frog
Who knew the meme cancer made it to the Caucasus region...

You are a five feet tall sandnigger.

I'm a six feet tall American gunowner.

What are you going to do?

This. They want you to have a better experience

>showing off a meme folder
haha how pathetic haha

same fag

Eurofag pretending to be American.

How boring and unfun do you have to be to adopt this awful mindset? I stopped using Windows and I use almost entirely different programs from before. I never used to use vim, tmux, ssh, irssi, etc. If I limited myself to thinking like you, I would have never found these wonderful programs and learned to use a computer in a more fun and interesting way.

Nice. Ignore the haters.

>I can't program, let alone read code, so what's the point?
This is the biggest reason that free software is more important than open source software. You can use it, distribute it to others, and feel confident that you are not restricted or spied on while using it. Open source only guarantees that the source is viewable, which many won't care about.

just fix the start icon, then it will be nice
yeah it's about get currency fuq bitches amirite? fucking capitalistic amerifat pig

> they just put commands when you can easily do that in GUI
You got it mixed up, bud

Command line is better than anything GUI for most instances. If you bothered to get out of your comfort zone and learned it, you'd realize that.
yeah i mixed it up with noobslab, there are other websites do this too, even some ppa pages recommend command line for whatever reason

>Lincucks actually doing any work
Hahahahahaha no

> Downloading the right file for your machine from trusted repos and getting the right files for your computer correctly set up
> Going to a random website, installing 5 trojans from xss attacks. Getting 9 toolbars and a new dvd installer and desktop adds from the installation process after having to set up the path yourself for every different program

This desu. Trying to put winshit in sleep mode actually keeps my HDDs spinning for some reason. On Linux it works as it should. It feels good when you grow out of the winshit phase.

>9-5 slave every day of the week
>thinks his money means anything when over half his life spent on making someone else achieve their goals and make x1000 more money

this is some next level irony

i'd like linux if there was one which had proper device drivers. i always get an issue with my rx 480. i always followed the guides for it on amd's main site or forums. it happened with arch and fedora and even on mint. at that point i just gave up and installed W10 LTSB. now i have CB++ on virtualbox but i rarely open it. i wish i could get into linux. it seems way more open ended on what the basis of an operating system is all about.

one day openbsd will have a decent vmm and then you'll see YOU'LL ALL SEE

until then i'm using windows

rx 480 is fully supported, what's the problem? You know open source (default) drivers work fine?

i didn't. anytime i looked up drivers supported for it i was always told to just use AMDs linux supported drivers. even then mint would crash and say the driver had an error and just revert to software rendering.

>designing dragon dildos after a banana

Learning Patra has honestly been one of the most intellectually satisfying parts of my engineering job. Helps that my FEM prof in college was one of the early researchers on the computational end and taught us how to do it algorithmically on paper, in the same process as how a solver like Nastran would solve it.

Hey do you do translations? I've never met anyone who did before and I just wanted to say thanks.

Sure man, you're welcome
